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Hades, The True Lord of the Underworld for Smash Switch!

Aug 1, 2013

Arguments by @Hades the Magnificent, moveset analysis by yours truly, the rest by @BluePikmin11.
Pittooey may have joined the battle over me, but that doesn't mean I'm out of the running! Yes, the franchise has already been over-filled with three KI characters and yes I'm pretty much, but..
Now is the time to show who's the best villain in town, by being added as a new character!
Maybe it's time I show you why I should be added, with the help of my Magnificent friend!
1) Smash needs more villains. Why do you think people request losers like King K. Rool or Ridley?
They are so desperate for villains that they'll stoop to morons like those to get their fix. As the greatest villain Nintendo ever made, I would be able to fill this void on the roster. Imagine me ripping off Pitty's wings, teaming with Ganny, destroying a bunch of annoying heroes... I'd fit right in!
2) I have an infinitely deep movepool.
I'm the most powerful being in the Universe. I could use a variety of magical beams, blasts, and more. Canonically, I can change my size, swallow enemies whole, summon tornadoes, teleport, create enemies, open portals, and eat souls. Oh, and since I'm the ultimate troll, it would be fitting if I used moves that would mess with the opponents' movements and attacks.
3) I am a great character.
I've got the third-most lines of anyone in Kid Icarus: Uprising and every one of them is pure gold. Fans of the series absolutely adore me and often try to imitate me by taking some of my quotes.
So if you would like to support me for Super Smash Bros Switch!
Additional arguments from TheSquishiestManatee
Ultimatley, while Medusa and Viridi have valid reasons for their inclusion, here are a few things he has over those characters that aren't the greatest thing to happen to gaming unlike yours truly.
1. The inclusion that makes the most sense would be to add another villain. Viridi has her reasons but we already have a big support character, Palutena. It seems that it would make more sense in this case for that character to be a main antagonist. Viridi you can argue was more important to the story of Uprising than Medusa was, but for the series as a whole, Medusa has more importance.
2. Medusa while also important to the series and has been in more games, does not have as big of an importance to the story as Hades. She was not the main villain in Uprising and the first game got retconned by Hades as well. This means that in terms of actual influence over the story, Hades has the most.
3. In the original Kid Icarus, the characters were not as prevalent as they were in uprising. That is of course due to the fact that it was an NES game which was obviously a very different time. The game where the characters get the most time and life is Kid Icarus Uprising. The two most prevalent characters besides Pit and Palutena were by far Hades and Viridi. They appeared much more than Medusa who unfortunately got way less appearances than she should have. Of course story over prevalence but it's still a factor to consider when discussing who should be chosen due to amount of impact a character would have had.
4. Despite the fact that people have argued for Viridi and Medusa, it's important to remember that both Medusa and Viridi are infact not Hades while Hades is Hades. I think this point was all we really needed to argue in favor of Hades.
A gloriously fabulous moveset analysis by @ TheSqushiestManatee TheSqushiestManatee
---------------------The almighty Hades move analysis!------------
Hades from Kid Icarus has a TON of moveset potential. As the title says, this is an analysis of all powers and abilities that Hades has used. I will go through various moves he has utilized and interpret ways these moves may work in Smash Bros. I will try to be vague with some to encourage people to interpret ways these can work. If people wanted to create a moveset but had me basically come up with a specific idea on how these attacks would work, they may be discouraged from making a moveset because I already created alot of ideas. Also the names I come up with are more of slight descriptions than actual names. Any way, Enjoy.
Hades strength is immense. Some attacks he has used revolving around strength and physical attacks in general are...
Slams: Hades can create shock waves by slamming his hands. He is seen preforming this towards the beginning of the final boss battle as well as when he destroys the great sacred treasures. This could possibly be a smash attack or a devastating attack that has a wind box as well due to the sheer power of his strength. Maybe it can be a slow charged special kind of like a falcon punch only working differently in terms of hit box and and the wind box element.
Image of Slams.
Ground Punch: Hades slams his fist into the ground creating a shock wave and causing a great deal of the rock to protrude. Perhaps this can be a large physical area of effect attack.
Image of ground punch
Wave Punch: Hades rapidly punches causing projectile fists to fly in front of him. This attack is similar to Knuckle Joe's Vulcan Jab which he also uses as an assist trophy.
Image of Wave Punch
Hades Kick: Hades leaps in the air than kicks towards the ground. Hades specifically calls this move "Hades Kick" in the japanese version of the game. This move is extremely similar to Ganondorf's custom move, Wizard's Dropkick. This attack also caused rock to protrude from the ground.
Image of Hades Kick
Dark Uppercut: Hades does a powerful uppercut with his hand engulfed in darkness. He then floats back down afterward. Wether the darkness was from Medusa or from Hades, I am not sure.
Image of Dark Uppercut (Warning images of this attack may make Medusa fans cry.)
Hades has many impressive tools and techniques when it comes to getting around. Besides being capable of incredible speeds, here are a few powers that Hades uses that are related to mobility.
Tornado: Hades quickly starts spinning and turns into a tornado. Not much more to it.
Image of Tornado
Teleport: Hades can teleport. In Chapter 23 he teleports where there is a bright white and purple flash, followed by Hades turning dark, and then disappearing and reappearing. That animation happens fast. He also teleports in chapter 25 as well.
Image of teleportation.
Flight: Hades is capable of flying. He flies in chapter 25 where he shoots upward after the Hades kick. The entire pursuit mode part of the fight was him flying. Considering the crazy speed, perhaps this could be some sort of ramming attack.
Image of flight.
Underground Emergence:Hades bursts from the ground shooting into the air. Perhaps with teleportation this attack can be interesting.
Image of Emergence
