well, there are definitely a few things that can help.. i'll try to name a few. If you can SH laser consistently, fast-falling is definitely the next step. Be sure to laser early so that when you actually DO hit a fast-fall, the laser actually comes out (do it too late and falco will pull out his gun, but before the laser comes out you've hit the ground and it gets canceled). Remember, the fast-fall has to be hit just as you begin to come down from your short hop.. so just keep trying. once you get that down, start moving forward while SH/FF lasering (key is NOT to hit over and B at the same time, which could make you do the illusion - not good). This could be a challenge, but you'll find that once falco's laser animation has started, you can hold forward/backward (and even continue to laser if you do a full jump) for maximum horizontal distance in addition to the laser. Work on SHFFL'ing ALL OF YOUR AERIALS! It may take some time, but get used to the timing of the L-cancel for each of his moves (i'm sure you already know this, but B-moves cannot be L-canceled so don't bother). L-canceling is crucial as it allows for a much quicker recovery time with your aerials, making way for seemingly endless combos and general defense. Tech'ing is performed by hitting R (or L) just before you hit a surface such as the floor, a wall, a ceiling, etc. If you are trying to tech off the side of the stage when marth has his shield breaker charged (his b-move), you want to hit R about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through your up-B (i'm not sure but i think 20 frames before the hit?) If done correctly, when you get hit, your character will blink as you tech off the wall, and you will be able to up-B again (also hold up in addition to R if you want to wall-jump off the tech). I wouldn't worry about techs as much for right now, though. Practice sweet-spotting the edge with both your illusion and your firebird. Although falco has a fairly bad recovery, there are still ways to get extra distance/fake out your opponent. When I am knocked off the stage, the first thing i do (most of the time, you dont want to get repetitive!) is shine. The shine quickly stops your momentum carrying you away from the stage, and you still have your jump! For maximum distance, in times where you're not sure if you can even make it, definitely shine first, then jump, then illusion - it just takes some practice lining falco up with the edge so the illusion will be as close to a sweet-spot as possible. Also, you'll probably find that this gives you some time to think of a smart way to get back... whether it be 1) illusion over marth 2) quickly illusion into marth (as an attack) if you feel he is not expecting it 3) firebird if he is expecting the illusion - here you have some options. definitely get accustomed to the 8 angles that falco's firebird can be directed. Keep in mind that you can be above and out from the ledge, and firebird downward and immediately grab the ledge! this takes some practice, but can save your life when your opponent is not expecting it. also know that once you have the ledge you have about 20 (?) frames of invincibility, which is a good time to make a move. If you haven't already, check out video's of PC Chris, Bombsoldier, DaShizWiz, Forward, Lambchops.. etc. try to see WHY they chose the move they did, in regard to the circumstances.. many mindgames take place in matches involving such a high level of play, which often get overlooked by people who wish to learn. well, i've rambled enough.. and anyone can correct me if i've made a mistake.. had a bit to drink tonight haha. I hope this helps you