edit: what i said earlier about assuming he'll jump out and just jumping to aerial is technically wrong..you should just wait and react...if he falls further you can fsmash and a jump out won't save him..and if he jumps then you react and aerial.
and when i said don't pressure with full jumped dfairs..you can use it as an approach..but you were using it to follow to closely and stay on the fox so you got grabbed
Anyways, good luck improving your game..it's always a struggle learning to think about what you're doing wrong..it's also devilishly hard in a match to find time to think.
i wish i was still at my brother's point. He said today, "i've given up on going for grabs, because i never get anything off them since you always DI them right:\"
he's getting better but i hope someday i can best out more than just m2, bowser, and kirby against him. If he lives with me next year he'll get better...right now i'm the best on my campus so i get a lot of guests
lol, i had to explain to him how pathetically easy it is to just abuse shield on someone who doesn't incorporate enough grabs into their game or adapt.
also phoenix, to help improve your knowledge of when to use marth's fsmash..my advice would be to find another marth and then try to bait fsmashes and punish..just practice things like baited shields to wavedash grab or jumping out at just the right moment to punish fsmash happy marth's..even trying random air dodges can sometimes work..as you start to understand what makes a marth want to fsmash you'll both get better at baiting opponents and be less likely to overuse it yourself
anyways, i'm never going to get any better unless i get some more competition i think:\ here's to hoping William and mary class of 2011 will be good at melee. Though i'm also going to try training my friends..nothing like better opponents to improve your game.
and don't feel bad about not knowing matchups..just takes time
i got ***** by a ganny and i had no clue about that matchup:\ was playing fox and i had heard he countered ganny so i wasn't that worried even though i'd never played a fox vs ganny before...needless to say i was ***** hardcore..i also got ***** in a sheik vs falcon matchup even though i knew the matchup from falcon's side:\ another matchup i'd never really played.
i mean especially with everyone playing top tier these days, it's hard to get experience against every matchup..i was also told by people here that in the future i shouldn't counterpick characters for a matchup i don't know