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Goddess of Nature, Viridi Support Thread. Hoping for a sequel in less than 25 years

Jul 12, 2014
An elevator

Viridi – (Kid Icarus Uprising 2012, Super Smash Brother For 3DS/Wii U 2014)

Who is Viridi?

Viridi is the Goddess of Nature in Kid Icarus Uprising and one of the 3 Villains of the game, appearing halfway through. She quickly becomes an extremely important character and appears in nearly every level after with the exception of 2 (technically in Lord of the Underworld but with no speaking part). She leads the “Forces of Nature,” an army of monsters made from the Earth against humans after their abuse of the earth and its resources. Not even fantasy lands are safe from humanity destroying the Earth I suppose. . . After a few chapters she allies herself with Pit to defeat the more dangerous enemies, the Aurum, the Chaos Kin, and finally Hades. She does however state that the alliance isn’t permanent.

In the Super Smash Bros series’ 4th installment(s), Viridi appears as a trophy, gives Dark Pit the power of Flight (as shown by the green color of his wings during the special), and also appears in “Palutena’s Guidance.”

According to Palutena's guidance for dark pit, Viridi no longer allies with the forces of light, and could come back to rival them, as a villain, in a potential Uprising sequel (I need this)


First off here is a more in depth, less general moveset form @Wintropy !


The cruel and domineering Goddess of Nature makes her grand appearance! A lightweight fighter with some truly powerful moves in her arboreal arsenal, Viridi makes up for her lack of physical strength with her versatile range of weaponry and overwhelming grit and determination. Much of her moves require her to manipulate the terrain of the stage and take advantage of her position in relation to her opponent: luring her unsuspecting foes into her crafty traps and subsequently thrashing them with her enormous wooden scythe is how this feisty deity rolls! Despite being a lightweight fighter, her moves are slow and heavy, requiring ample starting time and not particularly suited for immediate strikes - true to her own domain, patience and insight is required to let her true potential bloom forth. From the tiniest of seeds grow the mightiest of oaks - just don't call her tiny to her face, or you may end up becoming unwitting food her precious flowers!


Create a flower-shaped cannon that fires petal blossoms. A powerful projectile with slow start-up, it does decent damage and knockback.


Cannon is stronger and does fire damage, but start-up time is twice as long.


Cannon does less damage and knockback, but causes flowers to bloom on opponents.


Release a deluge of wooden stakes to strike nearby foes. The stakes emerge immediately in front and will emerge from the ground slightly first before launching out at a diagonal angle. Decent damage and powerful knockback.


Stakes do less damage and knockback, but stun enemies when hit.


Stakes launch into the air after appearing, but do less damage.


Launch into the air with a gentle breeze. After launching, you can hold the button down to float gently back to land, or release it to fall immediately. No damage or knockback.


Ice-cold breeze freezes enemies after prolonged contact, but it does not float.


Brambly vines do continuous damage to enemies, but it does not float.


Summon a potent blossom that releases a cloud of toxic spores. The blossom is planted first and can be activated at will thereafter. Moderate damage and poor knockback.


Spores inflict status ailments when activated. The ailments cycle between four in the following order: burn, flower, stun, freeze. No damage or knockback.


Spores explode when activated. Great damage and knockback, though it can damage the user as well as the opponents.


Drop the almighty Reset Bomb onto the stage and let the awesome power of nature take its course! The bomb will fall from the sky immediately in front at a diagonal angle, damaging anything in its path, before landing. It will glow for a few seconds before exploding, releasing a powerful blast that does continuous damage before launching foes trapped within its thick, deadly brambles.