Levitation: Hades is capable of levitating. Perhaps he can hover similar to Peach or use it like Pit's old up special.
Image of levitation
Dark Magic and Energy Projection
Now things get interesting! Hades has TONS of dark powers. We constantly see all sorts of strange dark powers and lasers being thrown at poor Pit so these may make up most of his special moves.
Purple Orbs: Hades can summon purple orbs that usually just sit there and do nothing, Then transforming into fireball like projectiles that get launched toward's Pit. Perhaps Hades can place these down and activate them when he so chooses. They may fire at the nearest player or maybe every player. I was thinking he should be able to have 5 of these at a time. Sometimes they fire constantly at Pit but I usually they fire once and then they're gone.
Image of purple orbs.
Fireball like transformation-->
Pink Orbs: These orbs often fire pink projectiles. These could be interesting as they can work like turrets. Occasionally they work like the purple orbs but usually they act like turrets.
Image of pink orbs
shots from the pink orb -->
Dark Lasers: These lasers have some homing properties. Hades shoots these out of his face and his back. Maybe he can use these as a powerful burst attack with alot of cooldown.
Image of dark lasers
Face Missiles : These missiles are originally fired from Hades face guns. They are slow, powerful, missiles that relentlessly pursue people. I could see them as exactly how I described them, slow, powerful, and relentless pursuers.
Image of face missiles
Black Hole Hands: Hades sticks his hands out and creates a black hole that pulls people towards it. Maybe he can even summon black holes in general.
Image of black hole hands.
Dark Blast: Hades can fire dark fireball like projectiles out of his chest. He normally does this in a burst of three.
Image of dark blasts
Dark Sparks: This is where Hades shoots multiple sparks out of his eyes with slight homing capabilities. To be honest this attack is one of the more generic ones but if anyone can think of a way to make this attack interesting, then great!
Image of dark sparks
Blue Shots: Hades fires blue shots out of his hands. If these shots get to close, they break into smaller shots and home in on his enemy.
Image of blue shots
When it transforms into a smaller shot
Purple Shots: Hades fires purple shots out of his hand. These shots will transform into a slightly smaller shot if they are hit or shot. I can see Hades being able to fire one of these at a projectile heavy character. They will have to be careful about shooting at Hades if he has this tool.
Image of purple shots
When they transform into the other shot
Dark Rune: Hades can place dark rune like traps. In chapter 23, when you are searching for Hades, some of these appear. It is a safe assumption that these were placed there by Hades. When the player comes in contact it inflicts a dark effect. I could see these traps having good hitstun making it easy to follow up with an attack. It should also have it's appearance fade in and out to help hide the trap to an extent.
Image of dark rune
Purple Wall: Hades can shoot purple walls out of his hand. These walls are indestructible and travel forward. They would work similar to Palutena's reflect attack except they dont reflect and it would travel farther.
Image of purple wall
Red Wall: Hades shoots a red wall that travels in front of him. This red wall is breakable and fires many tiny red shots as it travels.
Image of red wall
Large Lasers: Hades fires large pink lasers at the beginning of chapter 25 as well as at the end of chapter 25. The lasers may be a constant multi hitting type laser or a devastating blast. He should be able to aim it. I feel this attack should have a large cooldown.
Image of large lasers
Devestation Ensemble: Hades can create a suit of guns on himself using the devastation ensemble. Most of the guns he gets fires generic lasers and other generic stuff. Perhaps he can instantly create a bunch of guns on him and start filling the screen with tons of projectiles. Though I don't know if he should be allowed to do this with out actually having the Devastation Ensemble equipped but I think it should be fine.
Image of Devastation Ensembles various projectiles
Hades Ultimate Attack!: Not much is known about this attack. all that is know is that it's extremely powerful and it takes a long time to charge up. Maybe it's a giant screen filling blast? Or maybe it's a massively powerful laser. I could see this as his final smash where he goes dragoon on them and uses a reticle to hit them with his laser.
Image of Hades Ultimate Attack
Soul Manipulation
Hades is the god of the Underworld! As god of the Underworld, he can control souls to an unlimited extent. Here are some of his actions with souls.
Soul Absorption: Hades can absorb souls to heal or buff himself. Maybe Hades can get souls from killing other players or just from over time. He could have a soul count above his health and icon.
Soul Heal: Hades can use souls to heal himself as seen in the final boss battle. Perhaps he can also heal himself through a soul drain.
Image of soul heal
Soul Buff: Using souls, Hades can increase his power. Maybe you can some how choose what to buff like how Shulk can select a stance, Hades can choose a buff out of attack, speed, jump, defense, special, and arms. If he has to spend souls, then there should be no draw back with these buffs unlike Shulk's. Maybe there could be stat tiers like 1 soul on attack is +1 attack while tier two is +2 on top of the +1 attack he already got from spending the first soul.
Soul Mold: The Taffy Man... err... Hades, can mold souls into whatever he desires. This can allow him to summon many minions and maybe even bosses and gods (Thanatos) depending on how many souls he uses.
Other Soul Powers: Hades has soul manipulation. We already know that, but what else can he do with this power? Plenty! Soul removal, soul exchange, soul seal, possession, resurrection ect. We can get creative and think of lots of other things he can do with his immense soul manipulation abilities.
Hades has two other abilities that were not classified under the previous sections. He has a drill and strong breath.
Drill: Hades can activate a large drill at any time. possibly, he could use this as an expansion type attack. This attack could do high shield damage.
Image of drill
Breath: Hades can use his breath to inhale his enemies or blow them away. I'm not sure how inhale would work as he isnt puffy like Kirby and King Dedede. Perhaps he can steal items with it or pull his opponents close to him. His exhale may work like the gust bellows.
Image of breath
