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Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Link to original post: [drupal=1136]Havokk![/drupal]

I've been really into music lately. Listen to it 24/7, listen it to sleep, play it at school, when I wake up, before I sleep, study the theory behind it, etc.

All I have is 2 guitars, one in need of repair (my grandpas). Both electric.

I have $5/$35 saved up for my friend's (Angela) acoustic. She's selling it to me for cheap and thats when my Dad's 'business idea' popped into my head.

A while back, kids mowed lawns for cash. I'll be trying to get a job picking up people's dog ****. Come by 1 or 2 times a week, go around back, pick up the ****, toss it, leave, next house.

It'll help me save up for the acoustic (hopefully pretty quickly, I mean... who wants to pick up dog ****?)

After I get my acoustic, my other friend's mom (Mrs. Sapia) teaches paino lessons. Now, I've always loved piano, even before I enjoyed guitar, and its $70 a month, I go 1 time a week every week. My Dad's going through a rough time and $70 is way to much for him, so hopefully I get enough pooper scooper business to pay for this.

Depending how many people I get (my hours are Every Week, 3:30pm to 7pm; unless I get a job at the movies down in Harbor City, then it'll be same hours Mon-Fri).

I also want to buy a bass guitar :p but that can wait for later... I'm taking one (and a half) instrument at a time.


Work - Pooper Scooper (going to hopefully find some houses tomorrow after school) /Part time at theatre (hopefully, Dad needs to talk to his friend and have me and him and the manager talk.)


Life -

Depending how well both of the jobs go, when I get my permit, etc. I will be getting my own place (hopefully my own, that I can afford without a roommate) but I will be rooming with either my cousin David, or my friend Gabby.

Right now my Wii is at my mom's, as is my computer (and all of my 'resources' I had on it, etc.) so I cannot play nor gather data. I only play when I go to my friend Marl's or my friend Mitchel's houses (and Marl is one of the.... "noobs with items and 6 stock and mostly temple" people.... but I'm getting REALLY good at dodging items and such... he's good with all the AT's and such as well, but he just hates the 'competitive' scene)

Also Havok (the one in San Diego that most people know) challenged me for the name sake. I cannot give him an answer as of yet, because if I get my liscence I can drive to him, I may be moving soon or things may come up; blah blah blah so I don't want to make plans yet for the matches. If he does with the matches, I truly have no idea what my name will be. (I'll probably go back to DS (Deepsoul)... my old WoW name that I only used at the local Computer Cafe (for those who dont know, you go there, pay money, and get to play on a computer for x amount of time =p mostly for games... lol WoW 3 Blizzards Throne or something like that is what I played...and I chose my name to be Deepsoul))


My full username is Invokke Havokk for those who don't know, and if anyone cares.... lol

All above.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2008
Western Aussie
wish you the best of luck with your 'Business' :p and whichever you plan on doing in future times.

the games name is Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. i play it when im not playing WoW or at friends places etc.
might be a stupid question, but is the challenge for the name? whoever wins keeps it? or you just going to go to deepsoul.

my forum name is Bandit Kieth.. but my actual game name is Diedara, being thats my death knights name in WoW. and yes it is a deliberate typo of Deidara from naruto

and again. good luck with the cash


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I've been out of music, but I think that's because the friends that I hang with now...the only one's into the same thing as me I barely see. The one's I DO see are into a bunch of pop bands, which has eventually turned me off of music.

Luckily I've been going to underground metal concerts in Seattle, which has helped in that regard. Last time I went to one though, I think my money was either stolen there, or by someone before I got there because I ordered a Jack with Coke and checked my wallet to find $300+ missing.

I felt compelled to share for no apparent reason.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Yea some other person has the name mith as well so I need to become "famous" before he does so I can keep my name.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Good luck with the job, and always have a backup name! I have about 2...


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I have 3... but I prefer (Invokke) Havokk.... lol

Already got 1 customer, I start next Monday and it's $15 a week =p he said he'd tell his friends, and I only went down like 1 block... only another 5-6 to go!

And you can do it Mith_!

ps; if I lose you will know the name LtD. (see: Light to Dark). My 3rd longest lasting name.

Name 1: Tsukasa (Japanese, not Spanish -.- I really REALLY like .Hack//Signs) -- Started age 8 (stopped using at age 11)
Name 2: Havokk -- Started age 11 (used on about 20+ sites)
Name 3: Light to Dark -- Started age 11, but less used (1 site)
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