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Halloween Bash Results (just here for shoutouts)


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
brawl singles
1) Seibrik
2) Kismet2
3) Nick Riddle
4) GDX
5) Chaz
5) Reflex
7) Biglou
7) Shaky
9) Billy
9) Chess
9) ?
9) ?
13) Rayku
13) Dragn
13) Deo
13) Razek

Didn't make it out of pools - @__@ ( i only remember who didn't make it out of my pool, so let's fill that up and such.)


Brawl Doubles
1) gdx + Biglou
2) Nick Riddle + Shaky
3) Chaz + Seibrik

Melee Singles
1) Chops
2) Chaddd
3) Fullmetal
4) eugene
5) Rayku
5) Boss Nasty
7) TRC
9) Toasty
9) Ovante

Melee Doubles
2nd- lambchops +eugene
3rd- pb&j + boss nasty

Mafia Singles

1) Chaz
2) R3SP4WN
3) Pervatasaurus
4) Biglou
5) Shaky
5) Scatz
7) Sexpuma
9) RJ
9) Chess

Didn't make it out of pools : Alby

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
And why is this not in the results section?

lol i'm just curious, that's all


Apr 10, 2008
Dan- get better you noob.
Everyone else- good stuff...

The Sex Puma

Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2008
what the... how the hell did chess, scatz, lou, and shaky place above me in mafia singles? xD

oh and I got 9th in brawl singles as well

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
um to my knowledge Melee singles is wrong dude

Boss Nasty got 5th? I think? And then me and Toasty shortly after. dunno who else made it that far.

no idea about Rayku's placing

and for reference
1. Chops (Falco)
2. Chaddd (Ganon)
3. Fullmetal (Marth)
4. Eugene/Renegade Marth (Marth)
5. Boss Nasty (Peach)
TRC (Young Link, Falco)
Toasty (Marth)

look at all those Marths <3


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Fearless, DanGR, Chess, Rayku, and Nick Riddle made it out of our pools. Skaterbaj, me, AntiC, Chops, and someone else (?) were the rest in Pool 1.

All videos are uploaded from the Wii that was on Livestream. If you have played a match that is named incorrectly on the OP, let me know so I can fix it.


And time to repost my shoutouts:

Sebrik: Good **** winning the tourney. You were amazing all through GF. I wished we could've played more, but I'll get another set in with you when I get better.

Nick Riddle: Sick ZSS. I have no experience in that matchup and the difference in skill level made things worse. Next time, I won't get beat that easily (even if I don't get to learn the MU)).

Chaz: Nice marth. We should've played more

FlatSoda: Nice peach man. Pika vs Peach = super long matches x.x

DanGR: Thanks for teaching me a little bit of the ICs matchup. I'll be a little more aware of what to do next time.

Fearless: Oli is too good lol. I wished I could've found out how to fight Oli's gameplay quicker than I did against DanGR. Next time man.

Shaky: Quiet as ****, but ******* good Ness. I wanted to play you more, but I never got the chance to really play. Keep reppin Ness dude.

Kismet: ****ing ****** falcos running rampant and ****. I might just go Pika instead of trying to still learn the Yoshi vs Falco MU. Also, Stop picking Wario on me I'm used to fighting them lol. <3

BigLou: Broken *** Luigi salty at a Broken *** Squirtle. We're playing like non-stop when I'm back in GA.

Reflex: Tough break in singles and during the crew battles. I always enjoy watching you play

Had fun there. Learned some new stuff and gotten better. If I left anyone out, it's cause I'm tired of writing out shoutouts.

Also, you can tell who went what in brackets:
brawl singles
1) Seibrik (MK/D3[?])
2) Kismet2 (Falco)
3) Nick Riddle (ZSS)
4) GDX (Diddy/G&W[?])
5) Chaz (Marth)
5) Reflex (PT)
7) Biglou (Luigi)
7) Shaky (Ness)
9) Billy (Falco/Sheik[?])
9) Chess (Snake)
9) Fearless (Olimar)
9) DanGR (???)
13) Rayku (Lucario)
13) Dragn (ToonLink/Kirby[?])
13) Deo (Diddy/?)
13) Razek (Pikachu/MK)


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
'Bout ****ing time.


Seibrik - Good stuff, but I will beat you one day.

Kismet - See above.

Nick - Don't sandbag me next time :mad:

GDX - **** I wanted to play you.