Punch - Backhand smack
Jab - Talk to the hand!
Side smash - Nature's scythe
Up smash - Petal shower
Down smash - Flower power
Dash - Spinning scythe
Side tilt - Green claws
Up tilt - Dandelion bomb
Down tilt - Sudden gust
Regular air - Thresher spin
Front air - Bad apples
Back air - Deadwood dropkick
Up air - Sycamore scrape
Down air - Pushing daisies
Grab - Vine whip
Pummel - Green palms
Front throw - Wooden slammer
Back throw - Eco drop
Up throw - Whirlwind fling
Down throw - Taking a dirt nap

Up taunt - Throws her head back and laughs curtly
Side taunt - Beckons with her finger - "Come and get some!"
Down taunt - Strokes the head of her scythe - "Did the mean humans hurt you?"


Appears from a burst of cherry blossom petals


Victory 1 - Waves her hand aside and glares at the screen - "Good riddance, human scum!"
Victory 2 - Swings her scythe a few times and slams it onto the ground - "The world's better off without you!"
Victory 3 - Strokes the head of her scythe while giggling menacingly and shoots a coy look at the screen

Colours / Costumes

Red and purple (Viridi)
Grey and red (Cragalanche)
White and blue (Phosphora)
Purple and black (Arlon)
Red and yellow (Pyrrhon)
Navy and light blue (Pandora)
Purple and black (Medusa)
White and green (Palutena)

Kirby hat

Blonde ponytail with signature floral brooch
General: Viridi is well rounded but leans a bit more towards fast. She has above average movement speed and her general attacks have above average range due to the scythe. She is also lighter than average. She can build lots of damage over time thanks to the flower status effect being an important aspect of her playstyle. Speaking of the flower effect...

Flower status effect: The flower status effect is an effect where a flower appears on a players head and does damage over time. The bigger the flower, the more damage that is dealt, how long it stays on, and how hard it is to remove. You can remove this effect by quickly running back and forth. Im going to classify the size of the flower into levels with level 1 being the smallest and level 5 being the biggest. The flower level can be raised by hitting the opponent with an attack that may inflicts the flower effect. Even if that attack merely has the potential to inflict the status effect even if it didn't, it will still raise the flower effect of the current raised flower. If the attack you hit them with is multi hitting, the entire move will count as one level raised rather than each individual attack. Some attacks that have the potential to cause a flower effect that fail to do so, can make it easier for the next flower effect attack. However, you have a 3 second time limit before it becomes just as difficult to get that flower effect on as normal.

Smash attacks: Smash attacks can trigger the effect as well. 0%-9% charge will not cause it unless it hits twice. 10-30% will inflict a level 1 flower. A 30%-50% will inflict a level 2 flower. A 50%-74% will inflict a level 3. A 75%-97% will inflict a level 4. A 98%-100% will inflict a level 5.

Grabs: 5 grab hits will cause a level 2 flower. Her down grab where she puts her opponent on the floor and grabs them with thorns, will cause no knock back and cause a level 1 flower.

Neutral special: Thorn Drill.

Viridi will fire a drill shaped with two vines and pink flower pedals emitting from the back of the drill. It is a multi hitting attack that travels slowly over a distance thats about the edge of battlefield until the furthest edge of the nearest platform. It can easily carry an opponent with it. If it hits an opponent right as its being fired, you'll get a guaranteed level 2 flower. If the attack hits at least 6 times in atleast 3 seconds, then you will get a level 2 flower.

Side special: Flower cutter

Viridi lunges forward with her scythe spinning twice. The scythe glows pink. If the scythe hits three times, a level 2 flower will be activated. Of course, if you hit your opponent with some flower attack prior atleast 3 seconds prior, then you may just need 1 or two hits to activate the power. The attack can hit a total of 2 times in one attack.

Down special: Flower Bed

Viridi sticks her hand out and it causes a bed of pink flowers to cover the ground in front of her. The flower bed is about 80% of the size of a platform on battlefield. This flower bed can only hit grounded opponents. Touching the flower bed will instantly give you a level one flower. it takes a total of 2.5 seconds to reach a level 5 flower. The flower bed stays for a little over 3 seconds and is instantly removed if Viridi decides to place another flower bed. If they already have a flower inflicted it will instantly increase their flower level however, like all of the flower related attacks, reset the flower time so it can stay on longer.

