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Havokk - Grounded


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Link to original post: [drupal=950]Havokk - Grounded[/drupal]

Now I know many of you know me by now.... those who don't, Hi I'm Havokk. I'm everywhere. /end greeting.

Now then, I recently (almost 2 weeks ago..) have been grounded. I got grounded because my mom called my girlfriend a .... female dog.... in lack of being able to use a better word.... so I sort of blew a fuse on my mom... bad idea.

I don't know when I'll be ungrounded, but right now she went to the dentist and left her laptop here (yeah for absent mindness, she's been taking it with her so I can't use it whenever she leaves without me) so I'm sneaking on to try and tell as many people I know (I know a huge network of over 500 people total, not just SWF) about my absense.

Last time I was gone this long, someone thought I was dead... literally dead, not just forum dead... and they freaked out and called the cops on my house (how she got my house # or adress....I will never know...) and the cops came and told her it was a false alarm, she was embarressed and the police thought it was a prank call and she got fined... so I'm trying to prevent that this time around... lol

So now you all know why I've been gone, and that is really all I had to say....

Shoutouts =p yeah?

Snake Boards - You guys still rock, and I need to get ungrounded because I'm almost an entire page behind D:... I normally AM the entire first page... lol

Sonic Boards - You guys have a lot of steak. I love steak.

Bowser Boards - I still owe that BRoom some more visiting, and the board itself. I may have found the conditions for what I mentioned.

Every other board that sees me - I'll be back soon, =p not that you all know me, or all miss me... but I forget the other boards I frequent....

---Invokke Havokk


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
So why did your mom say that about your girlfriend exactly? I mean, if someone insulted my gf like that, I wouldn't give them the chance to punish me once I'm through. It's not really common sense to diss someone's gf to their face, your mom should be able to realize that.

Anyways, you really are everywhere. Hope you get ungrounded soon!


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
So why did your mom say that about your girlfriend exactly? I mean, if someone insulted my gf like that, I wouldn't give them the chance to punish me once I'm through. It's not really common sense to diss someone's gf to their face, your mom should be able to realize that.

Anyways, you really are everywhere. Hope you get ungrounded soon!
She dislikes my girlfriend, and this time was open to my face about it.

Not like I could harm my own mother and get away with it though :( although I really did hurt her mentally/emotionally by the time that night was over...

Also, common sense. Mom lacks a lot of it. (Because obviously Pluto is still a planet, and cleaning the house multiple times a day is not OCD...)


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Reminds me of my mom. I'm too proud to let her win like that.

One time after Rowing practice, my mom was going to pick me up and she kept bothering me whenever we were putting everything away, so I said something like "Listen, we're almost done so can you just wait!?" And so she got all mad and w/e.

After we were done, I went over to the car, but she wouldn't let me in until I apologized. I just kept saying "No", and so she wouldn't unlock the door. I ended up running home. Yeah, I was exhausted and it took like 40 minutes for me to get home, but I think it was worth it.

Looking back, it seems like I was being too proud to admit I was wrong. ._.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
That sucks Havokk... I'd never let my mom do that I'm too much of a beast. I've called her a bad mom on multiple occasions to her face one time after she got pissed at me for getting a B in honors math last year in 7th grade.... I'm like "why the hell does my grade matter I'm a year ahead and it's hard stuff" she's like "it's not the grade I'm afraid that you aren't trying" I'm like "it clearly is the grade because I've gotten A's and I've barely tried in the class" then she's like "Oh well that's not good and anyway I make the decisions around here you're just a 14 year old boy I'm the parent I decide in this house." I'm like "I'm 13 you're a great parent knowin what age your son is" It's sad that I can outdebate my mom and other adults. I thank smashboards.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Reminds me of my mom. I'm too proud to let her win like that.

One time after Rowing practice, my mom was going to pick me up and she kept bothering me whenever we were putting everything away, so I said something like "Listen, we're almost done so can you just wait!?" And so she got all mad and w/e.

After we were done, I went over to the car, but she wouldn't let me in until I apologized. I just kept saying "No", and so she wouldn't unlock the door. I ended up running home. Yeah, I was exhausted and it took like 40 minutes for me to get home, but I think it was worth it.

Looking back, it seems like I was being too proud to admit I was wrong. ._.
Wrong about what? You said you were almost done... lol unles you lied, you weren't wrong.

I'm really proud of myself, but I haven't let her win - why I'm still grounded.

I refuse to do anything she tells me to do. -Anything- I refuse to let her give me a ride to school, I walk. I refuse to get picked up, I walk. If she locks me out of the house, I can break in ( I know 3 ways into my own house, 2 that she doesn't know of. ), I refuse to eat anything she cooks, I cook my own food, with my own groceries (refuse to use hers either).

The only thing I wish I could refuse right now is my room (nowhere else to stay).

She says it's being stupid. I say it's proving "you need me happy and compliant if you want the easier life.", and she'll give in soon, I can tell the house being half-dirty is driving her insane, having to deal with all 3 of my sisters (refuse to watch them), and everything else she has to deal with because I won't.

