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help my ike


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
So Cal
Your Ike is pretty good, kudos to the falco also he's got a good game.

I play against Ike all the time so let me put my 2 cents in. You might wanna do the QuickDraw cancel more often, they can lead to a lot of great (Annoying) attacks. You can try QD Cancel into Counter or QD cancel into AAA(Amazing priority). Another good move would to AA--throw, leaves the opponent little time to react to the throw.

So a good set up would be QD cancel into AA--D throw Aeither, does a good 25% easilly and is relly hard to DI out at low %.

Keep it up I like how you play.


Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2005
Campbell, CA + Tuscon, AZ
Tell your Falco to try and use his lasers a bit more. Like when approaching.

The way how I look at it if you're playing Ike, if you are on the ground, your opponent better be in the air. If your opponent is on the ground, you better be in the air. Both being on the ground makes it easy for an opponent to see what Ike is going to do.

Less Uairs, more Fairs. You used your forward B a lot in the 2nd video when you could have just pressed A. You can use Usmashes if you know where they are going to roll. You can benefit using A right after you do your forward b.




Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
I think you just need to play D Eisenhower more
B/c sometimes you arent using the right moves in certain situations
Thus through experience you will b able to do moves which are most suited
in certain scenarios
also I dont think trying to do a upB is very helpful when your opponent is in the air
too predictable and only useful as a surprise
everything else was said by the two above

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
lol exactly as i used o play when brawl felt awkward. im not the ken of ike im ok with things to learn. the only thing i need to learn is SPACING. so do you. stop rolling around so much u get punished i saw u get punished for it at least 12 times. you ok and shoes that your learning. with ike you just have to practice with him and think a little and you should be ok. just mix it up don't be too predictable. if im wrog someone tell me so.
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