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Help me choose my character!

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Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2011
I'm just a casual brawl player, so even though there are characters I'm better/worse with I don't have a main character. However, to see if maybe I overlooked someone that I should start using more I'd like to hear the opinion of others on which character fits my strengths/cancels out my weaknesses the best. So a some details about my (lack of) skills in brawl...

* I have a terrible grab game, for some reason when I'm playing brawl I never think to use it like I would with an attack. Every once in awhile I will randomly remember but it's mostly a useless skill for me.
* I'm pretty bad at recovering when I'm off the stage, so someone with a decent recovery would probably be a good idea.
* When I play with a really slow character against my friends I get projectile spammed the whole time if they're using a character like pikachu/fox/samus/etc. A lot of times they're also able to avoid me, go behind me, and attack/grab me before I have time to respond so even though I don't need a speedster I do poorly with the slowest guys.
* Unfortunately this is where a slow character would be most helpful to me, but I have trouble getting KOs.
* My ground game is better than my aerial game.

I'm probably looking for the perfect character, but any ideas on who I should use?

* Keep in mind me and everyone I play with are casual gamers so don't worry about any advanced techniques characters have.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Pick King D3 because he has the biggest hammer


cactus in the valley that's about to crumble down.
Nov 21, 2010
Oro Valley
Generally, picking a main is entirely dependent on you, others can tell you who to pick as a main, but that's not the best way to go about it in my opinion. The way I found my main was ignoring the tier list, especially top tier characters, and simply experimenting. Seeing as you are pure casual, tier lists shouldn't matter to you anyways. It's the same concept as trying to find a major in college if you are undeclared. You won't know if you like or dislike majoring in something until you try it. With enough experimentation, you'll eventually find what character suits you, and what character you enjoy playing. The more you enjoy playing a character, the easier it will be on yourself to get better with that character. You can also try bouncing around in the Brawl Character boards, it might make your decision easier.

Good luck.
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