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Help viewing hitboxes/effects?


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2009
In BrawlBox (or in-game even) I'm trying to make the hitboxes and effects of the moves visible. How do I do this, in both the program and in-game? Oh, and how would I see the properties of the attack (such as its type).

Edit: Oops, wrong board.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2009
Ah. Thank you, that is exactly what I needed.

While I realize it's a WIP, I can't tell what hitboxes belong to what move. And maybe it's not implemented, I cannot view the hurtboxes. The hitboxes move along with the bones so I can't tell what the hitbox is attached to.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2006
Someplace in Canada
Yeah, unless you already know a bit about the hitboxes it's hard to tell what moves they belong to. That said however, they generally follow the same pattern:
  • Glide attack
  • Neutral combo
  • Dash attack
  • F-tilt (up, side, down)
  • U-tilt
  • D-tilt
  • F-smash (up, side, down)
  • U-smash
  • D-smash
  • Nair
  • Fair
  • Bair
  • Uair
  • Dair
  • Nair/fair/bair/uair/dair landing
  • Grab (standing, running, pivot)
  • Pummel
  • B-throw, F-throw, U-throw, D-throw (for the hitboxes of multihit throws)
  • Floor attacks (back, front)
  • Edge attacks (fast, slow)
  • Floor attack (trip)
  • Unique item hitboxes (e.g. Marth f-smash)
  • Taunt
  • Specials (usually neutral, side, up, down, FS)
Something that I find helps with this is looking at the ID numbers - a Hitbox 0 usually shows a new group of hitboxes, for example, and seeing four hitboxes with IDs of 0-1-2-3 is almost a guarentee they're all part of the same segment. Some of the attributes are also a big help (a 18%-damage hitbox with an angle of 90 is probably an u-smash, for example).

Hurtboxes are not yet implemented.

In the picker dialog it says what bone (number) the hitbox is attached to.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2009
Thank you so much, now they make sense.

And I pretty much inferred that last bit of information. I did see what bones they were attached to but a lot of the hitboxes are similar so knowing the bones doesn't help. And sometimes they aren't attached to a specific bone, as if they are floating.

And I noticed you're doing a project of hitbox repositories. How unfortunate for me, I was thinking of doing one myself. xD
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