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Here is something I wish to say (on assassinations or people going after civic leaders)


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Now, to begin, let me post something I posted on another forum.

"So, I wish to say something. You know about Taylor Swift, right? That celebrity? Not only is she pro-Biden, but she is against the likes of Trump and his supporters and has been fighting to prevent the likes of them to not control the USA. Because of this, though, many people who are MAGAts, support Trump, or are religious like those evangelists have wanted to go after her and target her in a not so good way, and even FOX News called her "public enemy number one" for what she has been doing, which is BS, but still...

I am sure some of those people would like to kill her, but I have to ask; what would they achieve that would be good by doing so and isn't based on self-centered reasons that will only satisfy themselves and not everyone else and will just make them look bad, if they care or not? I mean, what good can come out of killing anyone like Taylor Swift? I mean, people like her are doing a lot for this country and are fighting oppression, like many have before in this country. In fact, those who were killed for fighting for what they believe in ended up leaving their mark in history, and have been remembered for their actions.

Take Martin Luther King Jr., for example. He did a lot as a civil rights activists, and fought for the many African Americans who were being oppressed, in a peaceful way. In fact, even after he was assassinated, he is still celebrated, has a day that honors him, and is seen as a historical, big time figure in the United States, while those like the person who killed Martian Luther King Jr. was not as well remembered, seen as a full time bad guy and, if I recall correctly, ended up being punished. Either way, he did not achieve much by killing Martian Luther King Jr.

My point is that killing people who have done a lot of work for things like this country such as Taylor Swift and Martian Luther King Jr. are more remembered for their actions compared to those who kill or come after them. In fact, those MAGAts and evangelists have not done anything meaningful or good for this country outside of the members of the very kind they are part of that they try to please. Trump has not been remembered for being a good president, at all. In fact, so far, he has been seen as more of a bad guy, in spite of his supporters. Bad is not looked well upon like how good has been well looked upon, and I doubt these guys know what good is, or know what it is anymore. Either way, they are not going to do any beneficial for themselves, the other members of the groups they are part of, or even the country as a whole, and no, doing things for one's self interests like those of the MAGAts and evangelists won't do much for the country. They may delay the inevitable in some way, but they will be seen as bad guys for killing people who have done more good and done more work for this country, like Taylor and Martian. In fact, they are hypocritical because they are only breaking the law if they try to kill such people, which, may I add, are laws made long ago by mostly Christians, if I recall correctly. Sure, the United States has supposed to have a separation between church and state, but the United States did not always exist, and their laws are still based on those religious people made long ago, even when the United States was known as the 13 colonies, or when the 13 colonies had begun to be formed by people who came from Europe back then, so those who would try to kill people like Martian or Taylor are going against what their ancestors made as rules long ago, even if there was still corruption and discrimination back then, but religion is heavily flawed, anyway, and those religious people like Christians try to make exceptions, only to look hypocritical.

But yes, those people like the MAGAt and evangelists, and maybe some others, whether they care or not, won't change the fact that they will be bad guys and will not be remembered much, or at all compared to those who do political work or fight for the good of this country. In fact, they most likely have done nothing good themselves, the ones who want to kill the good guys, and chances are, killing someone who has done much more and fights for good is not going to make you a good guy, especially if the killer or would-be killer has not done anything like the ones they target and the only thing they have done is just killed a good person or one fighting for good like Martian Luther King Jr. or Taylor Swift.

In fact, it will just make things worse for themselves and people like them, and anything that may come out of it that is "good" for them will be short-lived (if it lives at all), be good for the bad guys only and won't change the fact that they are bad guys. I mean, two wrongs don't make a right, they always say."

So, with this, I would like to add, if I have not added already, that those people are fighting for themselves and their own, corrupted and bad ideals rather for the country that the civic leader(s) they go after fight against, and they are likely doing it for not just not the country, but for a person wanting power, like Trump, and people like him don't even give a care about the people of the nation, as they too, more often than not, are fighting for themselves.

They are never going to make a good mark in history if they think killing a civic leader like Taylor Swift and Martian Luther King Jr., just to keep what they selfishly want alive and have it continue, and will more than likely continue to make a bad impression on themselves on the group they are part of. Now, people do rather act emotionally, but we, as humans, are supposed to talk things out and be more logical, not resort to violence, let alone killing, especially if the violence is used to keep selfish wants alive. Some people do not have proper help that helps them to control themselves, but to me, while it is one thing to want someone dead for selfish reasons, to not use logic and use violence and kill at all instead of doing things the more humane way as established; that is not what being human is about; that is being animal-like, and I do not think those people who think violence will get them anywhere; just because they disagree or don't like it; are even human, or even are well developed to be part of society. Not to say they should die, but they certainly aren't human to me if they want to use tactics that not only do no good, but are not what humans should use.

