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GA needs more large scale tourneys

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
I mean we have a large tourney like what? Once a month? and is that even large around 40 people... Why is it that our smash community is so small compared to FL which is no more than 6hours away. Cmon GA step it up. I recently picked up melee for the fun/experience, and their community is very lively and is even GROWING. Brawl on the other hand seems to just be staying the same, not getting bigger or smaller. How can we make our community larger and better 0_o? I mean its not like we dont have a large enough venue *waba* is large enough to host about 60+ people im sure of it, yet we never even get close to that number. I may be moving back to FL soon, but i still want to enjoy being a member of the GA smash community and large tournaments are hella fun.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
but I thought....and that....but they....and what......X_X

*is so confused*


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Im guessing this is aimed at brawl, seeing how melee does perfectly fine in this aspect.


You guys just need to learn how to plan big tourneys like this, and then more of you guys need to get good to draw more people.

If you want to compare "why FL has big tourneys compared to GA". Numbers. Period. And the fact that (from what I can tell) the after FL Braw scrub isnt scared to go to a tourney, where as half of the GA Brawl people who post on here cant go to any decent sized tourney that's at "their main venue".



I mean, I see this thread and I dont see the point in it. Right now it's fact that GA Brawl wont show up to their own "large scale tourneys"

You guys had final round hosted FOR you, but instead of doing what it takes to get there (with a full years notice, mind you), you guys go and host your own $5 dollar tourney. How do you think that looks to OoSers?

I'd be completely shocked if CO18 ever showed up to a tourney in GA that wasnt hosted by Reflex or Kismet, especially if he did research and knew the story behind FRXII's turnout.


So if you guys are looking have more "large scale tourneys", it really comes down to you guys learning how to do hold one, and getting more instate people to show up.

Note that you already have alot being hosted for you, and you guys tend to not-show-up anyway.




Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
man back when i was a young lad, i made like all of the smash aids
wes rox

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
Im guessing this is aimed at brawl, seeing how melee does perfectly fine in this aspect.


You guys just need to learn how to plan big tourneys like this, and then more of you guys need to get good to draw more people.

If you want to compare "why FL has big tourneys compared to GA". Numbers. Period. And the fact that (from what I can tell) the after FL Braw scrub isnt scared to go to a tourney, where as half of the GA Brawl people who post on here cant go to any decent sized tourney that's at "their main venue".



I mean, I see this thread and I dont see the point in it. Right now it's fact that GA Brawl wont show up to their own "large scale tourneys"

You guys had final round hosted FOR you, but instead of doing what it takes to get there (with a full years notice, mind you), you guys go and host your own $5 dollar tourney. How do you think that looks to OoSers?

I'd be completely shocked if CO18 ever showed up to a tourney in GA that wasnt hosted by Reflex or Kismet, especially if he did research and knew the story behind FRXII's turnout.


So if you guys are looking have more "large scale tourneys", it really comes down to you guys learning how to do hold one, and getting more instate people to show up.

Note that you already have alot being hosted for you, and you guys tend to not-show-up anyway.


****nnnnn my thread got owned
thanks dogy atleast now i know why x)
im ashamed that i didnt go to final round =/ it was mostly the fee was offputting but i still think i shouldve went for the experience and to see one of the coolest smashers. Now that i think about it Melee's TO4 was huge good smashers came from around the atlantic south to go to that interesting....
Im trying my best to improvem Zom~b, rayku, and umby are really stepping it up as well. At this rate i think we're fine in the improvement part of this. I hope impact clash is large even though like none of florida is going *same day as gigs* <_< maybe we'll see if GA will come out for its own large scale tourney.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
right now there's a waba weekly. why don't everyone go to that and see if we can get a large turn out. :/

Or the tallahassee tourney.

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
im going to the tally tourney, but id like to see more large scale tourneys like that in GA
*if your post was sarcasm it went undetected* x)


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
****nnnnn my thread got owned
thanks dogy atleast now i know why x)
im ashamed that i didnt go to final round =/ it was mostly the fee was offputting but i still think i shouldve went for the experience and to see one of the coolest smashers. Now that i think about it Melee's TO4 was huge good smashers came from around the atlantic south to go to that interesting....
Im trying my best to improvem Zom~b, rayku, and umby are really stepping it up as well. At this rate i think we're fine in the improvement part of this. I hope impact clash is large even though like none of florida is going *same day as gigs* <_< maybe we'll see if GA will come out for its own large scale tourney.
At this rate, ZOM~B and Umby are the only ones vastly improving. I'm steadily getting worse, Desu's just realizing that he can do certain tactics to win against people because he's Metaknight, and Lounis is just good to begin with. I haven't seen Kismet's overall performance and noticed any huge changes to his playstyle, but that could just be me.

Money johns are serious. At least, for me they are. Considering that if I didn't make any sort of profit from a tournament that I went to, I wouldn't be able to go to the following ones because of the situation The Family is in. That is why I didn't go to Final Round; Money Johns are serious business for me.

I'd love to see a Large Scale Brawl Tournament in GA put on. Melee vs. Brawl was supposed to be a "Large Scale" one, but 14 entrants for each event is hardly big. I felt bad for the Floridians that came, only to be disappointed in the pisspoor outcome. I honestly don't know why more people didn't come to that one, though...Really puzzling. Perhaps you could tell me why, Dogy? (I'm being serious, no sarcasm there)


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise

I tried telling my parents about the tournaments and stuff, but they think everyone on the internet is a weirdo rapist. Soz =(.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
*conversation with dogy a while back*

p- are you coming to melee vs brawl?
d- maybe
p- i'm excited to be able to play brawl pools
d- is min expecting that many people
p- well it's been set up 2 months in advance or more
d- have you seen the thread? it doesn't look to big.

it didn't seem that the tourney really got hyped as big as it should. it just stayed in the waba thread and no where else. so people were really just hyping it amongst themselves and no where else.

speaking of which. i'm pretty sad we didn't have pools at that tourney. i really would've liked more of my bucks worth, it said pools for the thread i remember... but no complaining there..


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
It was in the TOurnament Listings, on a thread by a very reputable TO. I don't know why more people didn't come.

Same old, same old. Get wrecked.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
I constantly forget that there's a "Tournament Listing" forum.
I only go to those threads when someone posts a linking thread in ATL South. XD
Also: I had massive money johns for Final Round.
Though I really wanted to go, I simply couldn't afford it. ;~;
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