Up Special: Blossom Burst

Basically a rocket jump clone but with a smaller blast radius and faster. Viridi causes an explosion of pink flower pedals under her shooting her upwards with a trail of flower pedals as she goes up that decrease the higher she gets. If she is in about the same range as rest (but not as close) then she can activate a level 4 flower instantly. if they are touching her outer edges then they will get a level two flower.

Final smash: Reset bomb

This attack is similar to Ice climbers final smash. The size of the reset bomb depends on the stage size just like the ice attack. It will come down and be glowing until it hits the ground, pauses for a brief moment, and has a massive explosion. The reset bomb will stay there for a while until it breaks apart. coming in contact with it will give you a level 5 flower. If you get caught in the explosion, you will take 50% damage.
after that here is more generic ideas to go off. kind of "what can we use?" less "here have a moveset." I'm bad at these ok?

While Viridi hasn’t been seen in combat, we know she is a fighter. Her Pac-Man printed Scythe shows it. According to chapter 15, Mysterious Invaders, she was able to fight Hades and survive. The outcome is unknown because of the Aurum invasion, but being able to survive against captain lazerface, lazerTorso (and lazer everywhere else) is impressive enough in its own right.

She could use her scythe, but also her two namesake weapons, the Viridi Palm, and the Viridi claws.

She could technically borrow weapons from her soldiers, the Cragalanche cannon, the phosphora bow and the dark pit staff, but the only one weapon type not represented already is the cannon.

These would allow for projectile and close range attacks (Yes those claws shoot. )

for instance one idea I had is having the palms work like shooting works in Uprising. They can be used in rapid fire by tapping the special, but if you wait long enough it will auto charge up into a charge shot. (A custom could be no uncharged but more powerful/faster charge too!)

She could also get some help from The forces of nature herself. whether they be offensive or recovery who know sakurai can make quite the moveset.

she could also basically pull a megaman by using their abilities (turning invisible or say, using the parashooter's parachute for recovery

And, of course the Godes of Nature would almost certainly have powers from Nature. Whips, vines, flowers and the like are a treasure trove waiting to be tapped into and a literal goess of nature would be the perfect opportunity.

Final Smashes-
too. many. ideas.

Mini-Reset Bomb- Smash original that creates an area that does persisting damage after an explosion of this mamma-jamma, using the vines and thorns creatd by it. of course it could just be a one time explosion

The forces of nature- brings in many allies such as Flages and Bumpety Bombs, one of her favorites. Could also bring in Arlon the serene or Cragalanche (or even Phosphora), other commanders, for multiple attacks. Could be like dedede's old fs or the less cool chain attack of shulk. I would prefer they attack the stage

Lunar Sanctum- The moon prison fires lasers. that’s it.

Home Stage-

Reset Bomb Depot

a travelling stage that goes around the depot. Locations include

-The floating paths

The part of the land section where Lethiniums shoot at you on the surface, just after starting. The lethiniums would be in the background with walls in the fore ground. Standing behind the walls keeps you safe from fire but you could alternatively just jump/dodge

-The arena

one of the two small sections with various possibilities. A belunka spawining troops or even some boom stomper shenanigans. possibly a cherubot acting like a flying man


more paths. could be the jumps section on the way to the mimicutie with holes in the middle of the floor.

-the reset bomb pod
forces of nature guards show up

there are of course more options throughout the level


Not Relevant
This and the next one are the two big ones that would pretty much make her impossible. With no KI sequel in sight, Viridi, as well as every other character in the series has pretty much already faded from any level or relevancy. Shame

Too much KI content!
Another one that there really isn't a defense for. There isn't a good reason for a new character unless a new game shows up

Hades and Medusa!
Well this is an awkward one, so I will split it between the two.
Medusa- has more game appearances by one, but they aren't great. In KI NES she shows up only at the very end, in a form that wouldn't work beyond a final smash. In KIU, she appears again, but very rarely and winds up getting replaced early on. Her importance to the game is surprisingly minor, and other character are much closer to center stage.

