Smash Rookie
(9:22:57 PM) SWF_Guest74: lol the only way u can have a close match is to be cheap and thats funny
(9:23:14 PM) Mouldy_Taco: look who's talking?
(9:23:21 PM) Mouldy_Taco: all I see is fsmash fsmash fsmash
(9:23:23 PM) SWF_Guest74: in what way
(9:25:55 PM) Firestorm [] entered the room.
(9:27:39 PM) Mouldy_Taco: like that match
(9:27:52 PM) Mouldy_Taco: towards the end 90% of your moves were fsmash
(9:27:56 PM) Mouldy_Taco: the other 10% was thunder
(9:28:31 PM) SWF_Guest74: stuff like only jump and doing the lighting is spamming
(9:28:44 PM) SWF_Guest74: and grabbing somene 10 times in a row is spamming
(9:32:52 PM) Mouldy_Taco: grabbing someone 10 times in a row is chaingrabbing
(9:32:57 PM) Mouldy_Taco: and anybody who is good will know how to do it
(9:33:16 PM) SWF_Guest74: its called being a [DEMEANING TITLE FOR A GAY PERSON]ot and not fighting
(9:33:47 PM) Mouldy_Taco: sorry you feel that way about it
(9:34:01 PM) Mouldy_Taco: just a suggestion, maybe you should stop picking stages pikachu can own you on
(9:39:14 PM) SWF_Guest74: i pic random
(9:47:58 PM) SWF_Guest74: do u think that grabing thing is cool or sumptin
(9:48:06 PM) Mouldy_Taco: no
(9:48:11 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i think chaingrabbing owns you
(9:48:35 PM) SWF_Guest74: cuz u know u cant fight
(9:51:24 PM) Mouldy_Taco: owned. without chaingrab.
(9:51:39 PM) SWF_Guest74: that second death was bull and u know it
(9:51:51 PM) Mouldy_Taco: I still had 2 lives
(9:51:58 PM) Mouldy_Taco: do you honestly think you would have made it
(9:52:25 PM) SWF_Guest74: y do u not like itesms
(9:55:44 PM) Mouldy_Taco: it requires no skill to [VULGAR TERM FOR "HOG"] all the items
(9:55:57 PM) SWF_Guest74: and it does to spam
(9:58:41 PM) Mouldy_Taco: which you're doing just as much as me, so you can't say anything
(9:58:52 PM) Mouldy_Taco: spamming isn't just for projectiles.
(9:59:12 PM) SWF_Guest74: i can just sit their and shoot my bow all day but i dont
(10:01:49 PM) SWF_Guest74: stop picking final destination
(10:01:53 PM) SWF_Guest74: its gettin boring
(10:01:55 PM) Mouldy_Taco: yeah, i'm definitely sitting there and pressing B the whole time
(10:02:07 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm using thunderjold as an approach, which is why it appears that I spam
(10:15:44 PM) Mouldy_Taco: even with all those items...
(10:15:59 PM) Mouldy_Taco: does that mean you're done then?
(10:21:01 PM) Mouldy_Taco: have fun with your items cause that's the only way you can beat anyone you'll meet here
(10:21:14 PM) SWF_Guest74: im suree
(10:21:22 PM) SWF_Guest74: i'll turn them off next
(10:21:33 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you won't need to worry about that
***We stop brawling
(10:21:36 PM) SWF_Guest74: sorry u just got beat with ur own character
(10:22:08 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm sorry you like to [S-BOMB] on people better than you by calling them spammers when they're using perfectly acceptable ATs
(10:22:15 PM) Mouldy_Taco: kthxbai
(10:22:46 PM) Mouldy_Taco: besides you really are a noob if you don't know how to avoid spam
(10:23:06 PM) SWF_Guest74: i can but i just dont sink down to your level
(10:23:18 PM) SWF_Guest74: i could mess u up with pit
(10:23:25 PM) SWF_Guest74: just keep firing my arrows
(10:23:29 PM) SWF_Guest74: but thats gay
(10:23:30 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm sure you could, baby
(10:23:37 PM) Mouldy_Taco: that's the easiest thing to dodge ever
(10:23:38 PM) SWF_Guest74: i'm a girl and i know that
(10:23:51 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm not [S-BOMB]ting on you cause you're a girl
(10:23:57 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm [S-BOMB]ting on you because you're [FEMALE DOG]ING
(10:24:46 PM) SWF_Guest74: when you do gay moves that people can't avoid
(10:24:52 PM) SWF_Guest74: like the grabing [NOUN THAT DENOTES A GAY PERSON] [S-BOMB]
(10:24:55 PM) SWF_Guest74: thats spamming
(10:25:18 PM) Mouldy_Taco: and when you're about to lose and you keep doing fsmash, that somehow IS NOT spamming?
