Majin sux ***, Coach when hes drunk would like you guy's to answer one question and one question and that's If he was a *****...what kind of ***** would he be...
a. a black *****?
b. a black *****?
c. a black *****?
d. bety's *****?
Dude SHhh? Shh? there is a giant *** ****ing monkey out the window, shhh! dude! theres a giant *** monkey omfg its gone?
I was born with 1 nipple and 2 balls. Listen mrc idk wtf is going, im like wtf a roof, wtf is going on hey dudes AYYY and im going to put this cold ****ing beer on my nuts and be like aaaaYYY *****............. i gota beer in my ***.
WIll you marry me? "yes" OMFG YES!
HAve you ever seen a guy with two nippples on one tit, he claims its not two nipples. he actually cut one and it looks like know how ****ing sexy that is. Its like ****ing sexy......
Wanna here the super mario song on meh guitar?????? "sure" well im to lazy to go up stairs and get it.........doodooodooo
OMG i jus farted and like put a like lighter to my anus and it was like a this big *** like fire and bigass explosion, omfg i put a beer in my ***. omfg it made my ***** all small omfg imagin like my ****ing ***** was like 2000x smaller then urs, then like put it in a ****ing can and icecream and mix it all ****ing up and be like **** ya then like...............does that taste good??? "uuuhhh yea" hey i like beer
And your like the tit of the *****'s the cream of the crop. WHAT? are u trying to seduece me? are u like my hari super glued to the wall......have u ever super glued any of ur body parts to any one else body parts.......
You know i have a jamacin headband? Idk looks like a dragon to me...
OK ***** this is wutch ur going to have to do, open the bible 355, paragraph 3 read that ****....its says i have a readin that ****?
I have a lamp.....and a cd
Tell fear to engage "already did"
Dude theres like this bigass condom on my light bulb......its like stuff and when i say lightbulb i mean *****, but really i mean lightbulb.......HEY STFU! are u on birthcontrol?
Dude i just looked out my window, and there was a big *** dinosaur i named him crieg, i let him lick me.....
Listen robbie i am a pimp.....a pimp.....wut?? dude talk to nate im making a fool out of myself.........HELL YEA?
hheheh HE called me a queer then he said he loved me.....
Dude i dont remember but like ima tell him again.....jt, naked girl jt was like AHHHHH! he cant look at the boobs anymore......
Bety takes like the ****est hugest **** ive ever seen in my ****.......
there sitting play ff11 and i was like ****ing ******s, ******s drinkin water....and i was eating pizza...ok well coach was tlaking to you and his balls were hanging out of his boxers......
There like so ****ing fat and know wut im talking bout dude? HEHE
Dude robbie i want to sex u up......
dude know wut i relized....white people say like alot....get my ****ing drift...u know wtf scope is.....its pretty ****ing wierd...idk wtf is going on...
dude..........did u just call me a *****!!!
ANd i was like AWWWWWHHHHH! humping a door......theres some scope mouth wash so i drank it and was like AWWWWHHHHH!
DUde u know bob??? well bobs a vibrator, wtf would i do if i had the skills of bob jessus wut would i use my ***** for if i had a bob.
Im there like sitting and dude his like AAHHH and im like OOOUUHHHH dude my pinkies in ur ***......dude no its not....dude u cant feel it, well maybe ina dew days.......
DUde give me that ****ing thing right there...SHHHHHAAAAAY HAHAHAHHAHAH!
dude have u ever seen a rock nacked........its ****ing wierd....