Hades- Hades is less cut and dry. He is the main villain of his game, which makes him very important, but he ind of got blasted into non-existence. It seems like they tried to make a point that he absolutely cannot be revived in any sequels, but I suppose the option still exists.

It's also worth noting she got a LOT of content in Smash For. She appears in both the 3DS and Wii U. In the 3DS, her debut appearance is a stage with her making a cameo, and in the Wii U she has a LOT of dialogue in the Palutena guidances. After that, she got a mii costume (which was hype).

No other character in the series can claim half as much love. Viridi is the clear frontrunner, at least from Sakurai.

In my opinion, the love she got in smash as well as her guaranteed gives her a sizable edge over her two opponents.

No Moveset!
While I suppose she could be a palutena clone (she has all of her powers and a staff like weapon) saying a moveset cant be made out of a scythe, claws, and a laser tattoo is crazy.

also look up there^

She appears in a stage already!
if by some witchcraft there was KI DLC, being in the background would not affect her chances. Importance and moveset potential would trump rules like that. if sakurai/DLC developer wanted Viridi he/she probably wouldn't care. Hell her role as an apparition is less than Toon Link and fox/falco who are actually on the stage

She is in the Guidances on Palutena's Temple!
so is palutena.

Too many females!

. . .

And yeah that is about it

Viridi for Smash!

kirby hat I just found

art if people find it would go here

made by @Zem-raj

awww my old avi. good times

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Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
Honey...y'all don't how happy this makes me. Yes, the Mii Fighter costume is pretty sweet and was worth my three quarters but now let's have the real goddess of nature join the battle and kick some ass!

Yeah...I'm fervently supporting this all the way! :)


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
She gets my support on her Scythe/Staff alone but she's also a fun character in a fantastic game.



Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021

The Viridi costume is the only Mii costume I spent my money one.
Coming here with a few fanarts cos the fanart game is my game.

For my entire online collection of Kid Icarus fanarts click here.
Waiting and hoping for a new and full blown AAA KI title on Switch which Nintendo would advertise the heck out. (let me dream)
for some reason I can't see like half of the fanarts in the spoiler in OT. And instead of the link to deviantart imbed artityellows youtube video.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
She's one of the only 2 mii costumes I actually bought.
I'd love to have her in the game, even if her chances are abysmal. Her goddess role and forces of nature give her tons to work with.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Support. Medusa is still my first pick, but I doubt she has much of a chance.

She's only in one game, but she held a prominent role, and is well written enough to be very likable resulting in her popularity among the KI cast. I'd be more than happy to see her join the roster.
Aug 1, 2013
I bought the Viridi costume so fast. There was a few i bought but that one was the one I absolutely needed. Also it be cool to have a scythe wielder in Smash Bros. I mean thats just one much smaller reason why I want her in amongst many other reasons.
Aug 1, 2013
I doubt her inclusion would affect his or vice versa. Keep in mind DP was a last minute clone, and thus took very little time/resources to develop.
The point is representation. Wether he took little time or not doesn't change the fact that we currently have 3 Kid Icarus reps. Dark Pit technically counts. So saying Dark Pit should be removed while they are represented means to add a character while not representing too much.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
The point is representation. Wether he took little time or not doesn't change the fact that we currently have 3 Kid Icarus reps. Dark Pit technically counts. So saying Dark Pit should be removed while they are represented means to add a character while not representing too much.
Seems like over-valuing "repping" to me

cutting a veteran in order to get another not for the sake of time or priority, but for the sake of an arbitrary value with no meaning seems . . .less than ideal.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
The point is representation. Wether he took little time or not doesn't change the fact that we currently have 3 Kid Icarus reps. Dark Pit technically counts. So saying Dark Pit should be removed while they are represented means to add a character while not representing too much.
Of course he counts, but I don't see Sakurai omitting Dark Pit unless they don't have the time to squeeze him in. Even if Viridi or a different Kid Icarus character joined, he's not going to arbitrarily cut another for the sake of keeping the KI headcount at 3. If a character is cut, it's going to be due to lack of development time.