(10:25:25 PM) SWF_Guest74: becuase when you base your whole moves on 3 dif moves that gay and spamming
(10:25:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: lol. you're talking about your self for real
(10:25:44 PM) SWF_Guest74: u use b, grab spam, and b down
(10:25:45 PM) SWF_Guest74: thats it
(10:25:46 PM) Mouldy_Taco: all you used as pika was fsmash usmash and thunder.
(10:26:18 PM) Mouldy_Taco: I used ftilt AAA usmash fsmash dsmash thunder thunderjolt nair dair fair
(10:26:26 PM) SWF_Guest74: u base your whole game on spamming and thats pathetic
(10:26:37 PM) Mouldy_Taco: no I base my whole approach off a projectile
(10:26:45 PM) Mouldy_Taco: there you go [FEMALE DOG]ing again
(10:26:48 PM) SWF_Guest74: over and over and over and over
(10:27:05 PM) Mouldy_Taco: either shut your mouth and deal with it, or quit brawl
(10:27:10 PM) SWF_Guest74: and then u go into a grab frenzy
(10:27:15 PM) Mouldy_Taco: whoa whoa
(10:27:22 PM) Mouldy_Taco: wasn't I owning you with pikachu without chaingrabbing?
(10:27:26 PM) Mouldy_Taco: mm hmm
(10:27:29 PM) SWF_Guest74: like y dont u just fight
(10:27:42 PM) SWF_Guest74: i beat u the first time with zelda
(10:27:55 PM) Mouldy_Taco: items
(10:28:02 PM) Mouldy_Taco: remember you can only beat me with items
(10:28:05 PM) SWF_Guest74: what items did i use the first time
(10:28:19 PM) SWF_Guest74: u have a [F-BOMB]ing lighting bolt that the same thing
(10:28:19 PM) Mouldy_Taco: I inadvertantly grabbed that timer
(10:28:31 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you had the lightning bolt too
(10:28:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: sorry you didn't use it to the potential that I did
(10:28:43 PM) SWF_Guest74: when i used pika
(10:28:49 PM) SWF_Guest74: and beat u
(10:28:53 PM) Mouldy_Taco: with items...
(10:29:05 PM) SWF_Guest74: items are apart of the game
(10:29:20 PM) Mouldy_Taco: so is chaingrabbing
(10:29:29 PM) SWF_Guest74: thats gay though
(10:29:33 PM) Mouldy_Taco: so are items
(10:29:36 PM) SWF_Guest74: how do u find pleasure in that
(10:29:45 PM) SWF_Guest74: i really dont care about the dam items
(10:29:48 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i get lots of pleasure from it
(10:29:55 PM) Mouldy_Taco: then why do you need them to win?
(10:30:14 PM) SWF_Guest74: i dont
(10:30:22 PM) Mouldy_Taco: but you couldnt beat me without them
(10:31:02 PM) SWF_Guest74: i would raqther loose and not fight like a lil [SYNONYMOUS WITH FEMALE DOG] than win and fight like a [NOUN THAT DENOTES A GAY PERSON]
(10:31:17 PM) Mouldy_Taco: then quit complaining and keep on losing
(10:31:50 PM) SWF_Guest74: how old are u
(10:31:59 PM) Mouldy_Taco: that has nothing to do with this
(10:32:14 PM) SWF_Guest74: just curios
(10:32:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you still don't need to know in order for this conversation/argument to continue
(10:32:41 PM) Unseen_Killa left the room (quit: Quit).
(10:32:52 PM) SWF_Guest74: y is it a big deal
(10:32:53 PM) SWF_Guest74: im 21
(10:33:00 PM) SWF_Guest74: i dont care if u know
(10:33:09 PM) SWF_Guest74: lol want to know something else
(10:33:22 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm not sure that i care
(10:33:59 PM) SWF_Guest74: it would change things if u were 12 or 40
(10:34:11 PM) Mouldy_Taco: no it wouldn't
(10:34:20 PM) SWF_Guest74: yea it would
(10:34:32 PM) Mouldy_Taco: I have a feeling i was more mature when I was 10 than you are right now
(10:34:32 PM) SWF_Guest74: are u older or younger
(10:35:18 PM) Mouldy_Taco: yes
(10:35:22 PM) Bigaaronone [] entered the room.
(10:35:46 PM) Bigaaronone left the room (quit: Quit: Goodbye).