In general, Hades would be a powerhouse type character but also have a good keepaway game. Hades is slow but powerful however he's faster than Ganondorf in terms of mobility and attacks but is lighter and weaker, not by much though. Hades despite his power and slow speeds still has an above average combo game due to have many attacks that have good hit stun and set up well for follow up attacks.
Jab: Hades punches forward. This attack is quick, has good hitstun, and good power. It pushes the user slightly infront of him allowing Hades to follow up the attack easily. So basically Ganondorfs Melee jab.
Foward Tilt: Hades kicks forward swinging his leg horizontally from the side. The back half of this attacks hit box does more hit stun while his ankle does more knockback. This makes it a decent combo starter at very early percents.
Down Tilt: Hades does his downward swipe from chapter 23. He raises his arm up and then swings down leaving a pink trail. If you are hit close to Hades, you will be launched upward directly above where you were hit and take lots of hitstun kind of like Peach's down tilt. If you are hit anywhere else you will take strong knockback.
Up tilt: Hades pulls his hand upward causing a large pillar of darkness to shoot upward. The attack is more of an explosion then a pillar of energy like Palutena's up smash. It This pillar is a bit bigger than Hades is. This attack is one of his weaker attacks but is a fast attack and not just relative to Hades overall attack speed. This is a great anti air and zoning tool.
Dash attack: Hades brings his arm back and preforms the same horizontal swipe/punch from chapter 23 where he would teleport and use this move occasionally. This attack also has a pink trail. This attack does increased knock back at the tip of the attack but overall has high knockback and damage.
N-Air: Hades sticks his leg far back and then swings it in front of him horizontally. This is a slow but far reaching and powerful attack. The end of this attack deals high knockback. This is one of Hades slower attacks. It has a sweetspot at his foot.
F-Air: Hades swings his arm forward back handing his opponent. This attack is quick and is easy to follow up.
U-Air Hades swings his arm upward back handing his opponent. This is similiar to his foward air but is a bit slower and has more damage and knockback. there is also a pink trail from this one.
D-Air: Hades extends his leg foward and then kicks downward.
B-Air: I got this idea from Jamesster445 so credit goes to him. Hades shoots out purple lasers which end shortly in front of him. These travel about the length of 75% of battlefield. This attack is slow but is great for zoning.
Foward Smash: Hades pulls back and then punches his opponent with great force. This is the same attack he uses at the very beginning of his final boss fight. His eyes flash red when releasing this attack and glow even brighter if its fully charged.
Up Smash: Hades pulls his arm back and then lunges forward preforming an uppercut. This attack does increased knockback at the end of the attack. This attack has a red and black trail. His eyes glow red here too.
Down Smash: Hades punches the ground causing the ground to erupt from underneath him.
Forward throw: Hades picks up the opponent with one arm, takes a step back, pulls them behind his shoulder and then throws them with great force. This serves as a kill throw as while it doesn't do that much damage relative to Hades power, it has fantastic knock back almost all of which is horizontal knockback. It can kill at 100% if you can get it set up right.
Down Throw: Hades slams the opponent on the ground.
Up throw: Hades places his hands on the opponent and causes an explosion of dark energy to occur launching them upward. This attack kills around 130%.
Back throw: Hades places them behind him and then punches them like how he does with his first attack during chapter 23.
Now we get on to the more interesting part, specials.
Neutral Special, Destruction Orbs: Hades summons 1-5 purple orbs which he can activate. Hades will place these orbs into the air where they will simply float until they are activated by Hades. When activated, these orbs will transform into fire ball like projectiles and will explode when they come in contact with an opponent causing a fire effect. Each one does 5% damage. Every five seconds you are able to fire an additional orb with the max being 5. This idea is very similar to Hyrule64's idea for his Hades moveset. It's simply a case of great minds thinking alike but due to the similarities I felt I should mention them.
Side Special, Apocalyptic Annihilator: Hades sticks out his hand and fires a large laser out of it which he can control the direction by tilting the analog stick. This attack has great reach and packs a punch. It has long start up and active frames so its punishable. It reaches from the edge of battlefield to slightly past the platform. It is a multi hitting attack that hits 3 times for a total of 22% damage. It does even greater knockback when opponent is near Hades.
Down Special, Chaos Orbs: The Chaos Orbs are two different orbs. The blue shot and the purple shot. The purple shot travels faster than the blue shot and has slightly less start up frames. This attack turns into two small purple blasts that home in on an enemy that shoots or hits the projectile. Getting hit by the regular purple shot deals 6% but when dispersed it deals 10%. The blue shot activates with in a radius of an enemy. Assuming the blue shot is right in the middle between a battlefield platform and the ground, the platform is the highest point in the radius that can trigger the smaller blue shots and the floor is the lowest. For the horizontal part of the radius, the blue shot will break if near the end of the platform. Each smaller shot from the blue shot deals 5% but at most only 3 shots can target a player for a total of 15% damage. The purple shot is activated by tapping the b button while the blue shot is activated by holding the b button.
Up Special, Levitate. Hades levitates
Final Smash, Hades Grand Finale: Hades teleports only to phase through the ground charging his ultimate attack. When he phases through the ground, there is a dark aura that outlines the area that Hades is phasing through. This is the same attack Hades begins charging to end Pit with. This attack will take 5 seconds to charge and then can be released at will. The attack is a giant wave that covers the entire screen kind of like what Master colossus and Tabuu does. This attack deals 100% and is instant kill. Now you're probably thinking this is broken but considering if you dodge it with a roll, air dodge, or spot dodge, you completely avoid it. In addition, there is a flash at Hades head where he was charging the attack right before it activates giving the players time and a warning to dodge. This makes it one of the most easily avoidable final smashes.

