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Help keep the memories of Eugenio and Ryan Roberts alive


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
Hey everyone, I hate to keep bringing this up, but I promise it will be the last time (I hope, lol).

If you don't feel like reading anything and just want to help out:

1) click this: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Live-to-Give-Challenge/155628694463025
2) join the group
3) go to the "Video" tab
4) look for Anthony Gonzalez's video (it should be the first one on the list of videos)
5) "Like" the video

When you "Like" the video, it counts as a vote. Facebook "Like" votes will account for 50% of the total score of the winner. The other 50% will be the scoring from the Magic Wand Foundation team. So the more "Likes" I get, the better chance I'll have for winning =)

Any vote helps! Thanks so much =)

Continue reading if you want to know more about this:

I think most of you guys saw the video I made for Ryan Roberts (Nes N00b) and Eugenio Medina (Renegade Marth).

If you haven't seen the video yet, here is the final version (I made this one a few minutes shorter and added more pictures) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goI8vj3XJlI

I made the video for The Ultimate Life Summit and The Magic Wand Foundation. The ULS is a youth empowerment camp held in Orlando, and The MWF is the organization that runs it. When the camp ended, they gave us an assignment - "The Live to Give Challenge." I saw this as an opportunity to do something really great for Ryan and Eugenio, so I talked to FullMetal about doing something about this at Tipped Off 6 (plus all of us expected something nice to happen for them).

To give us a bit of incentive, The MWF is giving a scholarship to the winner(s) of the challenge. The scholarship will be for The Ultimate Life Summit camp in 2011, and it covers all the costs for attendance. I decided that if I win the challenge, then I'll give the scholarship to one of my friends so they can experience the life-changing experience of The ULS.

It would be really awesome if you guys could vote for me. You have no idea how much it means to me to see that people voted for my video, and I truly mean that.

If you would like to help out a bit more, you could post this on your facebook or tell your friends:

My friend, Anthony Gonzalez, is participating in the ‘Live to Give Challenge’ and he needs your vote! "Like" the ‘Live to Give Challenge’ fan page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Live-to-Give-Challenge/155628694463025 - you have to do this in order to vote), then find Anthony's entry and "Like" it. Thanks! If you want to help him win, share this post with your friends! His entry is under the "Videos" tab. Vote for Anthony Gonzalez!!!

(You may edit this message a bit to make it more personal.
PS: be careful when you copy and paste the "Live to Give" fanpage link... make sure you copy the entire link!)

If you would like to know any more information about anything or The Ultimate Life Summit, please ask me. I love talking about it.

Thank you guys so much! I love you guys :)


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
yeah idk, there's just something with people not wanting to read threads, especially stickies, lol.
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