EDIT: :4greninja:'d by Zebei
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Aug 1, 2013
Of course he counts, but I don't see Sakurai omitting Dark Pit unless they don't have the time to squeeze him in. Even if Viridi or a different Kid Icarus character joined, he's not going to arbitrarily cut another for the sake of keeping the KI headcount at 3. If a character is cut, it's going to be due to lack of development time.

I mean he could be cut for that reason of trying to keep representation lower. Just matters how important the idea of number of reps is to sakurai.
EDIT: :4greninja:'d by Zebei
I mean he could be cut for that reason of trying to keep representation lower. Just matters how important the idea of number of reps is to sakurai.
EDIT: woops included this response in your quote by accident lol.
Seems like over-valuing "repping" to me

cutting a veteran in order to get another not for the sake of time or priority, but for the sake of an arbitrary value with no meaning seems . . .less than ideal.
Representation regardless of wether or not its arbitrary is still valued by many. How much we should value this is up to anyone to decide. Now how much it matters to Sakurai is another question. I am all for trying to represent series in certain numbers. Like if mario had 4 characters but Arms had 8 characters that would be silly to me. Of course that is an extreme example but it has atleast some weight I believe. Of course once again how much importance repping is, is up to us all.
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I mean he could be cut for that reason of trying to keep representation lower. Just matters how important the idea of number of reps is to sakurai.
EDIT: woops included this response in your quote by accident lol.

Representation regardless of wether or not its arbitrary is still valued by many. How much we should value this is up to anyone to decide. Now how much it matters to Sakurai is another question. I am all for trying to represent series in certain numbers. Like if mario had 4 characters but Arms had 8 characters that would be silly to me. Of course that is an extreme example but it has atleast some weight I believe. Of course once again how much importance repping is, is up to us all.
That's all good and fine, I just don't see the issue of KI having 3-4 characters, one of those being :4darkpit:, whose inclusion is a 50/50 toss up depending on how development goes. My point being, if we we're to get another KI rep, that character would not replace DP. He may very well not make it back, but it won't be because of the reason you proposed.

Now I don't think "representation" has no value. I'd certainly be scratching my head if ARMS got 8 characters and Mario was reduced to 4, but as you pointed out that's a pretty extreme/unrealistic example. I get that some series like FE are seen as pushing the limit and being over represented, but in the case of a character like :4darkpit:, he along with :4lucina:and:4drmario: are bonuses considered after the fact. Their inclusion doesn't take away anything, and no characters would be included in their place if they weren't added. So even though they increase the headcount, they don't affect the rest of development in the same way as the characters who we're planned from the start.

At the end of the day, they're extras that they included to make a few more fans happy. They are likely the first in line to be cut, but if time allows, there's no reason to not squeeze them back in. They lose nothing and fans gain a few more characters. And yes, a lot of people don't like clones, but you need to remember there are just as many people who are either indifferent or genuine fans of these characters.

Anyway, we should get back to actually discussing Viridi so as not to derail the thread further. Anyone have any ideas for what her general playstyle would focus on? I'd imagine she'd be more of a zoner/trap laying sort of character with poor close range options. Hard to catch, but easy to KO.
Aug 1, 2013
That's all good and fine, I just don't see the issue of KI having 3-4 characters, one of those being :4darkpit:, whose inclusion is a 50/50 toss up depending on how development goes. My point being, if we we're to get another KI rep, that character would not replace DP. He may very well not make it back, but it won't be because of the reason you proposed.