Hades' Underworld Army:
1. BluePikmin11
2. KoM
3. TheSqushiestManatee
4. Brawler610
5. Awesomedude444
6. Knux27
7. Wintropy
8. Erotic&Heretic
9. Blazgreen
10. Zebei
11. DittoMaster6
12. TeddyBearYoshi
13. Thelimomon
14. LousyTactician
15. Xenoking
16. AwesomeAussie27
17. Crap-Zapper
18. Jamesster445
19. ZenythSmash
20. Blue_Sword_Edge
21. Xeno VII
22. Ren Amamiya
23. Smash Daddy
24. SethTheMage
25. Eisendrachen
26. Mr.ElectroG64
27. Takasmash
28. Segagameboy
30. John Dylan Smith
31. MainJPW
32. Mediyogurt
33. Questionmark222
34. Freecs
35. Wyvern 0m3g4
36. Loki4Laughs
37. Takasmash
38. Drllm0
39. Toucan_Man
40. CleverDan
41. RetrogamerMax
42. Smashing Ramen
43. GoodGrief741
44. Wiziliz
45. CroonerMike
46. Chippy2000
AMAZING albeit currently outdated signatures done by @BluePikmin11
By Holotuff
By EricMHE
Amazing Hades cosplay by daysukesplace
By Gigi

