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Help!'s Sorta Useful Mario Stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
May 08, 2008 - Posted at SWF
May 12, 2008 - Copied and Pasted ??????'s FLUDD Data

Copy Righted by John Lim (Help!)
I don't know how to do the copy right symbol...

I. Intro
II. Character Match ups
III. Stages Pro's and Con's
IV. The Cape
V. Attack Data
VI. ??????'s F.L.U.D.D. Data

I. Intro

So this is mainly created and edited by me, Help! Uhm I'm from Washington and attend tournaments about once or twice a month, and play mainly with Duggish, Banana, and Eggz. I don't have that much experience at the moment as I don't get out to play this game much with others unless it's at tournaments. So the Mario Community is helping out with this and providing thier input to this I guess guide type thingy. Let's see I don't think you guys really need an introduction on Mario himself and his history seeing that we're all gamers and should know about Mario's background.

I guess that just leaves the introduction about myself some more and maybe some tidbits about Brawl Mario, which I actually think will have a different section for that.

I'll update this a lil bit more later, it's late and I'm supposed to be studying...

II. Character Match ups

O.K. Guys Mario boards are dieing down a bit, so let's create a Mario match up thing. I'll start it off and I'll probably be adding more after Gameclucks this Saturday. Any who It's late so I don't want to bother with an introduction, you all know how this works. Post whatever like tips and advantages and disadvantages and crap whatever really I don't really care. Once we figure this out I'll probably try to copy Eggz' structure for his match ups for melee, cause his was pretty and ****, but now I don't have enough to create something like that

Boozer - Advantage
+ Low % Up tilt ****
+ Actual combo's (I think)
+ Fireball ****
+ Cape-able up B
+ Laggy aerials
- Bowser-cides
- Range
Counterpicks: FD. I don't know. Avoid platforms? Cause of him being so big and beefy he can hit through platforms? I don't know no one plays Boozer. I don't know what to tell you. Spear Pillar should actually always be your counter pick no matter who you're playing cause that stage is ****.

Captain Falcon - Advantage
+ Low % U tilt ****
+ Fireball ****
+ Cape-able up B Easy too
+ Falcons Garbage
- Falcon Punch
- U air is ****. Has a lot of priority, so avoid being above Captain Falcon. I don't think you can beat it if you are.
Counterpicks: Errr?

Diddy Kong - Disadvantage or Nuetral
+ Fireball is pretty **** (As always)
+ Out range Diddy pretty well in somethings
+ Cape is helpful enough to claim some banana's
+ Lacks KO moves. You can knock out Diddy pretty decently, while he has to get you up to pretty high percents
- Pretty much lagless Dash attack
- Banana's are gay, they do a lot of things that will really mess you up
- Over b with the kick out priotizes fireball and catch you off guard
- He actually has combos
- His offensive prowlness(is that a word?) is topnotch, he can keep on pressure like no other I've ever seen. He'll rack up damage quick and pull off a lot of hits on you
Counterpicks: Green Greens and Rainbow cruise to reduce banana BS and Diddy's recovery sucks. BF Platforms will mess some banana's up and so will Yoshi's Story. I assume Lylat could mess up Diddy's quite a bit too.
Use the Banana's to your own good. Also Diddy's will attempt try to reclaim the banana's, usually with the dash attack, so abuse that assumption.
Another thing is that fighting Diddy definately different than fighting anyone else in the whole entire game. It really takes time to learn him, but Diddy really does lack in KO moves. You can take percents up to the really high 100's and you can KO Diddy a lot easier than he can KO you. He can rack up on damage really fast though on you and can keep this offensive assualt on pretty harshly, making it confusing and intimidating on what you're actually supposed to do vs diddy. It will really seem like you're losing pretty bad the whole time because of how fast he's racking up percent, but you just have to keep on keeping on, he's quite easy to knock out. He has to be at like 80% at the least to knock out, and Mario has to be pretty much like 150% or higher to be knocked out. I get knocked out in like 170 usually I think.

Donkey Kong - ???
+ Combo's pretty easily
+ Up B cape
- Insane Range
- Decent Speed
- Juggernaught Punch AKA Super Armor frames in the neutral B
- Cargo Stage spikes
Counterpicks: ???

Falco - Disadvantage
+ Low % U tilt ****
+ Falco's recovery is still pretty garbage
+ Cape up b of course, or cape the charge up animation to up air is pretty **** too.
- Chain grabs
- Dair out priotizes U air and maybe everything else Mario's got from below.
- Reflector ***** fireball approach
Counterpick: I dunno

Fox - ???
+ Cape up b
- Last and only time I played a fox I got *****, so I don't really know the info
Counterpick: ???

Game and Watch - ???
- Bucket filled can kill at 100%
Counterpick: ???

Ganon - ???
Counterpick: ???

Ice Climbers - Disadvantage
-Chain grabs
Counterpick: ???

