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Giga Bowser and Wire Frames for Brawl!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
Sorry if this an already made topic. I made this topic to see if it would live, and mainly, for the fact of Giga Bowser being in Brawl. True, he is quite large, and true, he's ugly. Here's his trophy from melee, or what he looks like, in case you don't know who he is:
That my friends, is one-ugly looking monster! (bowser in other words). Here is some information on him from Wikipedia.com:
Giga Bowser (ギガクッパ, Giga Kuppa?, Giga Koopa) is a more powerful version of Bowser who made his first appearance in Melee. He is the "secret boss" of Adventure mode and only appears if certain conditions are met. He is also one of the fighters in Event Match 51, "The Showdown", with Mewtwo and Ganondorf by his side.

Giga Bowser looks quite similar to regular Bowser. However, he is about twice as large, and his body is proportionally different. Giga Bowser's manic eyes also contrast with Bowser's more concentrated expression. Giga Bowser's tail is plated and has many more spikes on it, as does his shell. His overall color, especially his shell, is somewhat darker. His huge size is very easily demonstrated by the size of his spawn platform (the small, glowing, floating platform that characters appear on at the beginning of the stage and after being KOed). Also, some of Giga Bowser's attacks have different properties than normal Bowser's, and he cannot be thrown.
The only problem: Too big and cannot be thrown. That is a problem for most people, considering that a lot of combos require you to throw your opponents (the ones i've made, for example). I would personally like to play as Giga Bowser, but he's freaking strong, massive, and tough! That would suck for your opponents/enemies, or whoever your facing!

Next is the Wire Frames. They are cool characters, and in Cruel Melee, they can hurt you, ALOT...Here is a picture of the Male Frame:

And the Female fighting frame:

In case you don't know what they look like, or who they are. Here is some information from Wikipedia.com:
The Fighting Wire Frames (謎のザコ敵軍団, Nazo no Zako Tekigun Dan?, Mysterious Small Fry Enemy Army Group) are a group of enemies in Super Smash Bros. Melee. They are analogous with the Fighting Polygons, as they play a similar role; however, unlike the original game, there are only two types of Fighting Wire Frames (Male and Female) as opposed to a Wire Frame corresponding to each individual character. Their symbol is the Smash Bros. Symbol (a circle with an off-center cross), just like the Fighting Polygons. The only distinct characteristics Fighting Wire Frames have is that they have a Heart inside their chest, and the Super Smash Bros. Melee Symbol where their face should be. Both the male and female Fighting Wire Frames possess these.

Males and Female Wire Frames have the same frame and gait of Captain Falcon and Zelda, respectively. Males have better attack and defense than the Females, but the Females have better speed and jumps. They have approximately the same strength as the Fighting Polygons, but are somewhat more agile. The Fighting Wire Frames are very weak, with the exception of the Cruel Fighting Wire Frames found in Cruel Melee, being ridiculously strong.

There are a number of Multi-Man Melees, in which a player fights many Wire Frame Fighters before being defeated. Each type of Multi-Man Melee has certain goals.

The Cruel Melee was mentioned in EGM's April Fools 2002 hoax. In that issue, EGM claimed that those who beat 20 Wire Frames in Cruel Melee would be able to unlock Sonic and Tails. This prank sparked a large amount of controversy after it was proven to be false.
I used to think that the Sonic and Tails April's Fools prank was true, until i reliazed that i couldn't beat it. So i went online, and looked it up, to see if it was accurate. Well, to my surprise (not really), nothing was listed there about ever being characters, so i quit playing Cruel Melee. My character of choice on that melee was Roy, mainly for the fact that his up + B attack was quite formiddable against them.

Please post me a comment on this, telling me what you think and all that. If this is an already made topic (not individual threads for both characters!), just a topic with both of them, identify me, telling me the topic/thread, and i'll go post on there. Have a good day, or atleast try to! :chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
Giga Bowser [It's hard to see it in Brawl. It'll stay In Melee]
Wire Frames [Nice Idea, but No one will pick him]
him? it's a boy/girl thing!
Giga bowser is hard to see in brawl, but maybe, he can be in the background, like how on Samus's extra level, kraiden was in the background? something like that if he's not a playable character!

and thanks for the comment!

