When I watched the E3 demo of Sakurai and some other dude playing Mario vs Megaman, the gameplay looked a bit faster to me personally. To me, it looked like the characters definitely fall down faster and attack a bit faster. Another thing, from all of the trailers I've watched for the game so far, it seems they emphasize the meteor smashes/spikes. For example, they showed Megaman' spike and Donkey Kong's spike in the same video. It looked like Rosalina had a spike attack in her trailer as well.
To me, the hinted emphasis on those spike attacks in the trailers fits Sakurai's consideration of the competitive community. I like how the game looks so far, but we won't truly know how the game plays until we actually play it, whenever it comes out haha. But yeah, those 3 changes mentioned earlier (new edgehogging maneuver, dismissal of tripping, and a game speed between melee & brawl) are getting me all excited.
I'll like the game when it comes out regardless of how it plays. When Brawl first came out, I actually liked the slowed down gameplay style (probably because I was 12 and didn't know any better though lol). Brawl is still fun to play with friends, and I use it as a break from playing Smash64, since that is what I play the most with my friends.