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Glutin's Ike Video Log Thing

Sans Glutin

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2008
Yeah, so i've played as Ike before, but yesterday I decided to main him and that was my first day really trying to do well as him. Here I will post videos of me and my friends (SFL Luigi and maybe a guy named Obese) playing as I try to progress with him. Please give me feedback, criticism, and all that good stuff.

Day One

Alright so this is my first day doing very much with Ike, and it also happens to be my friend's first day of maining bowser so we can progress together. I can already pinpoint a couple of mistakes that I have, namely bad spacing sometimes and against Bowser, that often gets me shieldgrabbed. I think that I go for the dair spike way too much as well. I am going to play more today but I probably won't get any more videos up for a couple of days.

Day Five

There will be matches on youtube shortly.

Dragon Master Lance

Smash Rookie
Apr 10, 2008
New Buffalo, MI
Not Bad you can land the Bair effectively, in the second video there seemed to be a couple of times where you took a hit or two you shouldnt have if you Shield Grabbed Or just grabbed at all. You can obviously use the dair and fairs to ledge guard, Since you do use the dair a decent amount try using a back throw to put them over the edge to set up the spike, makes it even easier. I saw you using the nair but it never really accomplished anything maybe just a timing issue atm but try retreating nairs, and Ike has pretty good priority in the air take advantage of the fairs which I only saw while you were ledge guarding. I liked the fact you werent spamming AAA which is predictable and can be countered. Probably my biggest complaint is the lack of up tilt :( Its hard to see how you handle projectiles since your playing a bowser maybe a video with you and a projectile character... since that is basically one of his biggest weaknesses. All in all good, post a few more vids :bee:

Sans Glutin

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2008
Yeah tomorrow I will have some more because my friends are coming over and so I should probably have a couple more videos against my friend's mains which are Peach and Falco.

Thanks for the feedback.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
You're doing a video log by day....wow that's gonna get crowded...

Face it, you're not gonna play everyday. Better change it to every week...besides, progress is easily measured in weeks anyway. Smash is not the type of game in which you get better day by day.... I mean you do...at first...but after a certain point...nuh uh

edit - gay...you're using my color :chuckle: now I have to change :psycho:

Sans Glutin

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2008
Yeah Silven it's not every day I was just gonna post the day number and some matches every once and a while.

Versatile, what? What thread

EDIT: Oh that thread. But why do you want my noobish videos in your thread
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