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Goast House 9-22-13 Results + Shoutouts


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2013
Kent, OH

1: KanyeRest+ Vanz ()
2: Whale's Vagina (Minnty + X)
3: Ralis + Goast
4: Derf + Dempt
5: Dkuo + Coffeemug


1: Vanz
2: X
3: DKuo
4: Ralis
5: Minnty
5: Z-axis
7: Dempt
7: Derf
9: Coffeefox
9: Dirac
9: KanyeRest
9: goast
13: Dr Tran
13: Beegs


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
first neoh event! cool to finally meet you ohio players
ill be uploading my videos soon. looks like audio cut out again :|

Vanz - good seeing you again! its been like a year i think
X - ill get you next time...i was happy i got you to cp fox but somehow that went worse =_= lol...thanks for sheik exp :) and ggs
DKuo - pls :( at least you got money in singles for once...
Ralis - your falco is pretty good :)
Minnty - i really liked our set. definitely learned a few things about how i play
Derf - you should wobble D:
Coffeemug - it was fun teaming with you. i have a lot to work on for teams
KanyeRest - best tag ever imo. fun teams set lol
goast - thanks for hosting!

forgot your tags so remind me lol:
emerald controller guy
white shirt guy i played low tiers with
marth i played early friendlies with (beegs?)

and ggs to anyone else i played but forgot <_<
Last edited:


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2012
Wooster, Ohio
first neoh event! cool to finally meet you ohio players
ill be uploading my videos soon. looks like audio cut out again :|

Vanz - good seeing you again! its been like a year i think
X - ill get you next time...i was happy i got you to cp fox but somehow that went worse =_= lol...thanks for sheik exp :) and ggs
DKuo - pls :( at least you got money in singles for once...
Ralis - your falco is pretty good :)
Minnty - i really liked our set. definitely learned a few things about how i play
Derf - you should wobble D:
Coffeemug - it was fun teaming with you. i have a lot to work on for teams
KanyeRest - best tag ever imo. fun teams set lol
goast - thanks for hosting!

forgot your tags so remind me lol:
emerald controller guy
white shirt guy i played low tiers with
marth i played early friendlies with (beegs?)

and ggs to anyone else i played but forgot <_<

edit: videos being uploaded to www.youtube.com/ssbmdkuo

Yea that was me Dkuo. It was good playing you.

I'll do shoutouts after work.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2008
The 216
Vanz - bein the life of the party nbd
DKuo - not against yours :) Anyway, you're really solid technically and mentally, cheers
Steve-axis - got dat redemption against me. i was exposed.
Dempt - You got it too, I look forward to losing to you next tourney
Aesir - way to be able to function at 5:30 in the morning. get down your wobblin bb
Dirac - you improved a ton since I last played you. Are we seeing a NEOH hero's birth?
KanyeBest - 5:00 eli is pretty scary not gonna lie
Mom - dat $6 doe
Beegs - how did you come in last? You were really solid and almost ended my tournament career for the night.


bair-condtioned nightmare
Aug 21, 2011
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Vanz - bein the life of the party nbd
DKuo - not against yours :) Anyway, you're really solid technically and mentally, cheers
Steve-axis - got dat redemption against me. i was exposed.
Dempt - You got it too, I look forward to losing to you next tourney
Aesir - way to be able to function at 5:30 in the morning. get down your wobblin bb
Dirac - you improved a ton since I last played you. Are we seeing a NEOH hero's birth?
KanyeBest - 5:00 eli is pretty scary not gonna lie
Mom - dat $6 doe
Beegs - how did you come in last? You were really solid and almost ended my tournament career for the night.
you guys were actin a fool, what is a dude supposed to do?

shoutouts boiii
derf: thanks for the ride bro, you're a dumbass but you've got two nice icies
ralis: you are the funniest dude and have the weirdest tangents, and our games are too close
dempt: GGs man, damn tippers too strong
x/minnty: you guys always look too fresh for us nerds, good games
rob: you just started playing this summer?? jesus you're improving fast
dkuo: hope you come to more NEOH stuff, you're a chill guy
coffeemug/ders: y'all are always someone who i like to see at a tourney
goast: GGs man, you got a nice samus bruh

also shoutouts to those ratchet girls, driving at 5 am and that couple that bumped uglies at the rest top (the girl was bad tho...)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2013
Kent, OH
Vanz: Always fun seeing you play and win hahaX + minnty:you guys are just monsters at the game. good job, and great team name.
DKuo: thank's for carrying me in teams even though we didn't go far. I learned a lot in the short time playing with you. also nice job placing top 3
Ralis: sad there was no bacon :/
Dempt: Way to expose my hatred of the falco matchup....jerk
Derf: Thanks for helping me seed! I probably would have don the bracket pretty badly haha
Dirac: Bummed you didn't get to do doubles. good to see you though.
KanyeRest: you and vanz was probably my favorite team to play all night, always good to see you
goast: thanks for running this stuff and being awesome
Dr Tran: You're improving! good stuff.
Beegs: nice to finally play/meet you!
Ders: can't believe you didn't play at least singles


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
1: Vanz - love you jaden, always awesome to see you
2: X - great seeing you again, had fun talking to you
3: DKuo - it was cool to finally meet you! had a lot of fun playing you too
4: Ralis - oh bb stahp
5: Minnty - always fun seeing you chase!
5: Z-axis - zaaaaaach.
7: Dempt - MATTYCAKES! look at our team representin' ranking the same in both events. It was meant to be.
7: Derf - you's a stank ass ho.
9: Coffeefox - great seeing you again, good games, had fun chillin and whatnot
9: Dirac - fun chillin with you rob, you've improved! I'm gonna have to step my fox game up again so i can style on you :p
9: KanyeRest - love you eli, good games despite the jank mu
9: goast - mark you are literally one of my favorite people, thanks for hosting!
13: Dr Tran - good games, you're getting better! Keep practicing and coming back to tournies and whatnot, I can see you getting mad good in the next year!
13: Beegs - awesome seeing you again and great games. you got the cleveland steamer in bracket though <.<

keep being the best ****in scene guys!
shoutouts to trashy drunk girls givin head in the parking lot and taki being too ugly to show up

and some more shoutouts:
Ashley - keep being chill, it was great talking and hanging out and stuff
Patrick - great seeing you around, keep coming to **** dude! See you thursday!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2012
Wooster, Ohio
Ok finally. Shoutouts.

Ralis - Good **** on that Falco. I just was feeling off that day. I have no idea but in warm ups I just felt slow mainly. No johns though. I'll do better next tournament.
KanyeRest - I'm glad you too me up on that MM. I felt a little salty losing to you. GG though.
Coffeemug - It was awesome seeing you mand and also finally playing you.
Goast - Thanks for hosting and keep this venue. Super awesome place.
Minnty - I'll be seeing you guys again soon.
X - Same goes to you!
Dempt - Thanks for those Marth ditto MM. I know you have a faster Marth so I need to work on getting mine up to speed as well.
Dkuo - I enjoyed our friendlies a hell of a lot. Hope you see you more at these tournaments.
.Vanir - Yeaaaa, I got the Cleveland steamer but it won't happen next time. Ill be seeing you at one of Pat's smashfests.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Good seeing everyone. had fun. got to play melee. got to play p:m. got to see max climb denny's and fail. got to sit next to ratchetness @ SnS.

6/10 night
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