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Have Any Tips?


Smash Lord
May 30, 2008
Bloomington, MN
I am very sorry for the horrible quality, but is there anything that you can tell me about my Wolf. I know there are some things I can take care of. I did some stupid things in this match. I'm hoping you can tell me something that I don't already know. Thanks a lot. Sorry if this post is kind of repetitive, cause I'm sure these types of threads come up a lot. (Oh, and I apologize for the mild cussing. There isn't that much, and some of it's hard to hear. Sorry).



Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
More defensive in general imo. Not talking about laser spam, but you can. Mostly talking about di'n in and out with back air, snake is tall and you can land it on tip of his head and land outside ftilt range or get a second jump in if its from shop. I'd also suggest more grabs and when snake is recovering with up B don't approach him from an upward angle, aim for his feet so floty thing doesn't hit. A good way to KO snakes is to shop at him when he's falling like ur going to back air, but instead airdodge and fast fall to up smash, he'll air dodge the expected backair and falls right into upsmash, works against snake players all the time cause he has such a fast fall and poor aerials they almost always try to air dodge.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2008
Bloomington, MN
Hmm you got a pretty good wolf. Lets see reccomendations... uhhh Up-smash? Maybe shield grabs and things could help. My advice sux but uhmmm be more agressive?
Thanks for the praise.

I try usmash, but that never works out for me. It's helpful, so maybe I'll think about that. Can you explain more about being aggressive? I thought I was as aggressive as I should be.

More defensive in general imo. Not talking about laser spam, but you can. Mostly talking about di'n in and out with back air, snake is tall and you can land it on tip of his head and land outside ftilt range or get a second jump in if its from shop. I'd also suggest more grabs and when snake is recovering with up B don't approach him from an upward angle, aim for his feet so floty thing doesn't hit. A good way to KO snakes is to shop at him when he's falling like ur going to back air, but instead airdodge and fast fall to up smash, he'll air dodge the expected backair and falls right into upsmash, works against snake players all the time cause he has such a fast fall and poor aerials they almost always try to air dodge.
Ftilt range, yes, but I'm worried about the utilt, which is godly (check the Snake threads). It's range is ridiculous. But thanks for the advice. On a scale of noob to pro, one to ten, where do you think I am? I'm trying to get better. I'll be seeing that snake later, and I can guarantee he'll win most the matches.

Thanks for the advice, I'll try and implement it. I think I just need to work on spotting strategies. I'm a reckless gamer, so that's something I rarely do.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
I can't rate someone 1-10 by a video really, since 70% of the game is being able to read and predict patterns and strats. Just realize snake is generally a defensive character, meaning he likes people who are very offensive. Just be more defensive now and then to try and get him to approach, and work in grabs.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Hmm... well, I'd try to throw in some reflectors for countering purposes, but it didn't seem like you needed any in the match. For snake, whenever he's recovering from below, jump out and spike him if you're confident in your recovering abilities. You might also want to throw in some throws, if you're by the ledge and dthrow someone off the stage, they might have difficulty recovering and you could set yourself up for an easy spike, especially with snake. Overall your wolf is very good though. Also (I couldn't really tell from the vid) was the last kill a spike with fair, or a stage spike?


Smash Apprentice
May 10, 2008
it was a spike with dair xP

and a fairly nice one at that <.<


Smash Cadet
May 24, 2008
NC, aka Middle of Nowhere
Remember Snake's projectiles can be reflected. Your defensive game could use a bit of work. Your opponent got a bit reckless. If that's his play style, use that to an advantage. I'm no great teacher, but I hope I helped.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2008
Bloomington, MN
Remember Snake's projectiles can be reflected. Your defensive game could use a bit of work. Your opponent got a bit reckless. If that's his play style, use that to an advantage. I'm no great teacher, but I hope I helped.
I'm a very reckless smasher. I'm reckless in ALL games I play in. That may be a reason why I'm not too bad. I don't fear, and I usually just go insane in the game.

And as far as I know, Snake's projectiles aren't like lasers or items. When I reflect them, it doesn't usually work to well for me. My big problem is that usmash of snakes, which I have some problems countering (I am usually VERY precise with my counters, but it seems when I play, I have to do it early. Any time I'm in in this game, it should have been dodged/blocked, but wasn't). I'll take into consideration the reflector advice though, thank you.

it was a spike with dair xP

and a fairly nice one at that <.<
Thank you.

Hmm... well, I'd try to throw in some reflectors for countering purposes, but it didn't seem like you needed any in the match. For snake, whenever he's recovering from below, jump out and spike him if you're confident in your recovering abilities. You might also want to throw in some throws, if you're by the ledge and dthrow someone off the stage, they might have difficulty recovering and you could set yourself up for an easy spike, especially with snake. Overall your wolf is very good though. Also (I couldn't really tell from the vid) was the last kill a spike with fair, or a stage spike?
I'm pretty confident with my recovering abilities. I think I can do that.

And thanks for the D throw advice. I've forgotten how useful that is near the edge. >.>; Need to pay attention, I do. And thanks for the comment. And it was a dair spike. I have no idea where the fair spikes are coming from, since I haven't been able to do it. I'm not sure where the hitbox for that specific effect is anyway.

I can't rate someone 1-10 by a video really, since 70% of the game is being able to read and predict patterns and strats. Just realize snake is generally a defensive character, meaning he likes people who are very offensive. Just be more defensive now and then to try and get him to approach, and work in grabs.
Thanks. I'll work on the grabs. Wolf's grab range is horrible though, imo. I try and stay away from them unless the person I'm against is all about shielding.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Can't say anything more than everyone else said, try to become alot more defensive would be the best option but after seeing you play you probably know that guy will see right through what your doing.

at least in my eyes your a bit more readily to attack than he is.


Smash Cadet
May 24, 2008
NC, aka Middle of Nowhere
It's good if your reckless. I should've specified what I meant. Your opponent KO'd himself twice going for you. I can't say I wouldn't do the same, but if you can play his style to your advantage, you got it cut out for you. Also, I know Snake's Rocket Launcher (the Nikita. Don't really use him enough to know the button) can be reflected.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2008
Bloomington, MN
It's good if your reckless. I should've specified what I meant. Your opponent KO'd himself twice going for you. I can't say I wouldn't do the same, but if you can play his style to your advantage, you got it cut out for you. Also, I know Snake's Rocket Launcher (the Nikita. Don't really use him enough to know the button) can be reflected.
Really really? I've tried with Wolf's reflector, and instead of turning it around, it just...hinders it for a moment, but it keeps going. I mean, I'm okay, but it's not reflected. Try again, I guess? I'll try to do so later, so thanks.

And I know reckless isn't really bad, but it's not without disadvantages either, correct?

Anyone know any tips for a 'defensive game'? How should I go about being defensive? If I know me, I'll be an idiot and use my offensive as my defensive, so what exactly does everyone want from me in that aspect, which kind of defense?


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
For a defensive game, if you dont want to spam blaster and fsmash, reflectors will come in very handy. Predict an attack, use the invincibility frames to dodge the hit and stun them with the reflector, and then follow up with an attack of your choice, fsmash, ftilt, SH fair, nair to a follow-up, dtilt if you're close and want to get a trip, you can't really go wrong out of a reflector.


Smash Apprentice
May 10, 2008
the missle just goes through, but it counts as your missle now, it won't do damage to you and if it hits anyone else it counts like you hit them. i don't know if he can still control it.

the upsmash is reflectable btw...

and grenades are reflectable, but they won't fly back in a straight line cause it's a thrown object.
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