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Help fighting noob wolf?


Smash Cadet
Feb 19, 2008
Here's the deal. My friend recently started using Wolf to counter my Olimar. On our first match he beat me. His strategy consisted of him spamming his blaster, shining away my pikmin and f-smashing everytime I got near.

He would start the match spamming the blaster, make me jump over him as i would try to attack him, then he would roll dodge and f-smash me and then proceed to do the following over and over until f-smash would kill me or send me far away where i couldn't make it back.

And could you also name some good matchups for wolf?

don't say Fox since i already know why.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
letterbomb, that kind of talk gives Wolf players a bad name. Now, I dont have much experience with Olimar, but the fact of the matter is, Wolf is Olimars worth matchup, I'd say try getting good with Zelda and counter him that way. Thats all I can really tell you.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Koskinator, I wouldn't say I'm giving us a bad name at all. I'm here to help anyone who has a question. However, if the question is bashing the character of the board we're at or something like that, it's the wrong way to go about it. A wolf doesn't know the game from an olimar's point of view, there is no way we can answer that the way he wants. Oh wait this is for match ups. My apologies cpt. I'd say pit or mk. They're both really fast and can't die unless hit out of the screen(as they can glide). I wouldn't say olimar is Wolf's best match-up. I've always had trouble with olimar.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Hes not calling the character a noob in general, he was calling his friend who uses him a noob. There is a difference.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Here's the deal. My friend recently started using Wolf to counter my Olimar. On our first match he beat me. His strategy consisted of him spamming his blaster, shining away my pikmin and f-smashing everytime I got near.

He would start the match spamming the blaster, make me jump over him as i would try to attack him, then he would roll dodge and f-smash me and then proceed to do the following over and over until f-smash would kill me or send me far away where i couldn't make it back.

And could you also name some good matchups for wolf?

don't say Fox since i already know why.
Well if he is spamming lasers so much, use one of your established mains: Ness. Your not just countering and reflecting, but your absorbing his attacks by using PKMagnet. Even better, when you do your >smash, it acts as a reflector and actually bats the laser back at him, just you have to be fairly close. Don't worry too much about a follow up attack on the >Smash. If you release PKMagnet as he gets close, there is a little gust of wind that will blow him backwards and make his move miss entirely. I don't play as Ness, but I have done it a few times, so for someone who practices with him, it should be cake.

As for him reflecting, well, try not to fire alot unless he is off stage; being tactful like that will make him come to you, and he will have to make a choice of reflecting to hurt you before he recovers or not, or maybe he just won't recover at all.

Match-Up's? Well I'm not saying any names, but anyone who can stop/reflect/absorb projectiles, but is fast enough to engage close-quarters-combat and escape if need. Hope that helped a bit.


Smash Cadet
Feb 19, 2008
Hes not calling the character a noob in general, he was calling his friend who uses him a noob. There is a difference.
yeah, that's what I meant. Calling a character a noob doesn't even make sense lmao. I was just asking for matchup help, which some of you did give me.

I'll prolly use Ness or Pit against his Wolf.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2006
I think ROB is a good counterpick character against a noob spamming wolf. All I do is spam the gyro and laser when I get the chance from a distance and when he gets close it is so easy to predict a fsmash so you just pivot and down smash out of it. If they are spamming just spam strategies like that against them.


Smash Rookie
Sep 22, 2006
I think ROB is a good counterpick character against a noob spamming wolf. All I do is spam the gyro and laser when I get the chance from a distance and when he gets close it is so easy to predict a fsmash so you just pivot and down smash out of it. If they are spamming just spam strategies like that against them.

This is true, my brother uses ROB to counter a spamming Wolf but the Wolf has to be very newbie for this to work because any decent Wolf will know when to use reflector for the gyro and laser. I completely beat his ROB with my Wolf.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well, I'm glad we steered away from a potentially annoying flame war.

A few points:
I was actually afraid he was calling the character a noob at first as well, but that doesn't mean you should straight up insult him. That doesn't make anything better.

Next, while those tactics may be considered "noobish" they get his friend the victory. That's all that matters. Yeah, it's frustrating, but frustrating wins.

Lastly, I use Wolf and Olimar... but have never fought an Olimar with my Wolf or vise versa, so I'm not sure how helpful I could be.

My Advice

I can't emphasis mindgames enough here. He shines your Pikmin away? Throw one, maybe two Pikmin, when you are semi-close to him. That will bait him into reflecting. When he reflects run up and grab him or even up smash him. Rinse and repeat. Once he stops reflecting and countering them, spam Pikmin latch all day! He'll get tired of it and shine more, grab him again, rinse and repeat.

He is forward smashing? Shield grab. Does he grab a lot? No? Just stay in your shield!!! Or even side step. You can up smash out of shield or drop your shield and do a pivot grab, dsmash, or fsmash!

You have a lot of options. Just play intelligently. Actually, more accurately space yourself properly
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