Now I don't think "representation" has no value. I'd certainly be scratching my head if ARMS got 8 characters and Mario was reduced to 4, but as you pointed out that's a pretty extreme/unrealistic example. I get that some series like FE are seen as pushing the limit and being over represented, but in the case of a character like :4darkpit:, he along with :4lucina:and:4drmario: are bonuses considered after the fact. Their inclusion doesn't take away anything, and no characters would be included in their place if they weren't added. So even though they increase the headcount, they don't affect the rest of development in the same way as the characters who we're planned from the start.

At the end of the day, they're extras that they included to make a few more fans happy. They are likely the first in line to be cut, but if time allows, there's no reason to not squeeze them back in. They lose nothing and fans gain a few more characters. And yes, a lot of people don't like clones, but you need to remember there are just as many people who are either indifferent or genuine fans of these characters.

Anyway, we should get back to actually discussing Viridi so as not to derail the thread further. Anyone have any ideas for what her general playstyle would focus on? I'd imagine she'd be more of a zoner/trap laying sort of character with poor close range options. Hard to catch, but easy to KO.
EDIT:??????? Why did this randomly reply????? I didnt even hit replay I accidentally hit some key. Well Since I can't delete this I will say what I was going to say either way but just edited in. I think saying that the inclusion of one character like the clones who took little time is silly due to the fact that their inclusion takes such little time and money that no character was going to be in as a result based upon resources used. Also that being said that hasn't stopped people from claiming that lol.

Anyway, I could see Viridi having the flower status effect as apart of her moveset and playstyle. I'd imagine she would be kinda jack of all trades with some zoning capabilities and a above average speed. Actually my moveset that is in the op talks about this effect alot.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I mean he could be cut for that reason of trying to keep representation lower. Just matters how important the idea of number of reps is to sakurai.
EDIT: woops included this response in your quote by accident lol.

Representation regardless of wether or not its arbitrary is still valued by many. How much we should value this is up to anyone to decide. Now how much it matters to Sakurai is another question. I am all for trying to represent series in certain numbers. Like if mario had 4 characters but Arms had 8 characters that would be silly to me. Of course that is an extreme example but it has atleast some weight I believe. Of course once again how much importance repping is, is up to us all.
who's to say how many is your 'many'. Smash fans that speculate on the interent are a minority.

I don't think repping matters much at all because if it did, the current roster would be a lot more proprortional according to sales and popularity..aka more Zelda characters than Fire Emblem, ect.
That's all good and fine, I just don't see the issue of KI having 3-4 characters, one of those being :4darkpit:, whose inclusion is a 50/50 toss up depending on how development goes. My point being, if we we're to get another KI rep, that character would not replace DP. He may very well not make it back, but it won't be because of the reason you proposed.

Now I don't think "representation" has no value. I'd certainly be scratching my head if ARMS got 8 characters and Mario was reduced to 4, but as you pointed out that's a pretty extreme/unrealistic example. I get that some series like FE are seen as pushing the limit and being over represented, but in the case of a character like :4darkpit:, he along with :4lucina:and:4drmario: are bonuses considered after the fact. Their inclusion doesn't take away anything, and no characters would be included in their place if they weren't added. So even though they increase the headcount, they don't affect the rest of development in the same way as the characters who we're planned from the start.

At the end of the day, they're extras that they included to make a few more fans happy. They are likely the first in line to be cut, but if time allows, there's no reason to not squeeze them back in. They lose nothing and fans gain a few more characters. And yes, a lot of people don't like clones, but you need to remember there are just as many people who are either indifferent or genuine fans of these characters.