(10:36:50 PM) Mouldy_Taco: if you're so open, why not talk in public instead of PMing me
(10:37:19 PM) SWF_Guest74: i thought u would tell me ur age there
(10:37:32 PM) SWF_Guest74: maybe u dont want everyone to here it
(10:37:39 PM) Mouldy_Taco: no, I see no logical reason to disclose that information at this moment
(10:38:03 PM) SWF_Guest74: whats the big secret about ur age
(10:38:21 PM) SWF_Guest74: im not asking for ur ssn
(10:38:32 PM) SWF_Guest74: social security number
(10:38:37 PM) Mouldy_Taco: this is a need-to-know basis
(10:38:42 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you have no need to know my age at this time
(10:38:56 PM) Mouldy_Taco: and yes, I know what ssn stands for
(10:39:05 PM) SWF_Guest74: y cant i atleast know if ur older or younger
(10:39:07 PM) Mouldy_Taco: do you know what stfu stands for?
(10:39:44 PM) SWF_Guest74: ur a pus
(10:39:52 PM) Mouldy_Taco: hey I was just asking
(10:40:05 PM) Mouldy_Taco: but if we're going to get literal here, you're the one with the pus
(10:40:33 PM) SWF_Guest74: and ur the one with the little [MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN]
(10:40:47 PM) SWF_Guest74: probobly stil a virgin
(10:41:06 PM) Mouldy_Taco: Oh and not being a virgin at 21 is something to be very proud of
(10:41:22 PM) SWF_Guest74: 21 is old
(10:41:36 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you're an old lady then
(10:41:43 PM) SWF_Guest74: cool
(10:41:51 PM) SWF_Guest74: are u older or younger
(10:42:18 PM) SWF_Guest74: cuz if ur like 14 than i would stop saying stuff like that cuz i have respect
(10:42:18 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm amazed at your ability to judge people's [MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN] sizes just from looking at what they type.
(10:42:30 PM) Mouldy_Taco: does it work the same way for breast size?
(10:42:48 PM) SWF_Guest74: well apparently im pretty good at it cuz i know ur a needle [MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN] virgin
(10:42:57 PM) Mouldy_Taco: cuz in that case urs haven't even started growing yet
(10:43:27 PM) Mouldy_Taco: haha, aren't you taking this a little seriously now?
(10:43:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you're verbally assaulting me over a silly video game
(10:43:47 PM) Mouldy_Taco: making slanderous statements about my sexual organs
(10:43:52 PM) SWF_Guest74: im still mad about the age think
(10:43:55 PM) Mouldy_Taco: and pursuing my age
(10:43:59 PM) Mouldy_Taco: like a stalker
(10:44:01 PM) SWF_Guest74: that would solve alot
(10:44:19 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I didn't give you my age
(10:44:25 PM) Mouldy_Taco: are you used to people obeying your command?
(10:44:27 PM) SWF_Guest74: sorry i want to make sure im not arguing inaporopriately with a young kid
(10:44:54 PM) Mouldy_Taco: but you're still arguing innapropriately without knowing for sure
(10:45:03 PM) SWF_Guest74: u would prob talk this way to a 12 yr old girl wouldn't u
(10:45:26 PM) Mouldy_Taco: I would talk this way to anyone who starts to [FEMALE DOG] at me like you did
(10:45:44 PM) SWF_Guest74: y for calling u a spammer
(10:46:22 PM) Mouldy_Taco: yes, I believe you said that my playing style revolved solely around spamming 3 moves
(10:46:29 PM) Mouldy_Taco: and that annoyed you a great deal
(10:46:39 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you'd know I was not that bad if you fought any meta knight
(10:48:36 PM) SWF_Guest74: you wouldnt care if i was pit and just hit u with my arrows non stop and did b over
(10:48:54 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'd get around it very easily
(10:49:45 PM) SWF_Guest74: o of course o great one
(10:50:09 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm sorry you doubt the ability of anyone who knows how to roll dodge and JUMP
***lull in the conversation, afterwards she again starts to target me specifically, instead of remaining on the topic
(10:52:44 PM) SWF_Guest74: whata mouldy taco stand for
(10:52:57 PM) Mouldy_Taco: not anything sexual
(10:53:13 PM) SWF_Guest74: u sure
(10:53:34 PM) Mouldy_Taco: the original meaning was not sexual
(10:53:46 PM) SWF_Guest74: not like for the mold growing around ur [MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN] from being a virgin for so long
(10:53:56 PM) Mouldy_Taco: there you go flaming me again
(10:54:09 PM) SWF_Guest74:
whats flaming
(10:54:17 PM) SWF_Guest74: ur sexuality
(10:54:23 PM) SWF_Guest74: boo ya thats two points
(10:54:24 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you should really get some proof before you go and make slanderous statements about my personal life
(10:54:39 PM) SWF_Guest74: i cant cuz u wont give me any
(10:54:50 PM) SWF_Guest74: thats y i have to make bold statements mister
(10:54:54 PM) Mouldy_Taco: exactly; you have no backup for what you just said
(10:55:01 PM) Mouldy_Taco: making yourself look like a [SYNONYMOUS WITH "STUPID DONKEY"]
(10:55:09 PM) SWF_Guest74: of course
(10:55:13 PM) SWF_Guest74: to whom
(10:55:32 PM) Mouldy_Taco: to me, to anyone else in here who is watching this chatbox like they are watching a movie
(10:55:34 PM) SWF_Guest74: the huge audience
***No one Pms me
(10:56:45 PM) SWF_Guest74: so secretive
(10:56:55 PM) Mouldy_Taco: privacy is golden
(10:57:25 PM) SWF_Guest74: were prob a million miles away
(10:57:34 PM) SWF_Guest74: pretty sure u any others have privacy
(10:57:54 PM) Linkshot: I don't think the Earth is a million miles in circumference.