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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC






Gazoontite. I still support the devious Lord of the Underworld.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Ahhhh the trio of KIU threads are together again.

Viridi, Medusa, and of course Hades strike again!

If you don't mind, I edited your OP to change my old username to my current one in the supporters list :p

Still my favorite piece of art from the series
Aug 1, 2013
Welp i'm banning you now nice going you've ruined everything... wait you're the mod. Uh can you ban yourself please? Jk but yea I love that art lol. Definitely one of my favorite as well.

EDIT: This awesome cosplay is one of my favorite pieces art.

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Deleted member






I still support one of the greatest Nintendo villains. Also feel free to update my name in the support list from Xenoking to Xeno VII. Or leave it. It's your choice.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Any room for one more?

Unless I'm not as fetching as Pretty Palutena. :p
Aug 1, 2013





I still support one of the greatest Nintendo villains. Also feel free to update my name in the support list from Xenoking to Xeno VII. Or leave it. It's your choice.

Any room for one more?

Unless I'm not as fetching as Pretty Palutena. :p
I bet you're as attractive as Pandora... I'm not saying which one. Also You are already on the support list if thats what you're asking. I fixed your name on the list now though.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Support. He's my 3rd choice but still would be awesome.
Bit of a danger he would borrow some stuff from Ganondorf if they are lazy/ have him as low priority/ time tho he would still be amazing.

Hade's just has such a fun personality and he would be an awesome fighter too.
edit: I love your final argument point. XD
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Aug 1, 2013
Support. He's my 3rd choice but still would be awesome.
Bit of a danger he would borrow some stuff from Ganondorf if they are lazy/ have him as low priority/ time tho he would still be amazing.

