Woo, the official Geno thread!
This thread will encompass all specific talk about Geno, the star-possessed scarecrow doll from
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars! So let's get right to it:
List of games Geno has appeared in:
- Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
- Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
So that's it.

Geno as he appeared in Mario RPG.

Geno as he appeared in Superstar Saga.

Geno as he appeared in this picture that I drew.
Geno would make an excellent addition to the Smash Brothers series. He could easily be a short-range fighter with some projectile attacks. The character from Melee he'd be most like is probably Ness. He'd have similar height and weight as Ness, and probably also have a non-traditional second jump.
Since I love the character so much, I've decided to make an entire moveset for him.

So here we go...
A - Standard punch.
A-A - One-two punch.
A-A-A-repeated - Geno's hands suck in, and he starts blasting stars out of his arms. This is a combo attack, and the stars do not travel very far before disappearing.
Tilt-A-Up - Geno kicks straight up with one leg, similar to Sheik. Considering he's only a doll, he should be the most flexible character in the game.
Tilt-A-forward - Geno does the finger shot. Several pellets shoot out of his four fingers, traveling a short distance before disappearing.
Tilt-A-Down - A sweeping ground kick, similar to Ness.
Smash-A-Up - Geno sticks both hands straight up, and then spreads them, leaving a trail of stars where his hands were. Has a high knockback.
Smash-A-Forward - Geno fires his hand straight forward. It travels a good distance before disappearing and reappearing back on his arm.
Smash-A-Down - Geno does a split, kicking both legs out sideways.
Aerial-A-Neutral - Geno spins in a circle, with arms outstretched. His hands emit a small trail of stars.
Aerial-A-Up - Geno flips, kicking, like Kirby.
Aerial-A-Forward - Geno kicks both feet forward, perpendicular to the screen.
Aerial-A-Down - Geno does his finger shot straight down. The pellets travel a small distance before disappearing.
Aerial-A-Backward - Geno kicks one foot backwards, spinning in a circle.
B-Neutral - Geno charges up the Geno Beam. The longer you hold it, the more powerful the move gets (until it gets to its maximum charge, that is). The move, unlike other "shooting" moves like Samus' Charge Shot or Mewtwo's Shadow Ball, shoots across the entire stage, staying attached to Geno during the duration of the attack. To make up for it's large range, it's a relatively slow-moving attack.
B-Up - Geno spreads his arms and flies upward. A trail of stars extends behind him, which damages opponents until they disappear.
B-Forward The Geno Whirl, from Mario RPG. Geno swings his arm in a horizontal arc, sending a series of circles across the stage horizontally. This is a very quick-move. Also, if you press B again at the exact right instant, anyone hit by the Whirl's damage goes straight to 999% (Just kidding.

B-Down - The Geno Blast. Geno plants himself, and a series of multicolored lights rain down from the heavens on either side of him.
Super Move - The Geno Flash. Geno turns into a cannon, and shoots a spark into the center of the stage. The spark grows a face, blinks, and then explodes.
Check the Flash version!
I would love playing as this character. Too bad I'm not working on this game. Not that my ideas are better than other people's, just that I would love working on the game.
Here's hoping we see our favorite star-powered hero appearing in Brawl!
*EDIT* I contacted Nintendo about who owns Geno:
Originally Posted by
Nintendo representative
Hello and thank you for contacting Nintendo,
Sorry that our response was not clear. The characters in the Super Smash Bros game are not all the property of Nintendo. They generally remain the property of the company that originally created them. While Geno and Mallow originally appeared in a game that was marketed by Nintendo, the title was designed and programmed by Square Soft. Geno and Mallow would still remain as the intellectual property of Square-Enix (the current name). Unfortunately, we have not heard any information that would support any rumors of Nintendo acquiring these characters.
Thanks for your email and good luck with all your games!
So, as of now, Geno is still the property of Square-Enix. That being the case, Square would have to lend Geno back to Nintendo in order for him to appear in Smash.
That said, I see no reason why Square would not lend the character. However, there was a ton of confusion about the subject, so I went right to the source. Geno is currently owned by Square.
*EDIT* So, Snakz has been putting together some new stuff in the thread, so I'm quoting a post of his here without using the actual quote stuff. The following is all done by Snakz:
Alrighty, here's the list of members so far, and i've added my rant, enjoy!
Go ahead an critique the rant, i could use it, and if you wana make any edits yourself, go ahead,
just be sure to tell me what you've edited and why
Im probably missing a lot of names here so if i forgot you, or you'd like to be added, just tell me
♪!? Alliance
a.k.a. The Geno Alliance
"Servitors of a Higher Authority"
Thread Creator: McFox (obviously)
Chi's Finest
Oshiro Akina
Ralph Marquee
Super Mario Whirled
Geno for Brawl: Arguments from Both Sides
By Snakz
Geno’s got a lot of things going for him, I’ll mention the arguments for him, but really this is meant to tackle the arguments against him.
1) Geno is unique in character
If you want to know who Geno is, ill give you a summary. Geno, who’s true name is actually

