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Have you ever noticed?


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
Ok this is somehting weird. I just started using Kirby. Untill then Ive never chased my Yoshi friend off the side. Cuz its stupid to do with other characters. But anyways to get back to the stage he will use his 2nd jump and airdodge creating a giant air-dodge. Well now the weird thing is...... when im by him when he does this and jump to try and follow him, every now and than it makes my jump as big as Yoshis 2nd jump. I thought my eyes where playing games. I thought it happened about 5 times in one day. But I thought I was imagining it. So the next day we go to a tourney and it happens to an Ike player who the Yoshi chased off and than did the 2nd jump to get back. Also it happened to a Marth (im not sure who he played i think it was marth) player. They both noticed it also. They didnt relate it to Yoshi but they said what was that huge jump I did. The Yoshi player says hes noticed it and one other thing alot lately.

The other thing is this. If you start your roll while holding sheild, so you go from egg to and egg rolling in the background. And start the roll animation right when you are hit by a strong move, your sheild does not take damage and you roll goes twice as far and takes just as long as a normal roll.

These are not definate answers to these mysteries these are our ideas. But we have noticed both of them happening ALOT. So it cant be that hard to figure out what was happening.

Jump happened about 1 out of every 5 games we played together the day I picked up kirby.
Roll happens about 1 time every time we get together and play brawl.

Any thoughts??


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
That jumping thing sounds odd. My only guess from what uve described is that the game is somehow registering their jump as a footstool... any chance you could maybe get a video up? or record a replay and send it to someone wirth a capture card.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
That jumping thing sounds odd. My only guess from what uve described is that the game is somehow registering their jump as a footstool... any chance you could maybe get a video up? or record a replay and send it to someone wirth a capture card.
Yah my friend had the stoolhop idea. But I think its to high. Its as big as Yoshi's 2nd jump. I dont have my wii right now I just got grounded but I was banned for a week so I couldnt post this earlyer. Ill check all my replays. Its simular to Mr.Game and Watch's Up-b thing but seems to last less frames and has a smaller area. Do you think they used the same system of Mr.GaW's up-b for Yoshi's 2nd jump? to maybe try and give it a different feel than a normal jump?


Smash Rookie
Jan 7, 2009
CA, SanDiego
actually i have gotten pretty weird Jumps with Footstool sometimes im trying to do that
to a Yoshi on their second jump, but i seem to get pulled all the way up, you guys
would have to check if your trying to jump when yoshi was doing his air dodge
unless your saying this happen only by contact to Yoshi when performing such move..
in wich case if true....O_o..whoa..

as for the shield that is odd..but thats something i can experiment with this if it works
we can have a nice way to get the heck away from the likes of Dk, Ike, and Marths Tip,
maybe even a Strong Fsmash by anyone else, this could create a nice space to egg them later

thanks for the informations dude im going to try it when i can


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
The best thing is if you get the timing right It does no damage to your sheild and you retreat faster and farth (since it takes the same time as a normal roll but goes farther it is faster) I think all characters can do this but in not sure ive heard of hit happening with Jiggly.

The 2nd jump thing is weird. It deals with using your 2nd jump when yoshi uses his and you are near him. It could be a stoolhop function but either way Yoshi is not harmed. (Btw everybody was above yoshi when it happened not beside or bellow)


Smash Rookie
Jan 7, 2009
CA, SanDiego
oh now i understand Better the 2nd jmup thing...umm ok its still duable to give it
a nice experiment....if my mom would quit hogging the TV ¬_¬....
anyways still like i said if they work i could really use them, especialy aggaints DK´s
sometime si need the space to approach otherwise they just start slamming the heck out of me
i usually dont have a hard time but there are exceptional few who just whale on me lol


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
The shield thing is fairly common with me, but I don't know of a name for it.
I knew they where happening to often to us for other people not to notice. Glad im not crazy.

We never tryed to do it on command but it deffinatly is repeatiable with the amount of times we have seen it lately. I think the rolls timing might be hard because we dont see it that often but than again how many times do you sheild and attack and roll? Also the sheild move must be strong, so charging smashes is your best bet to get it.


Smash Rookie
Nov 16, 2008
I knew they where happening to often to us for other people not to notice. Glad im not crazy.

We never tryed to do it on command but it deffinatly is repeatiable with the amount of times we have seen it lately. I think the rolls timing might be hard because we dont see it that often but than again how many times do you sheild and attack and roll? Also the sheild move must be strong, so charging smashes is your best bet to get it.
uh crazy? lol'd


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2007
In my secret laboratory.
Send the shield thing to that thread: How to hatch a healthy Yoshi. Its stickied.

The jump thing sounds very cool, but I doubt it could be a technique of some sort.

And for a name I'd call it Shield Rolling


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
That jump thing has nothing to do with Yoshi. I'm not sure what causes it, but I've seen it happen for and against almost every character (including in the Wifi waiting room against the sandbag).


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
Yah i just saw it happen yester day against Ness. But its when you are near somebody else. It seems to happen more often with Yoshi though.

How in the sandbag room? Was there two people or just one or what? I would do alot of testing to figure this non game changing little fact but my wii is locked up.
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