(10:58:06 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm just going to point this out... the earth's circumference is under one million miles
(10:58:09 PM) Linkshot: Let alone half of it.
(10:58:16 PM) Mouldy_Taco: beat me to it, darn
(10:58:17 PM) Linkshot: Taco :O
(10:58:21 PM) Linkshot: You be in my head.
(10:58:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: have you been watchin this conversation unfold Linkshot?
(10:59:02 PM) SWF_Guest74: its ok if you have
(10:59:04 PM) Linkshot: Actually I only saw that comment.
(10:59:17 PM) SWF_Guest74: lol that comment
(10:59:19 PM) Mouldy_Taco: scroll up like 500 lines and you can see the madness begin
(10:59:32 PM) SWF_Guest74: theres been so
(10:59:59 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm actually going to save this conversation and send it to all my friends
(11:00:08 PM) Linkshot: Can't be bothered to scroll up; sorting roleplaying-- holy [S-BOMB].
(11:00:22 PM) SWF_Guest74: takl about privacy
(11:00:23 PM) Linkshot: Your entire conversation is half of this channel's text today.
(11:00:24 PM) SWF_Guest74: phyco
(11:00:31 PM) Mouldy_Taco: lol
(11:00:37 PM) Linkshot: Anyway.
(11:00:45 PM) Linkshot: I remember seeing "I'll start with my girl characters."
(11:00:50 PM) Linkshot: Then disregarding it.
(11:00:53 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i thought you were so open SWF_Guest74 i figured you wouldn't mind
(11:01:08 PM) SWF_Guest74: i dont give a [S-BOMB]
(11:01:14 PM) SWF_Guest74: its just words
(11:01:15 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you shared the high points of your sexual life with me, what do you expect me to think
(11:01:24 PM) SWF_Guest74: like they would know who the hell i am
(11:01:25 PM) Mouldy_Taco: then don't make a big deal?
(11:01:32 PM) Mouldy_Taco: no, but they can still laugh
(11:01:44 PM) Mouldy_Taco: laugh at the girl that Mouldy_Taco owned
(11:02:02 PM) SWF_Guest74: owned at what
(11:02:20 PM) Mouldy_Taco: interpret it however you like
(11:02:20 PM) SWF_Guest74: me beating you with your own character that u use everytime
(11:02:24 PM) DJKingDavid [] entered the room.
(11:02:35 PM) Mouldy_Taco: which you needed items in order to do, I might add
(11:02:37 PM) SWF_Guest74: that must have hurt didn't it
(11:02:42 PM) Mouldy_Taco: including a smash ball
(11:02:48 PM) SWF_Guest74: sorrryyy
(11:03:30 PM) SWF_Guest74: and i beat u with zelda
(11:03:33 PM) SWF_Guest74: and pit
(11:03:37 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm sorry you [FEMALE DOG] really hard about getting chaingrabbed every time you pick fox, which you SHOULD have seen a pattern for
(11:03:41 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you never beat me with pit
(11:03:46 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you beat me with zelda with items
(11:03:59 PM) SWF_Guest74: and pit
(11:04:11 PM) SWF_Guest74: not all the times but i did beat u with pit
(11:04:22 PM) Linkshot: This is gold XD (not scrolled down; can't see.)
(11:04:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: hahaha
(11:04:48 PM) Linkshot: The whole spamming VS items discussion.
(11:04:50 PM) Linkshot: I love it. XD
(11:04:53 PM) SWF_Guest74: likshot isn't it wierd how he is so secretive about his age
(11:05:03 PM) DJKingDavid left the room (quit: Quit: Goodbye).
(11:05:20 PM) Mouldy_Taco: Linkshot isn't it weird how prying she is into other peoples business?
Bold denotes commentary that I added afterward to help readers understand the progression that happens outside the chat.
I quote Linkshot and Ultimario when I say the new topic of #smashboards is "RANDOM [SYNONYMOUS WITH THE GIRL WHO KNOWS ALL THE BOYS IN TOWN]"
(9:22:57 PM) SWF_Guest74: lol the only way u can have a close match is to be cheap and thats funny
(9:23:14 PM) Mouldy_Taco: look who's talking?