I'd also like to add that we are supposed to be one country, one race, (which is the human race) and we are supposed to be more like a team. There is no "I" in team. To fight for one's bad ideals and want them to continue and resist change and fight for yourself, even if you have a small group of people who side or agree with you, divides the country like the USA (and it can happen to other countries, too) and puts needless opposition against one another in what is supposed to be the same country we live in, and maybe fight for. Plus, humanity, as well as society itself, is ever-changing, and some things have to change and replace the old to make things better. To not want change for selfish reasons and to try to keep what has to change to not change will do more bad than good for us humans, maybe even the Earth we live on, as stagnancy is not really a good thing in an ever-changing world. Even if the change does not happen immediately, it can still happen, and for some things people may want to continue to exist and not change for themselves, it might end up being pointless, and the many other people out there may not benefit from it, like if the USA became a dictatorship. It may not be easy, or it may not be possible even to please everyone, but we can still please as many as we can. It is not like letting go of what one wants, which may hinder society if it stays, by the way, is a really bad idea. There is no reason to be afraid of change.

BUT yeah, with all that said, killing civic leaders like Taylor Swift and Martian Luther King Jr. will not have a good impact on the killers themselves or the groups that share their beliefs, and they will cause more harm in many ways rather than just one. Reality is not as simple as it seems, and the "good" things that happen to the killers or those going after civic leaders is not going to be the only consequence that happens. It's surprising how people do not think of the consequences of their actions, which I consider to be animal-like more than human like, and killing thing for one beneficial thing that may happen to the killer, which is small, insignificant, and will be among many other things that will happen (all which are bad) is not worth it.

That is pretty much all I have to say here. What do you all think?


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
Something to keep in mind about the (American) conservative mindset is that, at this point, they have constructed their own alternate reality where whatever they want to believe is the truth is the truth, that anything that does not support their views is lies and an evil conspiracy meant to suppress their righteous cause. They fully believe that what they are doing and what they want to happen is right, and if they have their way they will be viewed and remembered that way--history is often written by the victors.

And it's far too late to change their minds via discussion/debate. Humans are not really as logical and rational as they want to believe, right-wingers especially so. The base motivation is whatever makes them feel good, not facts or long-term results. This is partly why Donald Trump still holds sway over American politics and why he's not universally reviled by the American population. They see themselves in him, his presidency validated their hatred and bigotry.

Assassination (and violence in general) does have its uses though.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Something to keep in mind about the (American) conservative mindset is that, at this point, they have constructed their own alternate reality where whatever they want to believe is the truth is the truth, that anything that does not support their views is lies and an evil conspiracy meant to suppress their righteous cause. They fully believe that what they are doing and what they want to happen is right, and if they have their way they will be viewed and remembered that way--history is often written by the victors.

And it's far too late to change their minds via discussion/debate. Humans are not really as logical and rational as they want to believe, right-wingers especially so. The base motivation is whatever makes them feel good, not facts or long-term results. This is partly why Donald Trump still holds sway over American politics and why he's not universally reviled by the American population. They see themselves in him, his presidency validated their hatred and bigotry.

Assassination (and violence in general) does have its uses though.
It is quite sad, really. We run on emotion more than logic, so it is kind of no surprise some people would do that. You are also right that it is too late to change their minds using discussion/debate. Plus, as someone from somewhere told me, these people think it is worth the risk to kill someone like a civic leader, when their views are very narrow and they can't see beyond what they selfishly want or think will be good. That, I believe, goes with what you said about their thinking that what they want to happen and what they are doing is right, even though it is not.

It is quite a shame. People seem to be living in a "simulation" where they think everything is fine, even though it is not. If you have ever seen the movie Matrix, the humans in that movie find themselves in a virtual reality world (which is the titular Matrix itself) and think it is real, when in reality, they are being controlled by machines, and the world is dark and ruled by machines.

That said, I think these people who think it is a good idea to kill others, with one of the reasons being to just satisfy and keep what they want to not change existing and have been lied to by those such as some religious people and many republicans of the USA, are kinda living in a fake world like those in the Matrix movie, and they do not realize it.

I sometimes think how much good these people I speak of have been actually taught to do by others.


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2019
It is quite sad, really. We run on emotion more than logic, so it is kind of no surprise some people would do that. You are also right that it is too late to change their minds using discussion/debate. Plus, as someone from somewhere told me, these people think it is worth the risk to kill someone like a civic leader, when their views are very narrow and they can't see beyond what they selfishly want or think will be good. That, I believe, goes with what you said about their thinking that what they want to happen and what they are doing is right, even though it is not.

It is quite a shame. People seem to be living in a "simulation" where they think everything is fine, even though it is not. If you have ever seen the movie Matrix, the humans in that movie find themselves in a virtual reality world (which is the titular Matrix itself) and think it is real, when in reality, they are being controlled by machines, and the world is dark and ruled by machines.

That said, I think these people who think it is a good idea to kill others, with one of the reasons being to just satisfy and keep what they want to not change existing and have been lied to by those such as some religious people and many republicans of the USA, are kinda living in a fake world like those in the Matrix movie, and they do not realize it.

I sometimes think how much good these people I speak of have been actually taught to do by others.
It sort of reminds me of some of the Tom Clancy's games really. Somber as the topic of this thread is, it does make for a great setting in for instance a Rainbow Six.
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