Keep this thread alive!:)

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Giga Bowser may return(as a boss, more than likely), but the Wire Frames won't.

Why won't they, you ask? Well, they're the upgrade of the Fighting Polygons. That means that a new "Fighting" team will enter the fray to annoy us. I do admit though, the Wire Frames were much more annoying than the Polygons, but not as cool overall. Falcon and Zelda clones? Boring. I would've rather seen an Ice Climber clone...okay, maybe not in this case. Anyhow, I highly doubt they'll appear.

Giga Bowser is the man, though.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
Giga Bowser may return(as a boss, more than likely), but the Wire Frames won't.

Why won't they, you ask? Well, they're the upgrade of the Fighting Polygons. That means that a new "Fighting" team will enter the fray to annoy us. I do admit though, the Wire Frames were much more annoying than the Polygons, but not as cool overall. Falcon and Zelda clones? Boring. I would've rather seen an Ice Climber clone...okay, maybe not in this case. Anyhow, I highly doubt they'll appear.

Giga Bowser is the man, though.
yeah, giga bowser should return as a boss, and the wire frames would be awesome. then you started to talk about polygon team...Why? What for? this topic is ABOUT wire frames and giga bowser being in brawl...and the wire frames won't be like the polygon team, they will just keep their unique and original shapes, and not mimick others....

thanks for the giga bowser comment, though....

there should be an alternate costume for bowser that looks like giga bowser but it won't be as big or ridiculously powerful.
then, there would be no point in making an alternate costume! if the costume didnt' look like him, what's the point?

People, when posting, can you please add something constructive to this? thanks!:)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
What do you mean doesn't look like him they are both the same guy just one is bigger and uglier.
actually, there's a HUGE difference between the two. Here, read this:
Giga Bowser (ギガクッパ, Giga Kuppa?, Giga Koopa) is a more powerful version of Bowser who made his first appearance in Melee.
he is about twice as large, and his body is proportionally different.
Giga Bowser's tail is plated and has many more spikes on it, as does his shell. His overall color, especially his shell, is somewhat darker.
Also, some of Giga Bowser's attacks have different properties than normal Bowser's, and he cannot be thrown.
Do you get what im saying now? There's more than just attacks and stuff...

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
I said ALTERNATE COSTUME it would still be bowser with the stats and size but he will LOOK LIKE giga bowser as in he would have the horns Darker color and more thorns. There would be no difference in anything but look.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
I said ALTERNATE COSTUME it would still be bowser with the stats and size but he will LOOK LIKE giga bowser as in he would have the horns Darker color and more thorns. There would be no difference in anything but look.
But i dont WANT an alternate costume, i would rather have the characters to play, rather than have cameos and costumes....


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
Yes I would rather have those three than another Dr. Mario character (As in another character that is the same person as another character).
dr. mario is awesome! i don't like ganondorf, but giga bowser would be a good add-on. if you can't add anything constructive to this thread, then please, stop posting on this thread. Thank you. Now what about the Wire Frames?

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
DR. MARIO WILL BE TAKEN OUT! Ganondorf will return with an original moveset. The wire frames won't be playable characters but will probably remain for the stadium mode and if you can't make intelligent posts on these forums get off or clean up your act Cuz no one wants to listen to you.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
DR. MARIO WILL BE TAKEN OUT! Ganondorf will return with an original moveset. The wire frames won't be playable characters but will probably remain for the stadium mode and if you can't make intelligent posts on these forums get off or clean up your act Cuz no one wants to listen to you.
how do you know that Dr. Mario will be taken out? shows how much you know....
You keep arguing about clones, and yet, you want ganondorf on with a moveset? doubt it....
the wire frames will come on as playable characters, they may not, who knows....
this is my own thread/topic, and if you don't agree with me, then just leave

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Stop posting holy freakin moly or die.

Dr. mario WILL be taken out because he is mario with a doctor coat he will probably return as an alternate costume but will not be his own character and the only reason ganondorf was a clone was because they didn't have enough time to give him his own moveset.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
Stop posting holy freakin moly or die.
Thank you for saying that!

