Many of you know me as the maker of BrawlPlusTweaker and I'm sure all of you know me as the one with l33t Marth skilz. Regardless. I'm thinking of building/recoding GeckoOS 1.07b to suit our needs a little better.
Here's what I'm thinking to do
I'll be back at 10PM EST, but let me know what you guys want. Oh and try to keep it realistic. Remember that this has to all be done in C and they're not that great library support. Expect almost everything to be done via the controller inputs at first (meaning no point and click)
Oh and besides the 256 "limit break" that we all want...
Here's what I'm thinking to do
- Autoboot (don't need to press A all the time)
- GCT file selected (if there's an AUTO.GCT file, it'll autoboot. If not, I'll show you a list)
- TXT parser (no more converting to GCT from your PC)
- Snapshot converter (you'd have to include the SDKEY.BIN and SDIV.BIN)
- B+ file support (to lead into a menu that'll allow you to toggle options on/off)
I'll be back at 10PM EST, but let me know what you guys want. Oh and try to keep it realistic. Remember that this has to all be done in C and they're not that great library support. Expect almost everything to be done via the controller inputs at first (meaning no point and click)
Oh and besides the 256 "limit break" that we all want...