Ike - He fight for his friends.
- Ike is too good
- Ike is ****
- You cant beat Ike
- Forward Smash
- Duggish
- Eggz
+ Ike ditto money matches
Counterpick: Be Ike and choose Spear Pillar.

Roy (AKA Real Ike info) - Advantage
+ Ikes slow
+ U tilt ***** low percents
+ Fluddable up b
+ Capable Over B although you need to space it right
+ Fireballs ***** up pretty well
- Range and Power
- Nuetral AAA Combo is pretty good

Jiggly - ???
+ Is light
+ One of the worst characters in the game apparently
Counterpick: I assume things with platforms?

King Dedede - ???
+ Caping his up b is satisfying
+ Fireballs
- Chain Grabs
- **** edge gaurding
Counterpick: Nothing with walls or walk offs

Kirby - ???
- I played t!mmy and got *****
Counterpick: ???

Link - ???
Counterpick: ???

Lucario - ???
Counterpick: ???

Lucas - Advantage or nuetral
+ Fludd ***** Lucas, Recovery and anything that takes time he can push him off the edge and set up for something good
+ Jump, Cape, Fireball, Fludd, Attack PK Thunder to steal the recovery
- Absorbs Fireballs
- Whoa PK thunder is wierd and it's not a bad edge gaurd
- Fsmash is quick and has plenty of range, also doubles up as a reflector.
Counterpick: Anything seems pretty good, Yoshi's Island ***** them if theyre too close to the wall cause it steals the pk

Luigi - Disadvantage
- Aerial out priotizes
- Real Combos?
- Jab combo to super punch! God I love that crap so much.
I forget what else
Counterpick: Errr

Mario - Extreme Disadvantage
- No matter what Mario wins
- Fludd
- Eggz
Counterpick: Spear Pillar

Marth - Nuetral
+ Can outrange at times
+ Fireballs always = ****
+ Edgegaurd
- Range, not as bad as it used to be though.
- Tipper kills at pretty low percents it's ridiculous, although it sometimes seems that Tipper is random to me.
- Sword, meaning a disjointed hit box, meaning it's harder to pull some things off, but really it's not as big as a problem anymore
- Very fast over b pretty much acts like a jab/ jab combo
Counterpick: Probably FD seeing as the Shield breaker as a recovery can get him caught in FD, plus lack of platforms.

Meta Knight - Disadvantage
+ Fireball
+ If you pay attention Meta has some pretty decent end lag in some attacks.
- Range and priority is ridiculous as everyone has found out about Metaknight
- Up B is waaaay too good not to spam the hell out of it. Kills at Early percents. Super high glide attack priority
- Eggz is kind of a big deal
Counterpick: I think maybe Yoshi's Cause of short edges

Ness - Advantage or nuetral
Same as I said for Lucas
- Better PK Thunder
- Better than Lucas
- Duggish is koo
Counterpick: Same as Lucas

Peach - ???
Counterpick: ???

Pikachu - ???
+ Fireball
- There was something I don't remember anymore
Counterpick: Probably FD
Just remember to DI out of the Dsmash

Pikmin and Olimar - Disadvantage
+ Edge hog (Hugging, Cape Hug thing, Cape Stall)
- Olimar's too ****
- Range
- Grabs are ridiculous
- Red pikmin are immune to fire
Counterpick: I don't even know

Pit - Disadvantage
- Reflector
- Edgegaurding
- Too good
Counterpick: ???

Pokemon Trainer - ??? (Mostly Monk Data)
Ivysaur - ???
+ Easy to combo
+ Easy to edgehog
- Mario is easily out ranged
Charizard - ???
+ Easy to combo
- Rock Smash, lol rock smash is tight just saying.
- Hard to KO
- Mario is KO'd easier
Squirtle - ???
- He's a quick little *******
Counterpick: ???

R.O.B. - Disadvantage
- Range, Everything ROB does outranges Mario and is quick enough to interupt attacks. So ROB attacks out priotizes most of Marios. Even a properly spaced Fsmash will get interupted and out ranged ROB's ftilt.
- Power
- Extremely fast laser, for gimping the 2nd jump and such.
- Incredible Recovery
Counterpick: ???
I think ROB is one of the best counterpicks against Mario cause i see nothing Mario can do, but i don't have too much experience.

Samus - ???
+ Caping Missiles speeds em up
- Grapple cancel keeps distance pretty well, and ruins some approaches
Counterpick: ???

Shiek - Disadvantage
- Range
- Speed
- Combos
- Needles
Counterpick: ???

Snake - Eggz says Mario's a counterpick and really Mario isn't too bad against Snake, but I'm not so sure he's a counter pick.
+ Fair his up b is too ****, If you can send Snake Low enough it's not too hard edgegaurd him.
+ U tilt **** low %
+ Jabs intererupt pretty well
- Ftilt
- Utilt
Counterpick: FD So you can see where he plants his mines and he only has one platform to plant em.

Sonic - Neutral or Advantage
+ Sonics garbage
Counterpick: ???