(9:23:21 PM) Mouldy_Taco: all I see is fsmash fsmash fsmash
(9:23:23 PM) SWF_Guest74: in what way
(9:25:55 PM) Firestorm [] entered the room.
(9:27:39 PM) Mouldy_Taco: like that match
(9:27:52 PM) Mouldy_Taco: towards the end 90% of your moves were fsmash
(9:27:56 PM) Mouldy_Taco: the other 10% was thunder
(9:28:31 PM) SWF_Guest74: stuff like only jump and doing the lighting is spamming
(9:28:44 PM) SWF_Guest74: and grabbing somene 10 times in a row is spamming
(9:32:52 PM) Mouldy_Taco: grabbing someone 10 times in a row is chaingrabbing
(9:32:57 PM) Mouldy_Taco: and anybody who is good will know how to do it
(9:33:16 PM) SWF_Guest74: its called being a [DEMEANING TITLE FOR A GAY PERSON]ot and not fighting
(9:33:47 PM) Mouldy_Taco: sorry you feel that way about it
(9:34:01 PM) Mouldy_Taco: just a suggestion, maybe you should stop picking stages pikachu can own you on
(9:39:14 PM) SWF_Guest74: i pic random
(9:47:58 PM) SWF_Guest74: do u think that grabing thing is cool or sumptin
(9:48:06 PM) Mouldy_Taco: no
(9:48:11 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i think chaingrabbing owns you
(9:48:35 PM) SWF_Guest74: cuz u know u cant fight
(9:51:24 PM) Mouldy_Taco: owned. without chaingrab.
(9:51:39 PM) SWF_Guest74: that second death was bull and u know it
(9:51:51 PM) Mouldy_Taco: I still had 2 lives
(9:51:58 PM) Mouldy_Taco: do you honestly think you would have made it
(9:52:25 PM) SWF_Guest74: y do u not like itesms
(9:55:44 PM) Mouldy_Taco: it requires no skill to [VULGAR TERM FOR "HOG"] all the items
(9:55:57 PM) SWF_Guest74: and it does to spam
(9:58:41 PM) Mouldy_Taco: which you're doing just as much as me, so you can't say anything
(9:58:52 PM) Mouldy_Taco: spamming isn't just for projectiles.
(9:59:12 PM) SWF_Guest74: i can just sit their and shoot my bow all day but i dont
(10:01:49 PM) SWF_Guest74: stop picking final destination
(10:01:53 PM) SWF_Guest74: its gettin boring
(10:01:55 PM) Mouldy_Taco: yeah, i'm definitely sitting there and pressing B the whole time
(10:02:07 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm using thunderjold as an approach, which is why it appears that I spam
(10:15:44 PM) Mouldy_Taco: even with all those items...
(10:15:59 PM) Mouldy_Taco: does that mean you're done then?
(10:21:01 PM) Mouldy_Taco: have fun with your items cause that's the only way you can beat anyone you'll meet here
(10:21:14 PM) SWF_Guest74: im suree
(10:21:22 PM) SWF_Guest74: i'll turn them off next
(10:21:33 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you won't need to worry about that
***We stop brawling
(10:21:36 PM) SWF_Guest74: sorry u just got beat with ur own character
(10:22:08 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm sorry you like to [S-BOMB] on people better than you by calling them spammers when they're using perfectly acceptable ATs
(10:22:15 PM) Mouldy_Taco: kthxbai
(10:22:46 PM) Mouldy_Taco: besides you really are a noob if you don't know how to avoid spam
(10:23:06 PM) SWF_Guest74: i can but i just dont sink down to your level
(10:23:18 PM) SWF_Guest74: i could mess u up with pit
(10:23:25 PM) SWF_Guest74: just keep firing my arrows
(10:23:29 PM) SWF_Guest74: but thats gay
(10:23:30 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm sure you could, baby
(10:23:37 PM) Mouldy_Taco: that's the easiest thing to dodge ever
(10:23:38 PM) SWF_Guest74: i'm a girl and i know that
(10:23:51 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm not [S-BOMB]ting on you cause you're a girl
(10:23:57 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm [S-BOMB]ting on you because you're [FEMALE DOG]ING
(10:24:46 PM) SWF_Guest74: when you do gay moves that people can't avoid
(10:24:52 PM) SWF_Guest74: like the grabing [NOUN THAT DENOTES A GAY PERSON] [S-BOMB]
(10:24:55 PM) SWF_Guest74: thats spamming
(10:25:18 PM) Mouldy_Taco: and when you're about to lose and you keep doing fsmash, that somehow IS NOT spamming?
