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help me beat game and watch!


Smash Cadet
Mar 20, 2008
I know all the game and watch forums say that olimar is a counter to gw, but for some reason i cant seem to beat him! In our group of smash players, i can always beat everyone most of the time, but i cant get past game and watch. I always get edge hogged and out prioritized. Give me some tips and strategies please


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
I'm having difficulty understanding how you are out prioritized. I play G&W as a far distant second to Olimar and it always frustrates me that with G&W I can't grab people from halfway across the screen. Definitely work the pikmin throw, go to grab combos, and otherwise use the range on his attacks. You might want to work on your movement too because you should be able to get around faster than him.


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Edmonton, AB
An Important point V. Game and Watch is that his Dair (the Key) will cut trhough your Usmash, but is easily out prioritized by you Uair. After you hit him with a couple of reds, you should beable to completely dissuade him from attacks from above.

Other than that, all GandW can really offer is the man-hole (never let him in close enough to use it), the turtle and the fish bowl (both of which can be simply dodged if nessasary but either Usmashed or Uspecialed depending on the angle... I find I bust out the Pikmin chain more often V. GandW then any other character). With a good Aggro offense (plenty of tosses, grabs when you can get em, light on the Fairs) you can reduce a more-skilled-than-you-GandW to Air Puff mind games.

(Or, In an FFA, you can make him go fight Wolf and Falco for you. Tasty.)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
Its all about spacing, like it was said eariler, use your grabs from a distance, try some shield grabs if needed. I can kind of with you though, I have had some trouble with good GW's but he is my second so I know a lot about how they are going to attack, so i guess that helps me.


Apr 10, 2008
yeah, i find it funny fighting lucario, one of my 2 mains, cuz i know the strategies of using him, + all the moves that have good priority, and those that don't. lol, maybe i should main the characters i play poorer against. :)

Hawks go Caw

Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
New Orleans, LA
Other than that, all GandW can really offer is the man-hole (never let him in close enough to use it), the turtle and the fish bowl (both of which can be simply dodged if nessasary but either Usmashed or Uspecialed depending on the angle... I find I bust out the Pikmin chain more often V. GandW then any other character).
Turtle can be "simply dodged"? "All G&W can really offer" is D-air, D-tilt, turtle, and fishbowl? What G&W's have you played?


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2008
Eastern N. C.
As per normal Olimar play, abuse abuse abuse his grab and Pikmin toss. My friend plays a good G&W and I usually do better if I keep the game about 60% on the ground and 40% air. Beware his Fair and Bair as they are better than yours, just use your range and make him impatient.


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
I would tend to keep my distance from Game and Watch as he lacks projectiles. What Sikarios said, just use your range and make him impatient, then wait for him to blunder. Game and Watch's aerials aren't half bad, so I would try to fight him on the ground if he gets close. Remember, Olimar's grab is one of the best in the game, so make use of it (It has little lag anyway, so why not have a crack?)
Once you have successfully grabbed Game and Watch, I'd follow up with D-Throw and then U-Smash or
U-air. If he is near to the edge of the stage B-Throw all the way: Nasty knockback with Blue
If he is in the centre of stage try U-Throw-Nasty knockback with Purple.

I wouldn't tend to combo a lot, so my moves would consist mainly of smashes (My fav would be U-Smash, Olimar's strongest). U-Smash is best for finishing off the opponent. F-Smash has good range, D-Smash is best when the opponent is too close for F-Smash but too far for U-Smash.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Watch out for the semi-chaingrabbing GaW can do. After he has grabbed you, watch out for a dSmash. Just be sure not be get grabbed. :p His fSmash can be very good as well. Watch out for his fAirs and always defend when he's in the air: his dAir is beastly but you get time to shieldgrab him when he has landed.

Don't combo a lot, because you can't really see when GaW dodges and when not.
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