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Help With Brawl Texture Hacking (TexConv)

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Smash Rookie
Jan 24, 2009
Link to original post: [drupal=1463]Help With Brawl Texture Hacking (TexConv)[/drupal]

Ok. I am having a problem with TexConv. I am working on a stage texture hack and after I open TexConv with the command prompt to convert my tga files to tpl files I get this:

TCVerifyLists: unable to open file C:\USERS\CALEB\DESKTOP\CORNERIA\117GRDCORNERIASKY3 for read

total alloc: 744
total freed: 744

I am not trying to open a the tga file directly with TexConv. i have it open the tcs file i made using TCSMake.

what am i doing wrong????

Also, I did not want to have to write a new blog for this but NO ONE has responded to any of the posts I have put on forum threads.
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