Hade's just has such a fun personality and he would be an awesome fighter too.
edit: I love your final argument point. XD
My final argument is absolute. No doubts shall be made in who should be playable. Also i'm assuming your two other preferred choices would be Devastation Ensemble Hades and Final Hades. Good choices. No but in all seriousness those would be great alts for him.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2015
You can keep me on the support list. I still want Hades of Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Besides, we still need consistant villains in the roster.
Aug 1, 2013
You can keep me on the support list. I still want Hades of Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Besides, we still need consistant villains in the roster.
Never too late for a reply i guess. Yea I think adding more villains is the next step for the smash bros series. We got alot of female fighters in Smash 4, so maybe we will get alot of villains in Smash 5. Besides, with Smash bros getting more and more characters, it makes there be less significant fighters to add in so the lesser known ones are going to have increased odds of getting in. So maybe Hades? Villains I could see added are Skull Kid, Hades or Medusa, Dark Samus, Ridley(If it's not directed by Sakurai), and King K. Rool to name a few villains they could add to increase the villain count.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Never too late for a reply i guess. Yea I think adding more villains is the next step for the smash bros series. We got alot of female fighters in Smash 4, so maybe we will get alot of villains in Smash 5. Besides, with Smash bros getting more and more characters, it makes there be less significant fighters to add in so the lesser known ones are going to have increased odds of getting in. So maybe Hades? Villains I could see added are Skull Kid, Hades or Medusa, Dark Samus, Ridley(If it's not directed by Sakurai), and King K. Rool to name a few villains they could add to increase the villain count.
why not both. :p They could also bring back Wolf. Only other villains I can think of atm are Ghirahim and Ganon .
Aug 1, 2013
why not both. :p They could also bring back Wolf. Only other villains I can think of atm are Ghirahim and Ganon .
Yea and if they do choose to go this villain route (that sounds evil) then all these characters chances increase drastically. That of course being if and we have no idea what they are going to do. But I hope so cause Hades, Skull Kid, and Ridley are all in my top 5 with my number one obviously being Hades. In general i'm excited for Smash 5's roster. Alot of the characters I want are not that popular so this one we are gonna see more of the unpopular than before.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I have yet to consider a good argument against this guy. Plus he'd likely have amazing banter with other characters in "Hades' Misguidance" or something
I don't know why, but "Chatting With Hades" or "Conversations With Hades" just feels like it'd fit him.
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Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2010
If he makes it in, Greg Germann should voice him, reprising his role from OUAT. He'd also be perfect for the role in a film adaptation of Uprising.
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Aug 1, 2013
Don't know why I never got notified for the last responses to this thread. Any way
If he makes it in, Greg Germann should voice him, reprising his role from OUAT. He'd also be perfect for the role in a film adaptation of Uprising.
The original voice of Hades is the best it makes him sound glorious lol. Also to add discussion, if the Devastation ensemble is not his final smash than it should be an alternate costume. Final Hades where he is damaged heavily would be a cool alt too.
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Deleted member

I may have been against the idea of another Kid Icarus newcomer before, but I changed my mind.
Hades would be great. Would literally main for personality alone.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2017
I'm not sure about 1 character, but I am 100% in favor of him becoming a boss in a solo mode.

Ren Amamiya

Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2018
Café Leblanc
I would absolutely adore to see Hades in Smash. Best Kid Icarus character, in my opinion.
We also need a signature icon for this dude. Would rock it with pride.

Deleted member

This would be a shocking, excellent choice for third KI rep!

Besides as a newcomer, the lack of Hades in Smash 4 is shocking. Not in the bg of any stage, not in the codecs, barely mentioned. He could easily have an assist trophy at the bare minimum.


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
Definitely down for this. There was a glaring lack of Hades representation in Smash 4; best Nintendo villain imo. I don't care if KI is "overrepped" in Smash; this is still something that I think needs to happen. Uprising introduced a ton of fun and memorable characters, and Hades was one of the best.


Smash Hero
Aug 6, 2014
Overkillscythe Hell
...I'm an imp now, I should be supporting my boss on principle alone. OR SO HE THINKS.

