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GHOST Thread!!!!

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Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
Well, GHOST is a game Seibrik taught me on the way to Tipped Off 4.

Basically, you start out with however many players, and one player starts by saying a letter.

Clockwise, each player next to him has to add a letter to that letter in order to make a larger and larger word.

Words have to be larger than 3 LETTERS and CANNOT BE PROPER NOUNS.

HOWEVER, if the word ends at any point, the person who finished it gets G.

First one to GHOST is out.

Like say Snorlax, Obama, M2K, and Eggm are playing.

Snorlax says B.
Obama says A.
M2K mutters S.
Eggm says I.
Snorlax (with the intention to spell BASICALLY) says C.


BASIC is already a word! Snorlax gets the point.

ALSO: If you believe that you CANNOT ADD a letter to a word being spelled because it doesnt exist, you can CHALLENGE the previous player who said the letter that started the impossible word:

Snorlax says W.
Obama says O.
M2K says T.
Eggm says "CHALLENGE!"

Eggm knows that no word starts with WOT, and therefore M2K would get the letter G because he said "T", the letter which made the word not real. So I figured hey, why not make a thread only to play this game? Who knows what'll happen. lol.

I'll start with a letter. It has to be big and bold, so everyone can see it.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
lol we're not going in a set order so you should just never get a letter ever! haha!



Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
HUNGRYBOX! You don't know how much I love you right now!

There is actually a section of smashboards completely dedicated to playing games like this. Its called Forum Games, http://www.smashboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=50

If you want to start a GHOST thread there, it will probably take off really fast. I actually mod Forum Games, its where I started modding. You should go make a thread there.

lol @ frames.
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