Toon Link - Disadvantage
- Range
- Speed
- Projectiles
- Shield
- Bair
Counterpick: ???

Wario - ??? ( I'd assume advantage )
+ Lack of range
Counterpick: FD?

Wolf - ???
+ Utilt **** at low percents
+ You have the same priorities with Ftilt, Jab, Utilts. So I think you can clank or interupt Smash attacks pretty well
+ Cape Up b
- Lasers
- F smash
- Dsmash is way too fast and spammable
I've played a couple wolf's but I can't remember what's up with them
Counterpick: Lylat or FD cause of edges. Avoid BF for ledge tricks

Yoshi - ???
Counterpick: ???

Zelda - Neutral
+ Zeldas slow
- Neutral B is pretty good, Can be used to stop Fireball approaches, and also has this really ridiculous range that even stops you from F smashing, It's pretty annoying.
- Range, invisible hitboxes sorta
- Long lasting attacks, Just got to get used to the timing so you don't let go of the shield too early then you can punish
- Power, tilts, smashes, aerials, She's got a lot of KO moves.
- Down smash has got a good trajectory to shoot people out at along with power, making one attack that can set up for edgegaurds, and sometimes KO's without actually sending you off the edge.
- Look out for the lightning kicks, they're pretty **** good... Gets really scary to do aerials at higher percents as the toe isn't the hardest thing to connect with and the range is semi decent.
- Good recovery, She teleports from far away, nuff said.
Counterpick: FD. Err avoid Battle Field and Yoshi's Story she's got some range advantage on those stages.
With all these Negatives and such, I for some reason still beat Zeldas... So I'm keeping her Nuetral. I don't really know a strat either. Just don't be intimidated by this It's not nearly as bad as it seems.

Zamus - ???
Counterpick: ???

Yeah so a lot of that is pretty vague I don't have too much experience and the experience I have I forgot what to do. I just do it.

III. Stage Pro's and Con's

I don't know how well we can figure this out right at the moment, but we can at least get it started. I've noticed a few things a few stages and I havn't been playing brawl that much so correct me if I'm wrong and add your own, we'll start building a list starting now.
I'll update whenever I feel like it. This looks a lot like Eggz's melee one cept not as pretty, but I like his structure.

+ = pro's
- = con's
* = not sure someone test or correct me
^ = misc's


+ Sh aerials underneath platforms leave you relativily safe
+ Double uair underneath bottom platforms
+ No horrible disadvantage from what I've noticed
+ Platforms allow for easier 'combos' with uair and such
+ Platforms help with fireballs a bit?
-* Wolf might be able to camp better on this stage although i havnt played too many wolfs, but the platforms kinda limit fullhoped
fireball approaches (only played one wolf online with lag, but that's what it seems like.
- Characters with range or vertical range have an advantage on this stage (eg. Marth, Zelda)
^ Edges allows you drop down wall jump and do something fancy like bairs or reverse uairs

Seems pretty neutral to me I always counterpick it cause I'm the most comfortable on this stage.

Final Destination
+ You can spam easier with the lack of platforms getting in the way
- Edges worst than Battlefield (melee)
^* I'm pretty sure you can do that wall jump trick on FD although it's harder I think you can at least I already forgot

Seems pretty neutral, but I dont counterpick it becuase the edges suck.

Yoshi's Island
+ No gliding underneath the stage allowing just one less option for recoveries (Metaknight and Pit) This also can allow for easier edgegaurding on Pit if he has to use his up b
+ Short blast lines for Mario not having the greatest KO moves although they're not bad now.
-* Platform slants making it harder to strike from below if raised and maybe even in the middle. (I really don't know I'm too sh happy and dont full hop all to much.)
- Short blast lines
-* Range Characters can probably still abuse the platform
- When the platform is slanted it can ruin the fireballs
- One big platform in the middle limits the fireballs to only sh fireballs pretty much
I havn't noticed anything too bad about this stage, but I really don't know. Mario might be at a disadvantage it seems at least but I can't say for sure. Actually I don't like the big platform

+ Can be pretty spam happy with the moving platform not being in the way so much
+* I don't remember too well but pretty safe underneath platform game?
+* Moving platform can allow for an easier edgegaurding game?
+ Edges allow for easier sweet spotting (like it wasn't easy enough)
+* Moving platform makes it a safer platform to be on against ranged characters? (although I'm sure if theyre good enough it wont effect them)
+* Moving platform allows it to get around Wolf's Laser spam better?
-Moving platform allows for easier edgegaurding

*You know what this might possibly be Mario's best counterpick, now that I think about it... Needs to be figured out by someone smarter or better than me.