♪!? is a star spirit/guardian that came from Star Road, a place that makes wishes come true. Star Road was destroyed by Smithy when he drove the giant sword, Exor through and shattered it into 7 stars, all of which landed on Earth. So he came down to Earth and possessed a doll name Geno to collect the stars and eventually, with Mario’s help, he defeated Smithy and restored order to Star Road and Earth.
Now Geno has a very likable and strong personality, were it not for Mario, I’m sure Geno would’ve been just fine being the leader of the party, since he seems to have that quality. Now his background is undeniably unique, and anyone who says he’s not unique enough for Brawl should go play SMRPG. If they finished it and are still not convinced, you should consider therapy.
2) Extremely easy to make a moveset for
If you haven’t taken time out of your busy schedule, I suggest taking a few clicks and looking at McFox’s moveset for Geno. In terms of special moves, moveset is pretty much the same moveset that most people have for Geno. As for the rest, there are usually a lot of similarities between what McFox has and what others have, but people do get pretty creative with the rest of his moves. Either way, Geno is probably one of the easiest characters to make a moveset for and would deffinetly not be a problem adding him into Brawl on a technical stand point.
3) Geno is tied for 2nd place on Sakurai’s poll
This is probably the best argument for Geno on the more political side of things. Next to Sonic, Geno is the most requested 3rd party character on the poll (and he’s not even purely 3rd party, more on that later). Without this, Geno’s fans would be getting shot down left and right because people would claim he doesn’t have a strong standing on the poll, and since many people don’t know him, he wouldn’t stand a chance. But because he tied with such contenders as Ike and Diddy Kong (who are confirmed), this is a strong case.
** Now there is one more thing I’d like to add about the relationship between Nintendo and Square-Enix. There’s been a lot of people saying the they are getting things better between each other now and other people saying they’re relationship isn’t as good as it was. If there’s one thing we can make a fact of is this; if SMRPG is coming to the Virtual Console, that’s has to say something about the two companies having a good enough relationship to agree to re-release SMRPG to the VC.
1) Nobody's heard of him
This argument right off the bat is so weak, every time I hear this arguement being used it makes me want to choke puppies. We have so many examples of this factor not being an issue. First off, we have Geno’s poll numbers, tied for second. CLEARLY, enough people have heard of Geno for them to believe he deserves a spot in Brawl. Secondly, don’t know about you, but had you ever heard of the Ice Climbers and/or Mr. Game & Watch before Melee was released? Unless you played their games, most people would say they haven’t. So not having been heard of is definitely not a valid reason not to be included in Brawl.
2) We have too many Mario reps already
Usually, the people who say this are the same people who believe DK, Yoshi and Wario are considered part of the Mario franchise, when Sakurai clearly shows that at least that for Brawl’s sake that is not the case. Sure, they got their start in Mario games, no question, but it doesn’t matter whether you believe they have they’re own separate franchise or not, Sakurai considers them separate franchises. So not including those characters, we have Mario, most likely Luigi, Bowser and Peach, and don’t tell me Dr. Mario is returning, his chances are almost nigh. So that’s 4 characters, I wouldn’t say one more is too much, would you? Pokémon already has 4 representatives (Pikachu and Pokémon Trainer who has 3 other Pokémon), there’s a good chance that there will be one more representative. Remember we’re about franchise representation here, not slots. The number of slots is not significant as they can change easily. So if Pokémon can have 5 reps, why not Nintendo’s most well-known franchise?