(10:25:25 PM) SWF_Guest74: becuase when you base your whole moves on 3 dif moves that gay and spamming
(10:25:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: lol. you're talking about your self for real
(10:25:44 PM) SWF_Guest74: u use b, grab spam, and b down
(10:25:45 PM) SWF_Guest74: thats it
(10:25:46 PM) Mouldy_Taco: all you used as pika was fsmash usmash and thunder.
(10:26:18 PM) Mouldy_Taco: I used ftilt AAA usmash fsmash dsmash thunder thunderjolt nair dair fair
(10:26:26 PM) SWF_Guest74: u base your whole game on spamming and thats pathetic
(10:26:37 PM) Mouldy_Taco: no I base my whole approach off a projectile
(10:26:45 PM) Mouldy_Taco: there you go [FEMALE DOG]ing again
(10:26:48 PM) SWF_Guest74: over and over and over and over
(10:27:05 PM) Mouldy_Taco: either shut your mouth and deal with it, or quit brawl
(10:27:10 PM) SWF_Guest74: and then u go into a grab frenzy
(10:27:15 PM) Mouldy_Taco: whoa whoa
(10:27:22 PM) Mouldy_Taco: wasn't I owning you with pikachu without chaingrabbing?
(10:27:26 PM) Mouldy_Taco: mm hmm
(10:27:29 PM) SWF_Guest74: like y dont u just fight
(10:27:42 PM) SWF_Guest74: i beat u the first time with zelda
(10:27:55 PM) Mouldy_Taco: items
(10:28:02 PM) Mouldy_Taco: remember you can only beat me with items
(10:28:05 PM) SWF_Guest74: what items did i use the first time
(10:28:19 PM) SWF_Guest74: u have a [F-BOMB]ing lighting bolt that the same thing
(10:28:19 PM) Mouldy_Taco: I inadvertantly grabbed that timer
(10:28:31 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you had the lightning bolt too
(10:28:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: sorry you didn't use it to the potential that I did
(10:28:43 PM) SWF_Guest74: when i used pika
(10:28:49 PM) SWF_Guest74: and beat u
(10:28:53 PM) Mouldy_Taco: with items...
(10:29:05 PM) SWF_Guest74: items are apart of the game
(10:29:20 PM) Mouldy_Taco: so is chaingrabbing
(10:29:29 PM) SWF_Guest74: thats gay though
(10:29:33 PM) Mouldy_Taco: so are items
(10:29:36 PM) SWF_Guest74: how do u find pleasure in that
(10:29:45 PM) SWF_Guest74: i really dont care about the dam items
(10:29:48 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i get lots of pleasure from it
(10:29:55 PM) Mouldy_Taco: then why do you need them to win?
(10:30:14 PM) SWF_Guest74: i dont
(10:30:22 PM) Mouldy_Taco: but you couldnt beat me without them
(10:31:02 PM) SWF_Guest74: i would raqther loose and not fight like a lil [SYNONYMOUS WITH FEMALE DOG] than win and fight like a [NOUN THAT DENOTES A GAY PERSON]
(10:31:17 PM) Mouldy_Taco: then quit complaining and keep on losing
(10:31:50 PM) SWF_Guest74: how old are u
(10:31:59 PM) Mouldy_Taco: that has nothing to do with this
(10:32:14 PM) SWF_Guest74: just curios
(10:32:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you still don't need to know in order for this conversation/argument to continue
(10:32:41 PM) Unseen_Killa left the room (quit: Quit).
(10:32:52 PM) SWF_Guest74: y is it a big deal
(10:32:53 PM) SWF_Guest74: im 21
(10:33:00 PM) SWF_Guest74: i dont care if u know
(10:33:09 PM) SWF_Guest74: lol want to know something else
(10:33:22 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm not sure that i care
(10:33:59 PM) SWF_Guest74: it would change things if u were 12 or 40
(10:34:11 PM) Mouldy_Taco: no it wouldn't
(10:34:20 PM) SWF_Guest74: yea it would
(10:34:32 PM) Mouldy_Taco: I have a feeling i was more mature when I was 10 than you are right now
(10:34:32 PM) SWF_Guest74: are u older or younger
(10:35:18 PM) Mouldy_Taco: yes
(10:35:22 PM) Bigaaronone [] entered the room.
(10:35:46 PM) Bigaaronone left the room (quit: Quit: Goodbye).