Lylat Cruise
+ Pretty sure there's still a safe underneath platform game
+ Alright this is the best thing I found so far. Standing projectiles are worse depending on the slant of the stage. (Actually now that I think about it the slant could mess with straight moving projectiles pretty well becuase it could get caught on the stage or fly over head depending on the positions of people on the stage, While not hindering Mario's fireball game too much.)
+ Platforms are pretty short allowing for a trickier fireball game along with a tilt in the stage
-Range characters seem to have the upper hand on this stage with tilted platforms and such.
-Edges can be easy to hang up on, specially with tilting and stuff.
^ Background's pretty cool to look at
Counter pick versus Wolf to avoid a lot of laser spamming and a tougher recovery for him. You can cape him even if he's going vertical i think he still goes under the stage.

Seems pretty nuetral maybe not versus ranged characters but i dont really know


Fridgate Ophean
+ The Flip is pretty **** cool although it could mess you up pretty bad as in a lost of stock
+ Oh actually the flip back to the original state of the level could mess up tether recoveries cause of the lack of an edge on the right side
+ Even better Lack of edge on the right side messes up tether recoveries pretty good
-No Edge on the right side before the flip I think that sucks

Rainbow Cruise
+Keeping tether recoveries where the stage is starting to disapear and off the edge allows for easier gimping due to lack of edges

Alright there's my list of Neutrals anyone feel free to correct or add on to this list be it to these stages or to other stages that are counterpicks, what characters you should counterpick what stage or whatever and other stuff.

IV. The Cape

So The Cape does some wierd things like it used to do some wierd things in melee. Well this time it seems to turn around people more then it used to.

Alright to start off I'll just list some things that it does differently now.

Cape was always pretty decent in melee. but it does some wierd stuff in brawl and I think it's got better edgeguarding capabilities. Here's some useful info for all ya all.

-Caping samus's power missiles makes them travel faster
-The Cape is way cooloer then the fludd
-The Cape is way more useful and easier to use than the fludd
-Caping a double jump launches them higher but also in the other direction (doing this to people with vertical recoveries messes with them quite a bit, for instance marth)
-Caping people reverses there momentum causing them to travel just as fast the other way. (like when you caped people in melee when they were just falling they would just turn around and head in the same direction. In brawl it reverses their direction too.)
-Caping seems to turn around people a lot better than in melee aka if you caped a roll in melee they would roll in the same direction but their animation would be like backwards sorta. but if you cape a roll in brawl they roll the other direction.
-Someone on Smashboards says if you caped fox or falcos charge up animation of the up b it turns em around. THIS STILL DOES NOT WORK it brings them higher and they can still go the direction they want to. This applies to Diddy Kong too. You can however cape Wolf's up b as it is like Fox and Falcos illusion.
-You can cape Snakes Up b although he still gets another up b for no apparent reason...
-Caping Samus's jumps or up b i think are both beneficial to her recovery as she jumps extremely high and not to horizontally(unless i guess you cape her up b to set up for a smash or something)
-Caping Zeldas up b when she is activating it makes her go the other way
-I dont think this works on Shiek
-The Cape still does a lot of things from melee (but not all)
-The Cape no longer turns around people when shield cause the shield is all mighty and powerful in this game
-The Cape is shorter and feels different then the melee cape. (Not sure what it is, the reflecting doesnt feel as long or something, maybe the lag is longer or something I really don't know it just feels different)
-aerial cape extension thingy that you mentioned just aids in agressively edgeguarding people who are recoverying high, basically. just do that -> uair and it'll get'em
-You can cape stall pretty well (but not safely) on the edge just cape opposite of the ledge and you'll crap right back after the cape animation is done. I guess you can cape people coming to the edge like that although they have to be a certain distance or they'll sweetspot the ledge.
-Cape pivots. I think you can cape the opposite direction during the dash animation. I havnt found a real use although i havnt used it much but im sure it will come in handy for spacing or juking people to attack then you cape or something of that sorts. As far as i can tell you cant cape backwards during the actual running animation.
-Also the most useless thing i found you can cape waveland. It's absolutely pointless but kinda tricky to pull off. You just run off the edge and time it right so you cape back on the stage and you do a small little wave land while caping.
Note: You can do this with a fireball too which is also just as useless.

-So this was found by someone at SWF named ???????. It's called cape dashing i guess and you just cape at the end of the dashing animation and you get this waveland effect and it gives your cape some more range to cover. i suppose if you were to be caping a projectile too you would be closing in some distance too, The distance isnt that great but it's enough.

-Uhm... This is as much as I can remember and know. I guess I'll update and you guys should tell me what I'm missing.

V. Attack Data

Hey thought I’d do this cause I didn’t have anything else to do today…

All testing done on a level 9 stopped computer in training mode, so no damage decay.

Here’s the layout:
-Attack Description
-Range (Short, Medium, Long, (Disjointed))
-Lag/Delay (Windup/Actual Attack/Wind down), (Quick, Meh, Slow)
-Percentage of damage dealt
-Knockback trajectory

Neutral A,A,A Combo
-jab, jab, kick
-short to medium, medium, Barely more than medium
-Quick/quick/quick, quick/quick/quick, quick/quick/meh
-3%, 2%, 4%, (9% Total)
-Barely any knockback but it’s upwards I think, same as before, horizontal with some vertical

Dash attack
-a slide tackle, pretty much
-The hitbox is inside Mario, but he slides across the ground creating range… So… Long?