Chaz - @_@ ***** the hell outta me. GGs though.

Reflex - PT too good.

BigLou - Wanted to play that Luigi, but I had to go ._.

Shaky - GGs, that Ness is awesome.

Billy - Nice Sheik. We don't get enough of those.

Chess - Man, I wanted to MM you offline so I could get my revenge from online shenanigans.

Puma - Fat***, I don't owe you nothing. Double or nothing means if you win, you don't pay me, I don't pay you.


Rayku - Bahahahahaha no johns. GGs though :)

Dragn - Heard you had a good Toon Link, just never played you.

Deo - Don't know ya.

Razek - Don't know ya

Pool people that I can remember...

DanGR - You didn't make it out? Surprising. Good MK and Olimar.

Alby - No johns.

Scatz - Awesome wii. I didn't get to MM you though ._.

Perva - Stfu sometimes, jesus ****ing christ...

Skaterbaj - Didn't see you there. That, or I don't know what you look like.

Chops - It's all your fault we did pools.

Serin - GODDAMMIT, TAKE YOUR *** TO TOURNEYS AND STAY THERE!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Sorry if I forgot anyone else. :)

The Sex Puma

Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2008
Puma - Fatass, I don't owe you nothing. Double or nothing means if you win, you don't pay me, I don't pay you.
Doctor X Puma (3:52:11 PM): i need to clear something up
Doctor X Puma (3:52:15 PM): say
Doctor X Puma (3:52:22 PM): i get beat in a mm
King Gannon9064 (3:52:28 PM): ok
Doctor X Puma (3:52:29 PM): in a $5 mm
Doctor X Puma (3:52:35 PM): and i say double or nothing
Doctor X Puma (3:52:42 PM): and i win the next mm
Doctor X Puma (3:52:49 PM): do i get $10?
King Gannon9064 (3:53:09 PM): yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
King Gannon9064 (3:53:12 PM): you do
Doctor X Puma (3:53:17 PM): k


Doctor X Puma (3:52:11 PM): i need to clear something up
Doctor X Puma (3:52:15 PM): say

Doctor X Puma (3:52:22 PM): i get beat in a mm
Doctor X Puma (3:52:29 PM): in a $5 mm

Doctor X Puma (3:52:35 PM): and i say double or nothing

Doctor X Puma (3:52:42 PM): and i win the next mm

Doctor X Puma (3:52:49 PM): do i get $10?
ODDSTOLIVE (3:55:36 PM): yah
ODDSTOLIVE (3:55:51 PM): well u get the 5 u lost
ODDSTOLIVE (3:55:53 PM): and then another 5 back


Doctor X Puma (3:53:11 PM): i need to clear something up
Doctor X Puma (3:53:15 PM): say

Doctor X Puma (3:53:22 PM): i get beat in a mm
Doctor X Puma (3:53:29 PM): in a $5 mm

Doctor X Puma (3:53:35 PM): and i say double or nothing

Doctor X Puma (3:53:42 PM): and i win the next mm

Doctor X Puma (3:54:09 PM): do i get $10?
Its Faze (3:54:16 PM): yea


Doctor X Puma (3:55:11 PM): i need to clear something up
Doctor X Puma (3:55:15 PM): say

Doctor X Puma (3:55:22 PM): i get beat in a mm
Doctor X Puma (3:55:29 PM): in a $5 mm

Doctor X Puma (3:55:35 PM): and i say double or nothing

Doctor X Puma (3:55:42 PM): and i win the next mm

Doctor X Puma (3:55:59 PM): do i get $10?
renegadetx2001 (3:56:51 PM): yes
renegadetx2001 (3:57:01 PM): if you lose 5$
renegadetx2001 (3:57:05 PM): and you say double or nothing
renegadetx2001 (3:57:06 PM): and you win
renegadetx2001 (3:57:11 PM): you get your 5$ back + another 5$
renegadetx2001 (3:57:29 PM): but if he wins the gets
renegadetx2001 (3:57:35 PM): 10$ from u and he just won 15$
renegadetx2001 (3:57:38 PM): while you only win 5$ if you win
renegadetx2001 (3:57:39 PM): lo
Doctor X Puma (3:57:46 PM): thank you
renegadetx2001 (3:57:52 PM): np


Doctor X Puma (3:52:11 PM): i need to clear something up
Doctor X Puma (3:52:15 PM): say

