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Help fighting Squirtle


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Charizard gets the Banana ****, Ivysaur gets owned by the combos, but squirtle is so hard to play against. People spam that side B and i dont know how to stop it all the time. I know if you footstool him, u get a free anything, but other than that, there's pretty much nothin I can do until they slip up. Also, his Fair to A,A,A combo is a headache. How do you stop this turtle?

Please respond, I need help asap. I have a tourney comin up in my hometown and the only person I have problems with, uses pokemon trainer.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
people spam side-B?

You can... smash the side-B and send it flying in a direction he doesn't want.

Squirtle's a priority problem, so if you can, try to pshield grab his attacks. Disrupt his jumps with springs, and if he's a grounded player, try to force dodges and rolls.

Otherwise, you'll just have to take advantage of the player using him.
Running>side-B feint out of roll/attack range is super effective against reflexive players.
Reading techs and dodges is good too.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
London, England
Ftilt is too good in this matchup. Squirtle totally ***** Sonic in the air and his aerials are much more efficient. But anything with more speed and range than him does well against him.


Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2008
Central California
I agree with Tenki, but I would also recommend letting him come to you. As Tenki said, use both spin dashes when Squirtle approaches you with side B. If your fighting at Final Destination, Battlefield, or another level similar in size Squirtle will usually go over the side of the stage while using side B (if you dodge), and will end up having to recover. When that happens, gimp em'. Since you say he spams it, that even gives you more chances for a gimp KO.

To sum it up, I would be on the defense. Although, this is a bad strategy with Sonic, it sometimes can work to your advantage. Try to dodge attacks, play mind games, and set yourself with some combos by grabbing. (Grabbing is another great way to pull out some combos). I also recommend to practice fighting a level 9 cpu Squirtle. Be on defense, but be on the move though, never camp with Sonic because that leads to disaster.
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