F tilt
-an extended kick infront of him
-Horizontal with some vertical

U tilt
-a spinning uppercut that starts infront of him, rises above his head, and ends behind him
-Short range in front and behind him, Medium above him
-quick/meh to slow/quick
-vertical (Some killing potential at High Percents)

D tilt
-a leg sweep in front of him
5% (7% if they’re in the air)

-Pulls back then steps forward to release a fireball explosion in front of him
-Long and disjointed (This has amazing range (And can have more if you do Gesi1223’s C-stick trick)
-quick to meh/quick/slow
Regular (No tilting)
Tilted down(least killing potential)
Tilted up (Most Killing Potential)
-The trajectory is all pretty much the same, horizontal and a little vertical, they each have different killing potentials though, might have to do with damage or could do more knockback, not sure yet.

-Does like a break dance leg sweep that goes around both sides of him with both legs
Front (More Knockback)
-Trajectory is pretty much the same on both sides, but the front has more knockback. (Kill move)

-Hits people with his head
-Short from in front and behind, but Medium vertically
-14%- 19%
-Vertical (Kill move)

-Shoots out a fireball
-Projectile that shoots at a 45 degree angle and bounces
-meh/fireball travels for a while/slow (all together a good projectile that is a lot faster than melee’s delays
-not really a hit back just some hit stun

Up b
-Hit box is in Mario, but he’s quick and travels so… long
-quick/ slow/ landing lag is meh
-5%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 3%,
-diagonally up and over

Side b
-The Beloved Cape, Whips out a cape in front of him that turns people around and reflect projectiles
-just barely below medium
-8% (6% when youre in the air)
-No knock back just turns people around.

Down b
-quick to meh/slow/quick to meh
-pushes people back like the tree blowing in Kirby 64

- The Sex kick, sticks out his foot in front of him
-Short, but the hit box is all of him pretty much
-quick/slow/quick, barely any landing lag
-10% initial, 5% after initial
-Horizontal (Kill move at higher percents)

-Does a backwards drop kick with both feet
-medium to long especially since you can travel with it
-quick/meh/quick, barely any landing lag also you can do short hop double aerials
-Horizontal with some vertical (Kill move at higher percents)

-does a bicycle kick
-medium to long
-quick/meh/quick, barely any landing lag, can do sh double aerials
-Diagonally over and upwards (some killing potential at higher percents)

-The Mario Tornado, Sticks out his fists and spins around
-quick/slow/quick kinda slow landing lag, also can do sh double aerials, but only with the uair and nair afterwards
-1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 7%

-Winds up for a powerful down punch to the noggin
-meh/slow/ slow tons of landing lag
Fist before it reaches horizontalness
-12 %
-diagonally up and over
The Meteor smash part

Head bunt
-***** his head back than bashes then in the dome with his own noggin if you didn’t catch that.
-no trajectory
F throw
-Tosses em forwards
-short with also the opponent being a projectile so projectile?
-quick to meh/quick/quick
-diagonally up and over
B throw
-The classic 64 throw with the spin and all that jazz
-I think it still knocks people with the spin around not sure but projectile of sorts
-diagonally up and over behind you.
D throw
-A quick throw to the ground
-short maybe projectile? Not sure im lazy
U throw
-throws you up. Go figure
-short same explanation as d throw
Final Smash
-Mario Finale shoots like fireballs and stuff
-huge range like infinite horizontal or something and also its big if you couldn’t tell
-15-40% or at least that’s the most I’ve done. If you use the final smash right next to them it does 6% dmg if you do it when they’re right behind you it does 9% and it shoots them in front of the fireballs.
-drags them with the fireballs so I guess it pushes forwards a bit?

The attacks also do weaker damage at some point when the opponent lands and misses a tech or something like that… Not sure when it is, but the dash attack does 7% during one some point when the opponent bounces or something. The fair also does 10% during the same incident.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
VI. ??????'s F.L.U.D.D. Data (Straight up Copied and Pasted).

