I support this character, I was toying with the idea, myself:
I know it's kind of late in the cycle to be suggesting characters, but I've been thinking with the advent of the 'unnamed' Pokemon Trainer, there could be a Similar "Fire Emblem Tactician". Much like the Trainer, it would be a rotation of 3 Fire Emblem classes: I'm not completely sure yet which, but I'm leaning toward an axe user, a magic user, and a lance user(I'm avoiding sword users because they're are so many already), and for a final smash, they'd go to they're "upgraded" status. This would be a boon to characters that aren't 'good enough on their own' and let us see some of our faves not being assist trophies, heh
I'm no expert on move sets, but here goes:
(Forward B or B): Standard fire emblem attack animation, can be charged, has a chance to "crit" for longer distance, improved power, and animation(5% uncharged, 10% charged?)
(Forward B or B): switch weapon or magic, this sounds kind of ambitious, but weapon/magic choice is critical in Fire Emblem, and if we can't have completely 'seperate weapons/magic' we could probably end up with one of the more unique weapons/magic this way:
Javelins(range toss), Light sword(ranged sword), Battle axe(unblockable blow), Bolting(Far reaching Lightning magic), etc.
the only thing I can come up with for a recovery(Up+b) is:
Teleport(kinda bland)
or Wyvern/pegasus assist(They swoop down with weapons out, dropping you off at the end of the attack, giving you a slight boost vertically and horizontally)
Down B is switch, bland but necessary
well, let me know what you think and don't flame(too) hard!