I'm with you boss, please don't kill me.
Aug 1, 2013
Awesome. I'll add all of you to the support list. Honestly I need to play as the best villain there is. Don't care how bad or broken he may end up, its an instant main. Just include lots of trash talking lol. Imagine if he insulted a player if they sdi for example.
I would absolutely adore to see Hades in Smash. Best Kid Icarus character, in my opinion.
We also need a signature icon for this dude. Would rock it with pride.
Agreed. I'll see if I can make something soon. I was thinking about getting Photoshop or something for a couple reasons and if I do, I will try to make different signatures for him. I think of something and make a couple.
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Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
Washington D.C.
Hades left such a strong impression back when Uprising released. To find out that he was the real baddie all along was one hell of a twist. I thought that was pretty damn sick. I'd definitely be down to see him. I know Sakurai might be hesitant to do so because it might seem kinda bias (considering he worked on Uprising), but he'd be welcomed addition to most considering he's a villain. Plus, we'd get to see some interactions with him and Pit again. I was disappointed how he didn't show up during any of Pit's conversations in Palutena's Temple. If they don't him as a playable character this time then at least include him in some convo's. His interactions with Pit were some of the best moments in Uprising. So here's hoping he makes it into Smash.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
It is Hades day in RTC. Come on down to show support.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
A greek mythology character? Hmm... people would always think of the Disney version from the film Hercules who inspired the Hades in Kingdom Hearts and Once Upon a Time. And Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief had some impression on me. I think he may have been a Wonder Woman villain too. Is he in God of War? Yes he is. I never played Kid Icarus Uprising, so can you tell me what this version of Hades has to offer that the others don't? And do we want public domain characters in Smash?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2015
I love to see Hades in smash we need more villains but I think he's unlikely I could see him being a Stage Hazard Boss in Underworld stage. The only KI characters thats kinda likely maybe Viridi or Medusa.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
Viridi feels like a better option for me because I recognize Hades and Medusa from greek mythology.
Aug 1, 2013
A greek mythology character? Hmm... people would always think of the Disney version from the film Hercules who inspired the Hades in Kingdom Hearts and Once Upon a Time. And Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief had some impression on me. I think he may have been a Wonder Woman villain too. Is he in God of War? Yes he is. I never played Kid Icarus Uprising, so can you tell me what this version of Hades has to offer that the others don't? And do we want public domain characters in Smash?
Just as Marvels depiction of Thor can be in Marvel vs Capcom, Hades can be in Smash. Just because people do different depictions of a certain character doesnt make them the same. God of War Hades for example is extremely different than the comedic hammy, and trolly Hades we got in Uprising. Its Nintendo’s depiction and thus it’s a different character. Just because one character is depicted in lots of different things, doesn’t mean different interpretations and takes on said character is essentially the same. Of course there are many more examples than just Hades in gaming.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
Well, since he does have a trophy on the 3DS and public domain-inspired characters have appeared in other all-star crossovers (Disney being full of them), I guess it's okay to put Hades in. You know, I watched a video of the Palutena's Guidance on Lucas. You know, the generic DLC dialogue where nobody recognizes him even though Pit met Lucas in Brawl? And someone made a joke in the YouTube comments for a scenerio where Hades becomes a DLC character and he reacts to each line in the DLC Palutena's Guidance as confused and annoyed about these people forgetting him.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2015
I take back what I say about Hades well I think he should take Dark Pit slot. Dark Pit could be Pit Alt if unless Dark Pit is going to have some move sets changes and the bull final smash. Hades a way better villain than Dark Pit honest truth. I see Medusa being a assist trophy she could turn player into stone. Viridi on the other hand likely playable character because of the Mii Costume the problem her her chances is the Rest Bomb stage uh. But I want Viridi and Hades in smash 5. Sakurai should not be afraid to add more of his characters I mean Sakurai create smash bros so I dont see the big deal.
Aug 1, 2013
I take back what I say about Hades well I think he should take Dark Pit slot. Dark Pit could be Pit Alt if unless Dark Pit is going to have some move sets changes and the bull final smash. Hades a way better villain than Dark Pit honest truth. I see Medusa being a assist trophy she could turn player into stone. Viridi on the other hand likely playable character because of the Mii Costume the problem her her chances is the Rest Bomb stage uh. But I want Viridi and Hades in smash 5. Sakurai should not be afraid to add more of his characters I mean Sakurai create smash bros so I dont see the big deal.
If I had to say who is most likley out of the main 3 (Hades, Medusa, and Viridi) id say Viridi is. Who should get in first is another discussion though. If I could have my way id actually have both Hades and Viridi playable. Not saying they should do two additional reps but I wish lol.
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