Here's a list of the projectiles that F.L.U.D.D. stops that I've found so far:

*All of Diddy Kong's projectiles (Peanut Popgun and Banana Peel)*

*Ice Climbers' Ice Shot*

*King DeDeDe's Waddle Dee Toss*

*Most of Link's projectiles (Hero's Bow, boomerang but not the tornado, Bomb)*

*Lucario's Aura Sphere until about halfway charged*

*Lucas's PK Thunder*

*Luigi's Fireball*

*Mario's Fireball*

*Ness's PK Thunder*

*Peach's Vegetable (Turnips, Beam Swords, Bob-ombs, Mr. Saturns)*

*Pikachu's Thunder Jolt*

*Pit's arrows*

*Ivysaur's Razor Leaf*

*R.O.B.'s Gyro until about halfway charged (The F.L.U.D.D. can still avert the trajectory of the gyro even if the gyro is charged more than halfway)*

*Most of Samus's projectiles (Charge Shot until about halfway charged, Missile but causes it to explode, Samus's Bomb but causes it to explode)*

*Snake's Hand Grenade and Cypher (The Cypher camera when Snake releases it)*

*Sonic's spring from the Spring Jump (Only cancels out the spring as a projectile in the air)*

*All of Toon Link's projectiles (Bow, Boomerang, Bomb)

*Wario's Wario Bike (Only stops the bike as a projectile; stops the bike and bike parts)*

*Zero Suit Samus's Power Suit Pieces*

Things that I'm not sure about:

*Olimar's Pikmin Throw*

*Mr. Game & Watch's Chef*

*Ivysaur's Bullet Seed (I don't think F.L.U.D.D. does anything to it but I'm not positive)*

*Yoshi's Egg Throw*

*Snake's Usmash (I don't think F.L.U.D.D. does anything to it but I'm not positive)*


*F.L.U.D.D. goes through non-item projectiles it has priority over while simply stopping and pushing away item projectiles*

*Some projectiles simply go through the F.L.U.D.D. without affecting the F.L.U.D.D. itself including Falco's Blaster, Fox's Blaster, Wolf's Blaster, and Sheik's Needle Storm*

*King DeDeDe’s Waddle Dees can also be pushed away while they are on the ground*

I'm still testing and this list can be changed and/or added to if needed.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
Maybe need another spot? Also if you guys have some questions. I'll try to answer them.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
This is my analysis on R.O.B. match-ups.

Despite Mario's lacking in range, R.O.B. is a pretty even match-up against Mario:

Cape and F.L.U.D.D. pretty much negate spamming for R.O.B. while the Gyro and the Robo Beam punish fireball and F.L.U.D.D. spam far too easily.

R.O.B. has a better ground game than Mario with his ranged tilts and high priority smashes but R.O.B. is very easily juggled by Mario's tilts and Mario's long range Fsmash is nothing to scoff at.

R.O.B. has a very hard time in the air against Mario because of Mario's fast juggling aerials, granted you can work around this with R.O.B.'s Robo Burner and powerful aerials but a good Mario player will most likely be able to avoid R.O.B.'s sluggish aerials.

Mario is gimpable but not enough to where it is guaranteed; you won't really be able to use projectiles to edgeguard but rather aerials. Fireballs, F.L.U.D.D., and wavebounced capes help divert most aerials making Mario further difficult to gimp.

As far as R.O.B. himself being gimped it is possible but you're more likely to get juggled on your way back than actually gimped. The Cape Glide can give Mario a quick spike or Nair but if you’re careful you can avoid it.

Overall, R.O.B. plays well against Mario but R.O.B. doesn't have any considerable advantages over Mario that Mario can't match; basically Mario is a pretty even match-up.

*Mario’s Jab Lock can be pretty nasty if you miss a tech…*


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
ROB's Ftilt I believe Out ranges Mario's Fsmash and has pretty decent speed.

Although the cape does do well against the gyro, Caping the Lazer is pretty much guessing when he's goign to shoot or spam till he does shoot it off, cause of it's speed.

I'm sure Mario's air game probably rocks ROB's if you're aggresive with it so I can't say much on that as I was scared to attack ROB while playing him.

The Master of Mario

Smash Journeyman
Apr 28, 2006
Atlantic North
Fireball is faster when used while rising in a jump.

Usmash Priority changes with spacing if hit with the head it does more damage and knockback and has higher priority than if the opponent is closer to mario's chest.

D-air acts disjointed in the Fists and feet and has hitboxes all over the body at different times. of the move. Its fast enough that the landing lag can be eliminated if done while rising in a SH.

U-Air can be used as an approach from behind like B-Air and his different trajectory when facing backwards.

F-Tilt, Dsamsh and AAA are good for spacing and come out quickly

Uncharged FLUDD can stop Lucas's UP-Special when he charges at Mario.

If you charge FLUDD less than Maximum it is easier to combo with it.

FLUDD and Cape can stop SH Aerials.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
Mario and Ike are even. Once Mario closes in on Ike, Ike has a hard time getting Mario of due to his fast attacks. Ike has range and power over Ike, but Mario has fireballs to stop his ground approachs (Quick Draw) and can combo Ike with u-tilts and u-airs. There's that, and Mario can gimp Ike with F.L.U.D.D. because of Ike's bad recovery. There you go. Trust me. I've faced good Ikes before like Ussi, EPF, Dynamism, and NES n00b.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
Good stuff guys although, I don't agree with most of it, but hell what do I know. some interesting stuff none the less.

@Master of Mario: I don't believe fireball to be faster while doing a rising sh, I think it's just cause youre still moving with mario that it feels like your actally doing something while the fireballs coming out.

