Smash Rookie
Hello Smashboards. I have browsed these forums for guides in the past but now that I'm motivated to play better and increase my skill I created an account. As you can tell from my profile pic I love Donkey Kong. I've mained him in every iteration of smash so far. I've only been to one tourney so far (Dtj's It's Fine, just this past weekend). I love the tournament atmosphere and this first tourney was a big step for me, just can't wait to dive into more tourneys
I'm from Central Indiana but during the school semester I live up by Ft.Wayne. Some other things I'm into besides Smash are Film, Electronic Music, Comic Books and anything Nintendo really.
I'm from Central Indiana but during the school semester I live up by Ft.Wayne. Some other things I'm into besides Smash are Film, Electronic Music, Comic Books and anything Nintendo really.