I know smrpglegacy made a joke about this with Landmaster, but there's the chance the rest of their post was serious.
Because the rest of the internet is.
If this is true, this is how I think it might have played out:
Nintendo wouldn't add a Geno model without Square-Enix's consent.
And Square-Enix couldn't ask to take it out in mid-development without Nintendo suing.
However, it is possible that they were negotiating the rights of the character, and had it planned to where he could be in and programmed by November, but then the two companies couldn't reach an agreement and the deal was off. Nintendo's plans for Geno had now been immediately shaken, and they had to do some adjustments to have him clean and out of the game as if he had never been in there. Nintendo speaks about Brawl at their conference in Nintendo, because they need to announce to the world the delay of their game. They were so sure it was going to be out in December because they had everything ready, but then this news caused them to adjust the game considerably at short notice. That explains the delay. At the conference, Nintendo announces to the world the delay, with deep apologies, but tells us they DID manage to keep Sonic, and the world goes crazy.
At the launch of SSBB, Geno is mysteriously missing, despite he was the only in the top 10 list who wasn't included in Brawl (I might be mistaken there though). Instead of four rows of 9 characters...it was 3 rows of 9 and 1 row of 8 with a random character box oddly placed at the side to fill up the space where Geno would have filled up.
Seems like a likely story.
Downloadable characters though, that's highly unlikely. Usually, characters use a programming that would be impossible to be added to the game unless the game and characters were programmed in a modular code that allowed characters to be "installed". We already have downloadable content through custom stages, so it IS possible he implemented this kind of coding.
Our best chances to ever seeing Geno in Brawl would be:
- Nintendo re-releasing the game
- Nintendo releasing a disc/bonus for adding Geno.
- Nintendo announcing on the Dojo a feature for downloadable characters (like stages) in Brawl. That would honestly make this the greatest game ever.
If this is true, it all makes sense now.
I still don't forgive Sakurai for teh cloans.
Because the rest of the internet is.
"Awhile back, Sakurai asked Japan what characters they wanted to see in Brawl. According to Dpad, the top 10 fan picks made it into Brawl…minus Geno. Furthermore, they say Geno sat atop the list. The article also takes the final roster screenshot to push the rumor that Square-Enix was the reason Brawl was delayed.
They said that Geno was indeed in the game, but Square-Enix and Nintendo couldn’t work out the final deal. That forced the delay, the removal of the character, and the odd placement of the random character box. "
If this is true, this is how I think it might have played out:
Nintendo wouldn't add a Geno model without Square-Enix's consent.
And Square-Enix couldn't ask to take it out in mid-development without Nintendo suing.
However, it is possible that they were negotiating the rights of the character, and had it planned to where he could be in and programmed by November, but then the two companies couldn't reach an agreement and the deal was off. Nintendo's plans for Geno had now been immediately shaken, and they had to do some adjustments to have him clean and out of the game as if he had never been in there. Nintendo speaks about Brawl at their conference in Nintendo, because they need to announce to the world the delay of their game. They were so sure it was going to be out in December because they had everything ready, but then this news caused them to adjust the game considerably at short notice. That explains the delay. At the conference, Nintendo announces to the world the delay, with deep apologies, but tells us they DID manage to keep Sonic, and the world goes crazy.
At the launch of SSBB, Geno is mysteriously missing, despite he was the only in the top 10 list who wasn't included in Brawl (I might be mistaken there though). Instead of four rows of 9 characters...it was 3 rows of 9 and 1 row of 8 with a random character box oddly placed at the side to fill up the space where Geno would have filled up.
Seems like a likely story.
Downloadable characters though, that's highly unlikely. Usually, characters use a programming that would be impossible to be added to the game unless the game and characters were programmed in a modular code that allowed characters to be "installed". We already have downloadable content through custom stages, so it IS possible he implemented this kind of coding.
Our best chances to ever seeing Geno in Brawl would be:
- Nintendo re-releasing the game
- Nintendo releasing a disc/bonus for adding Geno.
- Nintendo announcing on the Dojo a feature for downloadable characters (like stages) in Brawl. That would honestly make this the greatest game ever.
If this is true, it all makes sense now.
I still don't forgive Sakurai for teh cloans.