She'll cave, and when she does... I'll be back xD

That sucks Havokk... I'd never let my mom do that I'm too much of a beast. I've called her a bad mom on multiple occasions to her face one time after she got pissed at me for getting a B in honors math last year in 7th grade.... I'm like "why the hell does my grade matter I'm a year ahead and it's hard stuff" she's like "it's not the grade I'm afraid that you aren't trying" I'm like "it clearly is the grade because I've gotten A's and I've barely tried in the class" then she's like "Oh well that's not good and anyway I make the decisions around here you're just a 14 year old boy I'm the parent I decide in this house." I'm like "I'm 13 you're a great parent knowin what age your son is" It's sad that I can outdebate my mom and other adults. I thank smashboards.
Yah, my mom's pretty similiar. About the grade things though, she just wants you to do your best. You could probably get an F, but as long as she -really knows- you tried your best, she'd get mad less.

I got a C in my Chemistry class last semester, and she wasn't that pissed because she knows Science isn't even my strong point ( I really shouldn't be in this class...) and she saw how much extra credit and work I was putting into it outside of school, so when I said I tried my best she knew I wasn't lying and didn't get mad at me for it.

But then she got furious over my B in Trigomentry, because math IS my strongpoint, and she knows I didn't try. ( I just sort of.. fall asleep in class, listen to my i-Pod, etc. =p I think I'm too smart for it, so I don't try, and my B (B-) reflects that... but personally I don't care D: and I got into that same argument, except she got my age correct by simply saying "teenager" rather then my age. lol

(she left to the store, I have another hour or so :D)


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
The thing is though, I was actually trying and she got mad only after I told her that I was getting a B... If I was getting an A but falling asleep I'd have been fine. It was a hypocritical argument on her part.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
The thing is though, I was actually trying and she got mad only after I told her that I was getting a B... If I was getting an A but falling asleep I'd have been fine. It was a hypocritical argument on her part.
Oh, how our mother's are worlds apart.

VVVV totally off topic, but some people may be interested?

hmm...since I've been grounded (no internet), I've been playing Legend of Zelda... all of them...

A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, Link's Adventure, Zelda I, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, Wind Waker etc. etc. etc.

I've been working on a -giant- "storybook", a list of all people, places, races, keepable (obtainable) items, and a few other things... (links between the Links =p lol)

I'm 'fitting the pieces together', not creating a guide or a walkthrough though.

I'm extremely, extremely bored.. hence my work on this.... (did you know the peddler in OoT is the Banker in MM? How about the Potion Shop guy is now the Obstronomer (sp?), that Grug also appears in OoT, that the 'cucco lady' from OoT's name is Anju? Impa's first appearence (that I know of...) is mentioned in Zelda II (Link's Adventure), and she tell's Link what he needs to do to save Zelda, then she reappears as Zelda's protector in OoT, and is the real 'last of the Shiekah'. Impa comes from Kakariko Village, which used to be the home to the Sheikah, but she permitted it to be open to the common people. By the people of Kakariko Village, they called her "The Great Impa"? That the 4 ghosts you have to defeat as a mini-game in MM first appeared in the Forest Temple in OoT?

So many useless facts, so little time...

So many facts for us LoZ lovers.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Havokk I thought you were dead so I called the cops on your house. I hope I don't get fined :0


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2008
Freehold, NJ
No worries dude, it's only a matter of time. I'll let the snake boards know(they're all wondering where you've been and have gone crazy without you lol and I'm serious about it too)


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino

Immediate 1000000000000 Havokk points for having one of the best avatars ever.... I might change mine soon... not because I dislike this one, but because I like another one more... lol ( I like 'anime' female video game characters, not quite sure why... but I normally get attached to their story. (big FF:7 fan because of that as well -_-)

@SOLID (yah, I missed all the perioids, so what =p)

Yes, as soon as I get my normal internet privelages back and am able to copy-paste it, I will be posting it as a blog on SWF, and at several other sites. It's not well organized (it's in order, but... certain things need fixing, such as organization by release date, certain items/songs/other useless stuff needs to be organized better, I still have yet to -fully- finish OoT or MM (been working on this for 4-5 days now...) I'm on the Forest Temple in OoT, got bored, and now I'm 4 masks and a temple away from getting to the moon on MM (been playing 3 days now)

All of this, of course, with going to school.... the COMPLETE LoZ: The Saga will be released when I finally finish all my research.

Speaking to every single person, reading every single 'check'able thing, finding every item, mask, improvement, etc.... also with no guides because of no internet =p it's almost like living hell....


Stalker D:


I've tried to make a few posts there ending with -grounded, be back soon-, lol... thanks :) maybe PM them or something? I don't have much longer until my mom gets back.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007

Immediate 1000000000000 Havokk points for having one of the best avatars ever.... I might change mine soon... not because I dislike this one, but because I like another one more... lol ( I like 'anime' female video game characters, not quite sure why... but I normally get attached to their story. (big FF:7 fan because of that as well -_-)
Lol, thanks. Emil is pretty cool, but.... It's very hard to find a good picture of him... D:

I can't debate with my mom. It always gets down to "Well, I'm your mother and I pay for [enter something important here], so I'm right." -_- It's nice to be at college and not have to deal with that anymore... xD


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
I'm surprised no Sonic people have come here yet...I mean, you say Sonic and about 20 of them show up. :embarrass

Oh, and...get un-grounded soon or whatever. I see you're on as I type this by the way.

EDIT: Ha, and 666 posts for me. Didn't even notice it.
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