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Hey PB&J! Pay me back the money you owe me!

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Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL


So listen.

This PB&J guy... he drove down with me to South Florida for the fourth of July.

4th of July 2008.

And I told him he was more than welcome to come.

If he paid me gas money!

Reasonable, no?

Now, i've never been one to hold debts over peoples head. Often times I don't even bother asking people to pay me back. We are all friends and this is one big community.

But we drove down to Florida back when gas was at 3.50 a gallon. And it cost me in total gas money some 220 dollars. It was a significant bit of change.

Oh yeah, did I mention on the way back up, he had me drop him off some 45 minutes off the route to Atlanta somewhere in Orlando?

Did I also mention that I stayed there for 2 hours until 9 PM in Orlando waiting for him to get his stuff together, because he's inconsiderate and doesn't plan ahead, especially when I have class and an Essay due the next day at 10 AM?

Let's forget I was driving in the wee hours of the AM when I could have just as easily made it back at midnight on the dot had I not made that detour and stayed for 2 hours. (Normal bed time I would say for most of us).

So here we are.

Almost a full year later.

And... somehow... Evan just hasn't managed to pay me back any of the money.

Well, I don't know exactly what Evan has been doing this whole time. But I do know that:

~He's flown to Kansas City and Back, and entered Event 52.
~He went to AWA, where he won 200 dollars in Brawl, and proceed to spend every penny on a bunch of anime merchandise.
~He flew to NY for Revival of Melee, which he entered.
~He's entered a number of GA Melee tournaments, including Tipped Off 4.

And yes, I have met him at some point in time after each and every one of these events.

Oh, and lets not forget he stayed in Orlando for 3 weeks and entered FAST1 right after this little trip of ours.

So here's the deal.

Evan: I'm not going to ask you ever again to pay me back. If you do, sweet, if not, then whatever.

Everyone else: now you know.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
~He went to AWA, where he won 200 dollars in Brawl, and proceed to spend every penny on a bunch of anime merchandise.
man i lost a buttton of money @ awa that i could have saved if SOMEONE WOULD DRIVE ME HOME GEZ


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
This should be the Pay People Back thread.

Marty owes me about $6 for Steak N Shake one night. And $5 entry fee into a Brawl teams that we got our money back in, but I gave him his $5 winnings.

Get at me.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
hey guys, let's not ruin the impact of xif's thread here

this is a chunk of change to owe someone over a full year


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
Xif u have to m kidding me...u just asked me yeterday to give u 60 dollars back..then what do i suppose to do while im in fl..starve ..yeah right

everyone knows who reads this thread u are rich and u really dont need it ..ill give u the money back when i can afford it

im just not going to give it to u and be broke and beg people for money

so stop being gay and making threads in my name please

and nobody post in this thread besdies me and xif please becasue it doesnt concern u

who makes threads like this anyway...wow..grow up kid ill give it to u soon


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Xif u have to m kidding me...u just asked me yeterday to give u 60 dollars back..then what do i suppose to do while im in fl..starve ..yeah right

everyone knows who reads this thread u are rich and u really dont need it ..ill give u the money back when i can afford it

im just not going to give it to u and be broke and beg people for money

so stop being gay and making threads in my name please

and nobody post in this thread besdies me and xif please becasue it doesnt concern u

who makes threads like this anyway...wow..grow up kid ill give it to u soon
Well, I'm not rich right now, I've used up most of my money by living the past 2 months in Florida with my mom.

And give it to me soon?! Isn't that what you've been saying for the past year? Are you talking soon like tectonic shift soon? Like 50 years is soon for 2 continents to collide yeah.

And you wont starve trust me if you've found ways to pay for entire plane tickets, and then you can find a way to pay me back what is a fraction of that. If you come down to Doodah's tournament tomorrow and don't enter any of the events, and dont enter the gigs coming up, and... I dunno, MAYBE do dollar menu once or twice, thats enough saving of money to pay me back.

And I don't mind if anyone else posts in here to be quite honest.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
2 things that xif didn't touch base on

1) there is a huge difference between your parents being rich and you being rich. by this logic, iirc your dad is pretty rich, evan. you don't need the money either...?
2) part of growing up is being responsible with money, which includes paying back debts that you owe.

i'm not bashing you, just pointing things out.

i do remember taking your money at some point to pay for that shirt
when i couldn't come through i paid you back as soon as i had spare money and i even gave you back interest. imo that's being at least a little responsible...


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
obvousliy u made this thread for other people to agree with u..but i didnt pay for my ticket to genesis..i repeat..i did not pay for my ticket to genesis..someone else offered to pay for me..im not giving u the money back while im in fl ..so get ober it kid..i dont believe u that u Alex campos doenst have money and u are working..im pretty positive if u had it rough u would just ask your father for some money ..but u dont have to because u are working..

im not going to go back in forth with u over something so small..lill talk to u about it tommorrow in person..stop making dumb threads people dont care about..sleepy u gave me an extra five dollars..

this doesnt concern u

my Father is a dead beat--i dont live with him..

xif lives with his father..and gets money from him...i dont want to hear that crap

i havent recieved a penny from my father in like 13 years..stop butting in where u dont have to this is between bored xif and me


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
xif's dad doesn't hand out free money, either.

evan this isn't about "having it rough" or how much money xif has, it's pretty much about being financially responsible.
extra five dollars on 25 is pretty high interest for a month and a half ;D

really, evan. if someone borrowed a considerable amount of money from you and hadn't paid it back in a year despite taking trips to various other states and entering tournaments for a video game, you'd kind of want your money, too.

and how am i butting in? i'm just making observations. i'm not telling anyone to do anything.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
yesterday was my first day, and I probably wont get any money til next week.

It isn't about needing it. Ok yes, on the whole I don't really need it, but you stilll owe me money.

But you don't really need to go to all these tournament, and you definitely don't need 200 dollars of anime stuff. You could have easily paid me back after AWA, instead of using it all for yourself.
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