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Gnes at HOBO 17...


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Well i went to HOBO 17, and i lost to Razer. Only Razer lol. I did beat Lee Martin who played Marth and Wario against me, Mikehaze(u know who), and Dojo's suprisingly good kirby.
Heres the important stuff :). Also matches are in order.

Gnes vs Mikehaze


My conclusion for these matches-generally i played pretty well. Me and mike had played a good amount during the little time he was in houston, and he seemed to have picked alot of his knowledge of the diddy matchup from playing Dekar in a Colorado tourney. I wont lie and say it was easy, because after the set was over i was exhausted, however i do honestly believe the matchup is even.

Gnes vs Razer


Gawd i need to learn Delfino >.>

Okay if u watch any of the videos watch the 1st one lol. But yeah same story as always, i cant pull off that final win. It may be a product of me not fully knowing the matchup, not playing it right, or us just playing each other way too often. Regardless, the matches are close, i do 2 stock him 1 match, and i played really well. No johns, im just not good against snake it seems.

Gnes vs Dojo


I believe these are all the matches recorded of me. I admit against Dojo i was suprised *see game 1*. Kirby embodies everything i hate about wario but in a lesser dose. The only thing different is while kirby is hard to land hits on, he dies relatively early. In comparison to this matchup i used to believe it was 60-40 diddy's favor, maybe 55-45 diddy's favor.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
You like to take things at your own pace, and when you don't get your way you get pressured and roll, or panic in some cases. Also the end of the 1st match vs mikehaze was kind of depressing lol, just think about your recovery options and stop side b'ing violently. You don't need to side b really. This is why I think you're a little bit shaky vs metaknights offstage. Also space your peanuts better. Continuing... Sometimes your backwards glidetosses take unnecessary time, you could easily glide toss it forward or just regular smash throw it with the c-stick. You're losing momentum, and even if you don't realize this it can slow down your overall gameplay. Glide tossing is for spacing only.

Here's what you aren't doing against snake that you need to lol, let snake control the match and respond to everything he does. Do everything you can in between. You try to get damage off of him when he's just standing doing normal stuff, don't ever do that. Let razer make the first move. If you did that vs anti you'd have the most frustrating set of your life. Razer actually approaches and does other stuff than lobbing grenades ^_^, so take advantage of it. You still might have trouble until you get quicker offensively and gain a more accurate pressure game against snake. I see razer's habits, you can definitely punish them. Everything else is solid and you did pretty cool things gj.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Wow...Wyatt actually gave me legit advice...i am so touched...seriously thanks :)

Im really stubborn in that sense, but i think thats just a personality issue. The reason I side B because i didnt really want to drop below the ledge considering he can just Grab ledge>release FF to fair or UP B and im screwed. Thats really the only problem i have with matchup at the moment. And i recover a little bit better against meta now. I cant do it like u, but ill get it. Wish i got to play against metas every tourney >.>

As for snake, i tried to implement what u told me on Aim(gimps, etc.) a little into my game. It helped but i eventually reverted and loss. So basically what ur telling me is to never move first against snake. UGH...well...ill try to be less stubborn and follow your advice :)
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