Smash Rookie

Final Resurrection is back and bringing the awesome ness with it! The tournament will be on stream again on the final resurrection twitch channel, and this time, video of the matches will be uploaded to Youtube after the tournament.
The rules are the same as usual, and they can be found here.
The Twitch channel is called FinalResurrection. Also, there is a final resurrection twitter and youtube account, so do be sure to follow and subscribe to us!
YouTube: Look it up. The URL is ugly
Winners, losers, and grand finals are guaranteed stream matches, and the top 8 will be best out of five. The location is the same as last time, which was the Giddens Room of the Fairhope Public Library. Also, if you have registered for the tournament and want to be featured on twitter or one of our emails, be sure to send an email to with some information on why you will win Final Resurrection II !
Due to remodeling in the library, food and drinks will be limited to bottled water inside of the Giddens room. We will have a half hour lunch break before top 8, so bring a sealed snack to eat outside for then. We do not want to mess up the library's new carpet! Prizes for first through fourth will be given, and there is no venue fee.
A photo release form will be a part of the registration, but here it is again in case someone wants a physical copy.
We could use help with set up, hardware, and reaching out to players out of the area, so if anyone would like to help in any way, please send an email to
Be sure to send an email or PM to be added to the tournament email list.
An update will come later with the registration link. Hope everyone will join us for an epic FINAL RESURRECTION!
P.S. There is a hidden smash related pun in this post.The first person that finds it and emails with a correct (or creative) answer, they will receive a door prize on tournament day!