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Generic "Help my Diddy" Thread. (New Videos)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2008
I went to my first tourney earlier this month and came 4th but I think I can do a lot better, at least 2nd I hope next time. So I'm looking for some help/critic to get better from.

Me vs Vlade (Falco)

Me vs Niven (R.O.B.)

I realize in this set that I roll way too much and becomes predictable.

I'll post more as they are uploaded.

Thanks in advance. :bee:

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
Ok first off. Way to much rolling! You need to stop that habit right now because a lot of rollling = extreme punishing.

Something I noticed, try to not get pressured so much. Just relax and slow things down a bit. One major tip though against Falco is : Grab a lot.

That's all I have for right now, but I'll edit my post later to give more advice.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
The first game you had very little control over your bananas and it looks like you were just learning to glide toss... their are certainly other directions that you can throw your opponent besides directly at them. you dashed way too much to pick up the bananas

the second game you started off great but you got nervous. your moves are way too predictable and I think you really need to go back to the basics of learning about cutting your landing lag, z catching your bananas, and setting up for the kills.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2008
I have noticed that I only glide toss forward so I've been trying to force myself to GT backwards and dribble when practicing. I guess I was nervous since it was my first tourney. I'll be more relaxed at the next one hopefully. I usually only use the GT forward into F smash or D smash for kills. And my banana control, I can even tell, I need to work on it.

Thanks for the comments so far. The other videos from the tourney are probably a better representation of my play style, so hopefully they'll be up soon.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
As you already know, you rolled a LOT. It was very predictable. That, combined with the fact that your banana throws were often predictable also because you only glide-tossed forward, made it easier for the Falco to get control over your bananas.

When you got hit, you momentum canceled with airdodge. Use bair, it's faster.

You seemed to jump into predictable edgeguarding hits. During the FD match when Falco sent you off the edge, there was a part where you monkey-flipped into a kind of obvious bair. Watch out for that. Vary your recoveries so that your opponent has a harder time predicting what you'll try to do.

Also, maybe it's just my own personal bias against Final Destination, but I wouldn't have counterpicked it. Yeah, it's a good Diddy stage, but (I think) it's a pretty good Falco stage too, one on which he could camp/CG easily. And since you were already approaching with one direction anyway, it gave him even better control of your bananas.

All the advice I think I can give. Basically, just roll a lot less and start varying up your approaches and your game will improve quite a bit. From there, just get a lot of playing experience.
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