You sure about that disjointedness of the Dair? and i do believe i mention it being able to auto cancel or atleast i know for sure i say you can do a 2nd aerial.

@Takeshi: Mario and Ike are not even. Mario Definately has the advantage. Ike for sure has to work harder for the win. I'm not saying he can't just saying he has too. Fireballs if at a range and fireballs in general keep ike pretty well at bay. I've played Tudios, Duggish, and Eggz and they all play Ike pretty decently Then when Mario is closed in, Mario can be pretty **** aggresive. And if you don't believe me or don't want to take my word on it you can just look at my ike data that says he fights for his friends :p

Anyways I'll try to add some of this stuff in later. Thanks for the input and keep throwing out opinions and facts.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
You should put some info on what projectiles F.L.U.D.D. goes through and stops.

*Your guide is good Help! and I'd like to work with you on completing it, if that's alright with you and Eggz*


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
Good stuff guys although, I don't agree with most of it, but hell what do I know. some interesting stuff none the less.

@Master of Mario: I don't believe fireball to be faster while doing a rising sh, I think it's just cause youre still moving with mario that it feels like your actally doing something while the fireballs coming out.

You sure about that disjointedness of the Dair? and i do believe i mention it being able to auto cancel or atleast i know for sure i say you can do a 2nd aerial.

@Takeshi: Mario and Ike are not even. Mario Definately has the advantage. Ike for sure has to work harder for the win. I'm not saying he can't just saying he has too. Fireballs if at a range and fireballs in general keep ike pretty well at bay. I've played Tudios, Duggish, and Eggz and they all play Ike pretty decently Then when Mario is closed in, Mario can be pretty **** aggresive. And if you don't believe me or don't want to take my word on it you can just look at my ike data that says he fights for his friends :p

Anyways I'll try to add some of this stuff in later. Thanks for the input and keep throwing out opinions and facts.
The reason why I posted that was because of what you typed for Ike in there. I had a feeling you were being sacrastic. I wasn't sure, though. Anyways, I'm starting to think that Ike does lose to Mario considering my Mario rarely loses to Ike players.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
Yeah you can help with it ?????? I don't need Eggz permission though lol. If you type it in a good format I'll just copy and paste it as it is easier on me cause I'm lazy. and I'll probably put a fludd section in there sooner or later.

and yeah half my stuff is sarcastic takeshi lol cause i dont like being so serious all the time, but the actual real ike data is under the roy part.

The Master of Mario

Smash Journeyman
Apr 28, 2006
Atlantic North
More on Falco

Falco - Disadvantage
+ Low % U tilt ****
+Low % U-Smash U-air is effective
+ Edgehogging with cape
+ Ducking dodges blasters and Reflector
+ Can avoid Reflector with b-air when low to the ground

+ Falco's recovery is still pretty garbage
+ Cape up b of course, or cape the charge up animation to Up-Special is pretty **** too.
- Chain grabs
- Dair out priotizes U air and maybe everything else Mario's got from below.
- Reflector ***** fireball approach
- Range issues
- Aerial Priority

Counterpick: I dunno

The Master of Mario

Smash Journeyman
Apr 28, 2006
Atlantic North
@Master of Mario: I don't believe fireball to be faster while doing a rising sh, I think it's just cause youre still moving with mario that it feels like your actally doing something while the fireballs coming out.

Try it with a Full Jump it's easier to see. When rising it moves in almost a straight line when launched and is slightly faster like in Mario Bros games. When falling it acts differently and floats slightly before landing on the ground.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
ohhhhhhhh i thought you meant the lag of the attack i didnt know you meant the actual speed of the fireball

Mike Hawk

Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2006
@Master of Mario: I don't believe fireball to be faster while doing a rising sh, I think it's just cause youre still moving with mario that it feels like your actally doing something while the fireballs coming out.

Try it with a Full Jump it's easier to see. When rising it moves in almost a straight line when launched and is slightly faster like in Mario Bros games. When falling it acts differently and floats slightly before landing on the ground.

the fireball travels the same distance from any point in your jump


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Here's a list of the projectiles that F.L.U.D.D. stops that I've found so far:

*All of Diddy Kong's projectiles (Peanut Popgun and Banana Peel)*

*Ice Climbers' Ice Shot*

*King DeDeDe's Waddle Dee Toss*

*Most of Link's projectiles (Hero's Bow, boomerang but not the tornado, Bomb)*

*Lucario's Aura Sphere until about halfway charged*

*Lucas's PK Thunder*

*Luigi's Fireball*

*Mario's Fireball*

*Ness's PK Thunder*

*Peach's Vegetable (Turnips, Beam Swords, Bob-ombs, Mr. Saturns)*

*Pikachu's Thunder Jolt*

*Pit's arrows*

*Ivysaur's Razor Leaf*

*R.O.B.'s Gyro until about halfway charged (The F.L.U.D.D. can still avert the trajectory of the gyro even if the gyro is charged more than halfway)*