Doctor X Puma (3:52:22 PM): i get beat in a mm
Doctor X Puma (3:52:29 PM): in a $5 mm

Doctor X Puma (3:52:35 PM): and i say double or nothing

Doctor X Puma (3:52:42 PM): and i win the next mm

Doctor X Puma (3:52:49 PM): do i get $10?
fearoshadow (3:54:48 PM): no
fearoshadow (3:54:53 PM): you just don't lose your money
Doctor X Puma (3:55:19 PM): uh
Doctor X Puma (3:55:27 PM): more people say i do get $10 than no
fearoshadow (3:55:58 PM): weird
fearoshadow (3:56:03 PM): maybe im wrong
fearoshadow (3:56:12 PM): actually
fearoshadow (3:56:15 PM): i think you do get 10
fearoshadow (3:56:18 PM): ~_~
Doctor X Puma (4:01:23 PM): yeah everyone says yes

You owe me $10.
Thank you, good night. :laugh:

Edit: k Idk you owe me something though. <.<


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
um to my knowledge Melee singles is wrong dude

Boss Nasty got 5th? I think? And then me and Toasty shortly after. dunno who else made it that far.

no idea about Rayku's placing

and for reference
1. Chops (Falco)
2. Chaddd (Ganon)
3. Fullmetal (Marth)
4. Eugene/Renegade Marth (Marth)
5. Boss Nasty (Peach)
TRC (Young Link, Falco)
Toasty (Marth)

look at all those Marths <3
there are two fifths, i didn't know the second, so that makes it still pretty legit trc. lol <3

sex puma, what am i thinking, you actually said things, let me fix that for you XD

depends on how you feel about double or nothing

there's the

DOUBLE - the person who initiated the double or nothing, will have to pay double the money that was intially asked for, So in your situation, it was a five dollar money match. So you would give him another five dollars for losing.

and of course

NOTHING - the person who initiated the money match ends up winning the second time. NOTHING happens. The opponents gives the initiator his five dollars back and the match is over. They both come out with the same money they came in with.

You should've asked seibrik what double or nothing meant. albv SHOULD'VE known since he played a double or nothing at the **** tourney.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
'Bout ****ing time.
Puma - Fat***, I don't owe you nothing. Double or nothing means if you win, you don't pay me, I don't pay you.


Rayku - Bahahahahaha no johns. GGs though :)
What hateful statements.

Learn to speak. "I don't owe you nothing" is a double negative, so you just said that you do owe him whatever he's saying you owe him. Double or nothing means just what SexPuma said in that conversation he posted

What's so funny? Seriously? Even after you were told, acknowledged, and accepted that I never said anything to do with johns in any form, you STILL say I was johning about losing a money match? Highly disrespectful. I'll be sure to laugh out loud in your face when I beat you.

Also, @SexPuma: Why on earth would you -ever- ask Albino to clear something up for you?

@TRC: I got 5th place, along with Boss Nasty. Shame how I've always been the forgotten one when it comes to results.


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
o.o You took it seriously? I apologize.

Sorry, didn't mean for it to be hurtful.

IIRC, I remember you mentioning controller johns after the first match and I was referring to that in a joking manner.

And Puma, double or nothing means I get double or NOT A THING.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
IIRC, I remember you mentioning controller johns after the first match and I was referring to that in a joking manner.
I was just frustrated because the same thing happened in a game against a certain Salty person: I knew what he was going to do and for some reason Lucario decided to run forward to let himself get hit.

You should stop being so much of an a*shole to people, regardless.


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
I'm an ******* to people? o.o I'm just take things a bit jokingly is all.

Again, sorry for causing frustration.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
LOL @ serin getting heat in here too xD

what am I going to do with you...:embarrass


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
WTF PUMA. What do you think the NOTHING means rofl. Serin doesnt owe you anything if he won the intial mm. Its basically just ANOTHER 5$ mm. You win, you get your money back, you lose serin gets 10$.
That would be like a bet where you win you get 10$ and if serin wins he only gets 5 ROFL you and whoever you were IMing are not very smart.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
@TRC: I got 5th place, along with Boss Nasty. Shame how I've always been the forgotten one when it comes to results.
my bad. prolly cause my bracket as backed up, and I watched Toasty fight Boss, then Boss beat me, and then I thought I saw Boss against FullMetal, I dunno, ****.

my bad though. just didn't want Boss to get left out of results though since he so chill.
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