Dr. mario WILL be taken out because he is mario with a doctor coat he will probably return as an alternate costume but will not be his own character
he will NEVER be an alternate costume. there's a difference between the two: Dr.Mario is stronger, and mario is faster. Go online and check. And just because he has "mario" in his name doesn't make him mario with a lab coat.....

and the only reason ganondorf was a clone was because they didn't have enough time to give him his own moveset.
True, but that could've been an exscuse because they never could've thought of a moveset for him. Can we please go back to the topic?


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Seriously guys, just ignore him, he won't be around for much longer anyway.

As Sakurai has said not all characters will be returning, Dr Mario is one of the most likely characters to go. He'd be the hardest character to seperate in terms of moves from his origional counterpart and was only really added as an excuse to use the theme from his game. Granted we can't say he's gone yet, but it's very likely.

You know, if we all stopped posting, this Ravenlance idiot won't actually do anything.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
Seriously guys, just ignore him, he won't be around for much longer anyway.

You know, if we all stopped posting, this Ravenlance idiot won't actually do anything.
I'll try to ignore him....

True, he wouldn't do anything...

They only made him stronger than regular mario to make them different.
True....but don't they make ALL clones different? Capt. Falcon is faster, but Ganondorf is stronger. Or maybe, they didn't have that many Nintendo candidates at the time, and decided to put in clones....not saying it's true though....

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
yeah, giga bowser should return as a boss, and the wire frames would be awesome. then you started to talk about polygon team...Why? What for? this topic is ABOUT wire frames and giga bowser being in brawl...and the wire frames won't be like the polygon team, they will just keep their unique and original shapes, and not mimick others....
Um...yeah. Look, you're missing the point. The Polygons were replaced by the Wire Frames, and the Wire Frames will be replaced too. The Wire Frames are also NOT unique in any way. The floatiness they have in Battlefield is just a stage effect, nothing else. I don't know what the new clone team will be, but we'll get a new one in. There's little chance that either the Polygons or the Wire Frames will return, as patterns follow.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
Um...yeah. Look, you're missing the point. The Polygons were replaced by the Wire Frames, and the Wire Frames will be replaced too. The Wire Frames are also NOT unique in any way. The floatiness they have in Battlefield is just a stage effect, nothing else. I don't know what the new clone team will be, but we'll get a new one in. There's little chance that either the Polygons or the Wire Frames will return, as patterns follow.
oh, i see what you're talking about now.... but you never know, the wire frames could come back, and i think that they will be good, unique characters. Unique means different, but they're not that different, considering the Polygon Team...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2006
I think Giga Bowser will appear seeing as how badazz he was in Melee.
The Wireframes will not here's my anology.

Polygons and Wireframes are some of the basic steps in creating a Model a.k.a your character. Now my guess is either they will make the steps that require the blob look.
This look is sorta like the character covered in cement thats my guess.
Maybe they'll go with the "White dots with lines" XD probaly not.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2006
Gigs for SSBB boss!! (that's Giga Bowser)
as for the Wire Frames, either:
(A) replace them with the polygons [yeah right]
(B) keep them
(C) make wire characters--wire frame versions of each character.

the verdict: C, then B, then A



Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2007
The Mushroom Kingdom
Gigs for SSBB boss!! (that's Giga Bowser)
as for the Wire Frames, either:
(A) replace them with the polygons [yeah right]
(B) keep them
(C) make wire characters--wire frame versions of each character.

the verdict: C, then B, then A

nicely and well said!

I think Giga Bowser will appear seeing as how badazz he was in Melee.
True! :D

The Wireframes will not here's my anology.

Polygons and Wireframes are some of the basic steps in creating a Model a.k.a your character. Now my guess is either they will make the steps that require the blob look.
This look is sorta like the character covered in cement thats my guess.
Maybe they'll go with the "White dots with lines" XD probaly not.
probably, but it would be cool to see how the wire frames end up in Brawl; that is, IF they ever put them in there to begin with...
You said it all.
What do you mean by that?
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