(10:36:50 PM) Mouldy_Taco: if you're so open, why not talk in public instead of PMing me
(10:37:19 PM) SWF_Guest74: i thought u would tell me ur age there
(10:37:32 PM) SWF_Guest74: maybe u dont want everyone to here it
(10:37:39 PM) Mouldy_Taco: no, I see no logical reason to disclose that information at this moment
(10:38:03 PM) SWF_Guest74: whats the big secret about ur age
(10:38:21 PM) SWF_Guest74: im not asking for ur ssn
(10:38:32 PM) SWF_Guest74: social security number
(10:38:37 PM) Mouldy_Taco: this is a need-to-know basis
(10:38:42 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you have no need to know my age at this time
(10:38:56 PM) Mouldy_Taco: and yes, I know what ssn stands for
(10:39:05 PM) SWF_Guest74: y cant i atleast know if ur older or younger
(10:39:07 PM) Mouldy_Taco: do you know what stfu stands for?
(10:39:44 PM) SWF_Guest74: ur a pus
(10:39:52 PM) Mouldy_Taco: hey I was just asking
(10:40:05 PM) Mouldy_Taco: but if we're going to get literal here, you're the one with the pus
(10:40:33 PM) SWF_Guest74: and ur the one with the little [MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN]
(10:40:47 PM) SWF_Guest74: probobly stil a virgin
(10:41:06 PM) Mouldy_Taco: Oh and not being a virgin at 21 is something to be very proud of
(10:41:22 PM) SWF_Guest74: 21 is old
(10:41:36 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you're an old lady then
(10:41:43 PM) SWF_Guest74: cool
(10:41:51 PM) SWF_Guest74: are u older or younger
(10:42:18 PM) SWF_Guest74: cuz if ur like 14 than i would stop saying stuff like that cuz i have respect
(10:42:18 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm amazed at your ability to judge people's [MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN] sizes just from looking at what they type.
(10:42:30 PM) Mouldy_Taco: does it work the same way for breast size?
(10:42:48 PM) SWF_Guest74: well apparently im pretty good at it cuz i know ur a needle [MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN] virgin
(10:42:57 PM) Mouldy_Taco: cuz in that case urs haven't even started growing yet
(10:43:27 PM) Mouldy_Taco: haha, aren't you taking this a little seriously now?
(10:43:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you're verbally assaulting me over a silly video game
(10:43:47 PM) Mouldy_Taco: making slanderous statements about my sexual organs
(10:43:52 PM) SWF_Guest74: im still mad about the age think
(10:43:55 PM) Mouldy_Taco: and pursuing my age
(10:43:59 PM) Mouldy_Taco: like a stalker
(10:44:01 PM) SWF_Guest74: that would solve alot
(10:44:19 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I didn't give you my age
(10:44:25 PM) Mouldy_Taco: are you used to people obeying your command?
(10:44:27 PM) SWF_Guest74: sorry i want to make sure im not arguing inaporopriately with a young kid
(10:44:54 PM) Mouldy_Taco: but you're still arguing innapropriately without knowing for sure
(10:45:03 PM) SWF_Guest74: u would prob talk this way to a 12 yr old girl wouldn't u
(10:45:26 PM) Mouldy_Taco: I would talk this way to anyone who starts to [FEMALE DOG] at me like you did
(10:45:44 PM) SWF_Guest74: y for calling u a spammer
(10:46:22 PM) Mouldy_Taco: yes, I believe you said that my playing style revolved solely around spamming 3 moves
(10:46:29 PM) Mouldy_Taco: and that annoyed you a great deal
(10:46:39 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you'd know I was not that bad if you fought any meta knight
(10:48:36 PM) SWF_Guest74: you wouldnt care if i was pit and just hit u with my arrows non stop and did b over
(10:48:54 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'd get around it very easily
(10:49:45 PM) SWF_Guest74: o of course o great one
(10:50:09 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm sorry you doubt the ability of anyone who knows how to roll dodge and JUMP
***lull in the conversation, afterwards she again starts to target me specifically, instead of remaining on the topic
(10:52:44 PM) SWF_Guest74: whata mouldy taco stand for
(10:52:57 PM) Mouldy_Taco: not anything sexual
(10:53:13 PM) SWF_Guest74: u sure
(10:53:34 PM) Mouldy_Taco: the original meaning was not sexual
(10:53:46 PM) SWF_Guest74: not like for the mold growing around ur [MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN] from being a virgin for so long
(10:53:56 PM) Mouldy_Taco: there you go flaming me again
(10:54:09 PM) SWF_Guest74:
(10:54:17 PM) SWF_Guest74: ur sexuality
(10:54:23 PM) SWF_Guest74: boo ya thats two points
(10:54:24 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you should really get some proof before you go and make slanderous statements about my personal life
(10:54:39 PM) SWF_Guest74: i cant cuz u wont give me any
(10:54:50 PM) SWF_Guest74: thats y i have to make bold statements mister
(10:54:54 PM) Mouldy_Taco: exactly; you have no backup for what you just said
(10:55:01 PM) Mouldy_Taco: making yourself look like a [SYNONYMOUS WITH "STUPID DONKEY"]
(10:55:09 PM) SWF_Guest74: of course
(10:55:13 PM) SWF_Guest74: to whom
(10:55:32 PM) Mouldy_Taco: to me, to anyone else in here who is watching this chatbox like they are watching a movie
(10:55:34 PM) SWF_Guest74: the huge audience
***No one Pms me
(10:56:45 PM) SWF_Guest74: so secretive
(10:56:55 PM) Mouldy_Taco: privacy is golden
(10:57:25 PM) SWF_Guest74: were prob a million miles away
(10:57:34 PM) SWF_Guest74: pretty sure u any others have privacy
(10:57:54 PM) Linkshot: I don't think the Earth is a million miles in circumference.