Not to mention the Pokémon franchise is also represented by the countless number of Pokémon in the Pokéball item. Though now with the introduction of Assist Trophies, other franchises, and even those who will not get a PC rep can still have a chance to shine in Brawl, though slightly, well ain’t that peachy? So far we’ve been shown the Hammer Bros, Bullet Bills and Latiku to represent the Mario franchise in AT fashion. Although there will probably be more from the Mario series, there’s no question that the number of Pokémon non-PC reps will outnumber non-PC Mario reps, so even in that respect, Mario will not be the most represented. Also there’s a little series needing mention called Zelda. It’s been predicted that there will be two more reps, Ganondorf being one of them (what a surprise) and mainly a competition between Midna w/ or w/out Wolf Link and WW Link. I wont get into that since this is no the place for that, but the point it this; Zelda is very likely to have at least 5 PC reps, same goes to Pokémon, so what’s to say the Mario series shouldn’t get 5 reps?
Of course, others will argue for Bowser Jr. as the last Mario rep. Most do not believe that Geno AND Bowser Jr. will make it to Brawl, so that really comes down to your own opinion on who should get in between those two.
3) He's only been in two games
This is about as effective as “No one knows who he is”, probably the dumbest of the arguments against Geno. The Ice climbers have only been in ONE game and they made it in. Sure they’re retro, but the SNES (which is where Geno made is first appearance in Super Mario RPG) is on the borderline of being retro, if it hasn’t already. Once again, it shows that it doesn’t matter how many games the character has been in, if enough people have heard of him that they will voice significantly that he should be in Brawl, well then ****it, he should be a contender for a spot.
4) Geno's third party, he's not worthy of a third party slot
Alright now to the juicy stuff. This is probably the most common argument made against Geno since he is owned by Square-Enix. If you haven’t read this (Thanks to PsychoIncarnate for this find!), I strongly suggest you do:
http://blogs.ign.com/phoenixdragoon/2007/10/22/69626/ It’s an argument saying the Geno isn’t exactly 3rd party, but something called 2nd ½ party. If this really is the case for Geno’s legal stand point, then there’s virtually no problem in adding Geno.
But if you don’t believe the article and still think Geno will be purely 3rd party, your most likely saying that Geno is not worthy of the last (or supposedly last) 3rd party spot compared to Megaman, Bomberman, Rayman, or “someotherman”. Personally, I believe that if Geno really is pure 3rd party (which I don’t) then the only competition he has is Megaman.
Now let me get this out of the way first; whether you believe Geno is worthy of Brawl is purely your own opinion, there’s nothing factual about worthiness. Now Megaman is no doubt a very iconic character and has been on numerous titles to which I won’t bother counting, most of which are on a Nintendo console. But considering Megaman only received two votes, it’s obviously not the best he could get, but it’s not a very strong case for his appearance in Brawl, so many of his fans are relying on his popularity outside the polls. The bad part for Megaman is we really don’t know how much Sakurai is looking into Megaman as a result of the poll. Because of his relative poor rank on the poll compared to his popularity, I consider Megaman and Geno to be equals in terms of purely 3rd parties. The rest is just my favoring of Geno over Megaman.
As for other 3rd party characters, it’s for the most part, the same case. They got relatively low standings on the polls (or in some character’s cases, not at all, yet still being supported), so the fans rely on the character’s popularity alone. I honestly think the poll will turn out to have a great impact on who will be considered to enter Brawl, Which is certainly the case for Geno. Unfortunately for the rest, I don’t think the other character’s popularity will enough (for the record, I’d love to see Bomberman in Brawl, but I just don’t see it happening).
Now if Sakurai decides to tell us he changed his mind and is letting more 3rd party characters in, then we’ve more to discuss, but until then, that’s all I gotta say about Geno and 3rd parties. Just remember, overall I don’t consider Geno a pure 3rd party addition, and I sure plenty of Geno fans don’t either, but there are still some who do, and I wanted to point out they’re possible views on it.