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Friend smashboards tech issue:


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA

He is getting this screen. That usually means smashboards is down. But he just tried it a few minutes ago, and the boards are clearly up. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
It's a DNS issue. His ISP is still connecting him to the old server, not the new one. The only (simple) solution is to wait it out until his ISP updates its cache.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
It's a DNS issue. His ISP is still connecting him to the old server, not the new one. The only (simple) solution is to wait it out until his ISP updates its cache.
Well, it's working now... =P

The weird thing is, I was able to get online and post after they moved the server... o-o The next day, I kept getting that page...

Oh well, it's working now, so w/e... xD


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Ok... I'm sorry for the double post, but this is becoming very annoying....

I'm still getting the database error page.... But I'm online right now!!!! =/ Whenever I open another window and come to Smashboards, it's just giving me the database error screen! And yet, I'm navigating around just fine!!!

I try to get to smashboards every couple hours, hoping that I get lucky and log on... Sometimes I do, most of the times I don't and I just get the database error screen...

So yeah... Someone please help.... >_<;; It's very annoying... and the only thing I can think of is just keep this window open forever... x_X Ugh...

Just help me... Dx

EDIT: I just found a thread to report this problem in, so yeah... Don't reply in this thread anymore unless you know it will help me... xD
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