*Most of Samus's projectiles (Charge Shot until about halfway charged, Missile but causes it to explode, Samus's Bomb but causes it to explode)*

*Snake's Hand Grenade and Cypher (The Cypher camera when Snake releases it)*

*Sonic's spring from the Spring Jump (Only cancels out the spring as a projectile in the air)*

*All of Toon Link's projectiles (Bow, Boomerang, Bomb)

*Wario's Wario Bike (Only stops the bike as a projectile; stops the bike and bike parts)*

*Zero Suit Samus's Power Suit Pieces*

Things that I'm not sure about:

*Olimar's Pikmin Throw*

*Mr. Game & Watch's Chef*

*Ivysaur's Bullet Seed (I don't think F.L.U.D.D. does anything to it but I'm not positive)*

*Yoshi's Egg Throw*

*Snake's Usmash (I don't think F.L.U.D.D. does anything to it but I'm not positive)*


*F.L.U.D.D. goes through non-item projectiles it has priority over while simply stopping and pushing away item projectiles*

*Some projectiles simply go through the F.L.U.D.D. without affecting the F.L.U.D.D. itself including Falco's Blaster, Fox's Blaster, Wolf's Blaster, and Sheik's Needle Storm*

*King DeDeDe’s Waddle Dees can also be pushed away while they are on the ground*

I'm still testing and this list can be changed and/or added to if needed.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
Whoa.... Nice Oh someone want to test this? I'm pretty sure you can cape Snakes Mortar from his Usmash, but I'm not positive I believe I have done it many times though.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
I'm not sure but maybe we should also include strategies and combos like fireball spam and Utilt locks at low percents (Utilt locks opponents from 20-40% where floatier characters tend to escape earlier; King DeDeDe is the only character I found that can't seem to escape until 40% even with tap DI).

*The Utilt lock needs to be tested more*


Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2008
New Jersey. It's ok, we hate you too.
i fight a pit main regularly, i find bair and fair to edgeguard him well, plus mario can cape his arrows... I'm still disadvantaged, but i always win. then again, maybe its just not an extraordinary player.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
@??????: Go for it I'll just copy and paste it because I'm a lazy person, But you should incorporate DI and if you can't then say with out DI or something.

@Darknes: I'll play with you if you come to Washington, I don't really do online. And I'm not saying all Sonic players are garbage if that's what you thought I meant. I'm just saying Sonic's a gargabe character. I've played Aftermath and his sonics really good.

@Daichi: I don't play pit much, but I'm still fairly sure it's a disadvantage.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
nah dude not bair to fair, bair and fair as in seperate attacks either or is what he's saying
besides all attacks are too slow to combo into each other. this game = no combos lol


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
I'm fairly certain that the Bair to Nair is an actual combo but I think you can escape it with DI.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
My fellow Mario players! It turns out that you can actually DI out of Pikachu's D-smash by DIing diagonal right or left and get out of there with 6%! I discovered that today in Training Mode. If you do it correctly, you'll get out of there with little knockback. You can do this at high percentages without being worried of dying because of escaping his D-smash. Pikachu's D-smash is no longer that big of a deal if you incorporate this! Also, FLUDD is a beast for gimping recovery. I use it more and more now. Thanks, my fellow Mario players!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2007
lol i read that once a while ago like before the FB3 and it actually saved me, but yeah old news?


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
I've fought EPF's Peach other times and I have to say that Mario loses in this match-up because of her priority and everything else with the exception of D-smash that was annoying before. Stupid Peach!


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
dsmash got nerfed in brawl for peach
I know. That's why with the exception of D-smash, everything else she has is annoying. Well, what you can do is get uairs on her since your uair beats her Dair and do whatever combos in the air you can think of. You can bair wall for safety, but she can beat that out with that ridiculous fair of hers. Spam fireballs to make it easier, and watch out for turnips. Other than that, Peach still beats Mario so just make sure you're better than the player.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2008
Melee Mario > Brawl Mario

SHFFL Fair > New Fair (Doc's Punch sucks)
Old Dair > New Dair
Old Mario Tornado > F.L.U.D.D. (It would have been similar to the new Luigi Cyclone)
Combos > No Combos
Chain Grab > No Chain Grab

It pisses me off how almost every other charcater has something "cheap" about them and I have yet to find something "cheap" about Mario. We need to put more effort on finding some advanced techs.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
The closest thing to “cheap” that Mario has is the jab lock, but as BO X7 said Mario doesn't need to be "cheap" to win. Also, Mario has some cool ATs like the Cape Glide, Capedashing, and that backwards slide with the Ftilt.

*"Cheap" isn't a good word to be used so causally, you should try to be more descriptive because some find the term "cheap" to be of trivial usage (I do not mean this to be of any offense to you, just be aware that many look down upon labeling something "cheap")*

*I've been hoping to find a way to cancel Mario's Up B somehow but I haven't been successful...*
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