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Forte's IRL Tourney - SC, take interest!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2005
Florence, South Carolina
Hey all. Some of you, just maybe, have paid attention to this over at AiB, but if you haven't, here goes. I'm holding a tournament in Florence, South Carolina on the 21st of this month. I've been meaning to post it here for a while, since I know there are probably some people who don't go to AiB for very much.

All the information is here: http://allisbrawl.com/ttournament.aspx?id=4448

Or, if you're too lazy to go to another window, I'll put a nice carbon copy of the rules and crud here.


Semi-Official Start Time: 12:00 PM EST
Latecomers will have until 12:30. Lasts until we're done.

This is a singles only tournament. Sorry if anyone was looking forward to teams or something, but I'm not exactly sure how to run a team tournament, especially while a singles tournament goes on at the same time.

We'll probably have snacks of some sort hanging around (chips and crap), along with various sodas and stuff like that. Don't expect to come here and feast. Just a word of advice: Be respectful to the church property and everyone else. Keep your language to the kind of stuff you would say talking to your favorite teacher.

I'll keep a little update type list here for what we have right now.

TVs: ?
Wiis: 2


Entry Fee: $5 per person
No standing/spectating/venue fee, I doubt you're going to come all the way to Podunk Florence just to watch a tournament.

10% of the pot goes to the church. They didn't request it, just something I feel like doing. The rest:

1st: 70%
2nd: 20%
3rd: Lolbraggingrights

Depending on the turnout, we'll probably need extra Wiis. We're playing this the way the game was made, so no Brawl+ please. (I would allow a no tripping hack but my Wii doesn't have this crap installed on it, so that wouldn't be fair at all) If the Wii count exceeds the numbers of TVs available, someone might have to bring a small TV, as well.

Bring your own controller. Whatever controller you like. Corded GCs, Wavebirds, Wiimote/Nunchuk, Classic, whatever floats your boat, I just don't want to hear anything about dead batteries. Bring spares.

In the event of multiple people using Wavebirds, we'll work out frequencies while there and make sure there isn't any interference from unintended outside sources.

Controllers with the springs taken out of the shoulder buttons are perfectly legal, as well as any aesthetically modified controllers. No turbo buttons or anything like that... not that I really think that would help.
Also: If you would like to have the springs taken out of your controllers (I hear it helps some people) I do have a tri wing screwdriver and will be glad to take them out for you before the tournament gets under way.

Gameplay Rules:
All items Off.
Three Stock
Seven minutes
Double Elimination (that means you lose a match, you go the loser's bracket. Lose there, you're out of the tournament.)
Matches are Best 2/3 Games except for the grand finals, which is 3/5, I guess because it's tradition.
Obvious stalling tactics are banned.
To my knowledge, when time runs out in a stock match, the person with more stock/less damage is automatically declared winner by the game. In the event this is untrue, Sudden Death is not played. The person with more stock/less damage is the winner.
In the case of any suicide move that results in Sudden Death, the person who initiated the suicide move is the winner of the match. (I've never really liked that general rule, but what else is there...)
Infinite wall grabs/tactics are limited to three in a row until the person using it takes damage. That's both more fair than completely banning them and more fair then letting people infinite their way into first. Chaingrabbing into a walk off ledge is banned. That's not skill, that's abuse.

I know there's a lot of controversy among the community lately about Meta Knight. Since this tournament takes place more than a month from now(as of January 18 ), it is somewhat possible that Meta could be banned. If he is banned, I will have no choice but to ban his use at this tournament. Otherwise, all characters are of course available for use.

Stages - Neutral:
Final Destination
Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
Lylat Cruise

Luigi's Mansion
Castle Siege
Frigate Orpheon
Pirate Ship
Isle Delfino
Battleship Halberd
Pokemon Stadium (Melee)

Everywhere else.

Once each match, both players can ban one counterpick map of their choice.

Character selection is double blind for the first game in the match. If you're unfamiliar with this, you write down the character you'll be going into the match with, so does your opponent. You have to play that character for the game. The winner of that game then selects his/her character first, the loser second. The process repeats with the winner -> loser pick method until the match is decided.


Helpful Hints: Have a problem with a counterpick map? Want to try and convince me to add one to this list? Argue it with me before the tournament date.

Where we're at:
Grace Baptist Church
2400 3rd Loop Rd
Florence, South Carolina

(If needed, I will provide a map about 4 or 5 days before the tournament.)

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask me.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2005
Florence, South Carolina
Yes. Yes it is. If I put this in the wrong place, excuse my ignorance, I haven't been by here in numerous months. In fact, it's almost been a year.
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