Anyway, we should get back to actually discussing Viridi so as not to derail the thread further. Anyone have any ideas for what her general playstyle would focus on? I'd imagine she'd be more of a zoner/trap laying sort of character with poor close range options. Hard to catch, but easy to KO.
I have no idea what type of character Viridi could be, since we don't actually see her fight.
I always thought that Medusa would be the 'trap character'. My imagination is limited to seeing Viridi fight with that Scythe aand have some sort of mother nature magic abilities as visual effects and specials.
Viridi could be a trap character too, now that I think about it. Not sure if I'm into that playstyle tho but would still play her a lot.
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
"Representation" and "deservingness" seems to vary a lot between each individual and seems to change too overtime. People called Starfox and Mother "overrepped" back in Brawl, but where considered deserving enough for Smash 4 despite that not much changed in terms of activity and popularity between Brawl and Smash 4 for those two series other than a remake and rerelease respectively. (Starfox Zero didn't come out until even Smash 4 DLC wrapped up).

So considering how arbitrary it is between many people. I personally don't put too much stock into it, especially for franchises that have a very small amount of characters playable in the first place. Just don't go overboard with it in one game I guess....
Aug 1, 2013
"Representation" and "deservingness" seems to vary a lot between each individual and seems to change too overtime. People called Starfox and Mother "overrepped" back in Brawl, but where considered deserving enough for Smash 4 despite that not much changed in terms of activity and popularity between Brawl and Smash 4 for those two series other than a remake and rerelease respectively. (Starfox Zero didn't come out until even Smash 4 DLC wrapped up).

So considering how arbitrary it is between many people. I personally don't put too much stock into it, especially for franchises that have a very small amount of characters playable in the first place. Just don't go overboard with it in one game I guess....
I do think people can easily be too hasty with the whole over repped thing.

Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
Right...hope y'all don't mind but I have an idea for a move list, and for now I'll keep it simple:
  • Jab - Slashes twice with her staff and finishes with an upward slash.
  • Side tilt - Leans forward, thrusting her staff ahead. Does darkness damage.
  • Up tilt - Overhead swipe similar to :bowsermelee:. Slow recovery but good damage.
  • Down tilt - Sweeps the ground twice with her staff. Similar to :bowsermelee:'s.
  • Side smash - Viridi Palm. Okay, has good reach, hits multiple times, and the final hit does electricity damage
  • Up smash - Burning Palm. Now, Nature raises her hand to the sky, setting nearby foes on fire. Looks like :4mewtwo:'s but only hits once.
  • Down smash - Slips on the Viridi Claws and swipes at the ground in front of her and then behind. It's like :wolf:'s but has the darkness effect.
  • Dash attack - Twirls once and thrusts her scythe forward. Slow, but hurts badly with good damage.
  • Neutral air - Spins her scythe around like :4palutena: but has electrical effects.
  • Forward air - Swipes forward with her Viridi Claws the same as :4mewtwo:. And yes, it does darkness damage.
  • Back air - Thrusts her hip behind her. Much faster recovery in the air than :4peach:'s.
  • Up air - Points her staff to the sky. Comes out quick, does high electricity damage, and has relatively fast aerial recovery.
  • Down aerial - Stomps below her, meteor smashing airborne foes. Similar to :4ganondorf:'s but has a darkness effect.
  • Pummel - Uses the Viridi Palm for this. Medium speed pummel doing electricity damage.
  • Forward throw - Throws enemy diagonally up and employs the Viridi Palm continuous fire ability. Very similar to :4mewtwo:.
  • Back throw - Places opponent behind her and hits them away with her hip. High knockback scaling.
  • Up throw - Slashes opponents to the skies with the Viridi Claws.
  • Down throw - Lays her enemy down on the ground and stomps on them. Same as :4miisword: or :4myfriends: but greater damage and less knockback making it a combo throw.