(10:58:06 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm just going to point this out... the earth's circumference is under one million miles
(10:58:09 PM) Linkshot: Let alone half of it.
(10:58:16 PM) Mouldy_Taco: beat me to it, darn
(10:58:17 PM) Linkshot: Taco :O
(10:58:21 PM) Linkshot: You be in my head.
(10:58:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: have you been watchin this conversation unfold Linkshot?
(10:59:02 PM) SWF_Guest74: its ok if you have
(10:59:04 PM) Linkshot: Actually I only saw that comment.
(10:59:17 PM) SWF_Guest74: lol that comment
(10:59:19 PM) Mouldy_Taco: scroll up like 500 lines and you can see the madness begin
(10:59:32 PM) SWF_Guest74: theres been so
(10:59:59 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm actually going to save this conversation and send it to all my friends
(11:00:08 PM) Linkshot: Can't be bothered to scroll up; sorting roleplaying-- holy [S-BOMB].
(11:00:22 PM) SWF_Guest74: takl about privacy
(11:00:23 PM) Linkshot: Your entire conversation is half of this channel's text today.
(11:00:24 PM) SWF_Guest74: phyco
(11:00:31 PM) Mouldy_Taco: lol
(11:00:37 PM) Linkshot: Anyway.
(11:00:45 PM) Linkshot: I remember seeing "I'll start with my girl characters."
(11:00:50 PM) Linkshot: Then disregarding it.
(11:00:53 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i thought you were so open SWF_Guest74 i figured you wouldn't mind
(11:01:08 PM) SWF_Guest74: i dont give a [S-BOMB]
(11:01:14 PM) SWF_Guest74: its just words
(11:01:15 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you shared the high points of your sexual life with me, what do you expect me to think
(11:01:24 PM) SWF_Guest74: like they would know who the hell i am
(11:01:25 PM) Mouldy_Taco: then don't make a big deal?
(11:01:32 PM) Mouldy_Taco: no, but they can still laugh
(11:01:44 PM) Mouldy_Taco: laugh at the girl that Mouldy_Taco owned
(11:02:02 PM) SWF_Guest74: owned at what
(11:02:20 PM) Mouldy_Taco: interpret it however you like
(11:02:20 PM) SWF_Guest74: me beating you with your own character that u use everytime
(11:02:24 PM) DJKingDavid [] entered the room.
(11:02:35 PM) Mouldy_Taco: which you needed items in order to do, I might add
(11:02:37 PM) SWF_Guest74: that must have hurt didn't it
(11:02:42 PM) Mouldy_Taco: including a smash ball
(11:02:48 PM) SWF_Guest74: sorrryyy
(11:03:30 PM) SWF_Guest74: and i beat u with zelda
(11:03:33 PM) SWF_Guest74: and pit
(11:03:37 PM) Mouldy_Taco: i'm sorry you [FEMALE DOG] really hard about getting chaingrabbed every time you pick fox, which you SHOULD have seen a pattern for
(11:03:41 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you never beat me with pit
(11:03:46 PM) Mouldy_Taco: you beat me with zelda with items
(11:03:59 PM) SWF_Guest74: and pit
(11:04:11 PM) SWF_Guest74: not all the times but i did beat u with pit
(11:04:22 PM) Linkshot: This is gold XD (not scrolled down; can't see.)
(11:04:38 PM) Mouldy_Taco: hahaha
(11:04:48 PM) Linkshot: The whole spamming VS items discussion.
(11:04:50 PM) Linkshot: I love it. XD
(11:04:53 PM) SWF_Guest74: likshot isn't it wierd how he is so secretive about his age
(11:05:03 PM) DJKingDavid left the room (quit: Quit: Goodbye).
(11:05:20 PM) Mouldy_Taco: Linkshot isn't it weird how prying she is into other peoples business?
Bold denotes commentary that I added afterward to help readers understand the progression that happens outside the chat.
I quote Linkshot and Ultimario when I say the new topic of #smashboards is "RANDOM [SYNONYMOUS WITH THE GIRL WHO KNOWS ALL THE BOYS IN TOWN]"