Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1687428441473584/
10:00AM Venue opens up
11:00AM Doubles
1-2PMish Singles begins
ends whenever we finish singles.
*Sign up not mandatory but GREATLY encouraged.*
Doubles sign up: http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/xElZegG2Xh
Singles Sign Up: http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/eV311dxEXQ
10$ entry fee
$5 venue fee
Bring your own controller.
Try to be on time.
Rules are subject to change.
Super Smash Brothers for Wii-U
• $10 Entry 60/20/10/5/2.5/2.5 Split for Top 6
• 2 stocks, 6 minutes.
• All sets will be Best of 3, except for Winner’s Semis, Winner’s Finals, Loser's Semis, Loser’s Finals, and Grand Finals, which will be Best of 5.
• Stagelist:
o Starters: Final Destinaton/Omegas, Battlefield/Dreamland(counterpicks only), Town and City, Lylat Cruise, Smashville
o Counterpicks: Duck Hunt
§ Stage Strikes are to be done in a 1-2-1 fashion. Winner of Game 1 will ban 1 stage, Loser will pick a counterpick, Winner picks and announces his character, Loser picks and announces his character.
§ Daves Stupid Rule is in effect where you cannot CP a stage you previously won on. However, you can play on said stage if both players agree to it.
• Customs are BANNED.
• Any Mii variations are allowed so long as they are the medium build.
*******Same for dubs except
-3 Stock
-Sharestock is allowed.

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