Special Moves
  • Neutral special - Cragalanche Cannon
  • Side special - Mahva Barrier - Throws forward an impassable sphere which has a significant push effect and reflects projectiles.
  • Up special - Parashooter
  • Down special - Bumpety Bomb - Similar to :4bowserjr:'s Big Mechakoopa but does darkness damage and never hurts Viridi if it explodes while she still holds one. Yeah, these guys will have to be scaled down to a Mechakoopa's size first...
  • Final Smash - Rose Staff - Pretty similar to my man :4darkpit:'s but the fired bramble paralyzes enemies before sending them flying to a one-hit KO.

Taunts and Victory Poses
  • Side taunt - Tosses her ponytail and laughs
  • Up taunt - Raises her staff above her head, twirling it twice
  • Down taunt - Crosses arms and says, "You're not ready!"
  • Victory pose 1 - Points her scythe skyward and says, "Good riddance, human scum!"
  • Victory pose 2 - Plants scythe into the ground and says with crossed arms, "The world's better off without you!" If :4palutena: is present during a match, y'all may hear Viridi say, "Playtime's over, Palutena!" or "Can't let you do that, Palutena!"
  • Victory pose 3 - Straightens her dress, looks away from the screen and says, "What a nuisance."
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Smash Cadet
Jul 18, 2016
I support Viridi. I really just want to see what the character can do: She's all talk in Uprising!


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Count me in for Viridi and kick out Dark Pit to have her in!
if anything kicking darkpit would make viridi's animations and effects look slightly better.

he won't take a tenth of the time to be brought back than to make viridi from scratch.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I cannot say I am on board for her as a character, but I am certainly on board for another Kid Icarus game within two decades.
Without question.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2014
North Dakota
My first priority is making sure Palutena stays, but Viridi has definitely been my next choice for a Kid Icarus character ever since Uprising.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
It's still weird to me that literally anyone but me supports this character haha.

As for moveset, Viridi really shouldn't have any problems. A Scythe/Staff would be completely new to smash. And Ivysaur didn't even scratch the surface of nature based moves. With just those 2 aspects you could probably make dozens of cool movesets. And then after that is when you can start digging into weapons like the Viridi Claw/Palm or Forces of Nature attacks if you really feel the need to.

Although something I recently realized is that Viridi would probably be a bit of a weird scythe wielder. From my experience, scythes are usually used as weapons with long and large sweeps. Yet Viridi has a pretty damn small build. So she wont be getting as much reach as most scythe wielders would. I dont think a game like smash would ever let a character really have giant moves like that, but just a random thought. Not like she'll ever get in lol


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
It's still weird to me that literally anyone but me supports this character haha.

As for moveset, Viridi really shouldn't have any problems. A Scythe/Staff would be completely new to smash. And Ivysaur didn't even scratch the surface of nature based moves. With just those 2 aspects you could probably make dozens of cool movesets. And then after that is when you can start digging into weapons like the Viridi Claw/Palm or Forces of Nature attacks if you really feel the need to.

Although something I recently realized is that Viridi would probably be a bit of a weird scythe wielder. From my experience, scythes are usually used as weapons with long and large sweeps. Yet Viridi has a pretty damn small build. So she wont be getting as much reach as most scythe wielders would. I dont think a game like smash would ever let a character really have giant moves like that, but just a random thought. Not like she'll ever get in lol
eh thats the problem so much making up....its harder to make a moveset like this than when its already there pretty much and just have to fill in the gaps.

and no lol Viridi has a decent amount of supporters and unlikly but decent enough chance imo.
Aug 1, 2013
I think ultimately, if Captain Falcon can get a moveset, if wii fit trainer can get a moveset, if ROB can get a moveset, Viridi should have no problem.
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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
As I've said on the first Viridi support thread, I see Viridi being a mix of Wolverine (what with her Viridi Claws) and Captain Commando (summoning Phosphora, Arlon, and Cragalanche via her throws and Final Smash.)


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
It's still weird to me that literally anyone but me supports this character haha.
Now why would it be weird for anyone to support the best goddess?

Viridi taking over for Palutena was literally the best part of Uprising.
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