So excited...
EDIT: Okay, I erased all the Penelo info to give you guys this:
The above is a lengthy video showing various places in the game, and the new active battle and Gambit system. I noticed several new features:
Arches Connecting a Character With Their Target
Rather than only having an arrow or circle around a character's target, which it does anyway, the game features an arch of light that connects you and your enemy, either just to show your target, or, it could signify the path of a long range weapon, such as an arrow, and could be used to possibly get a clear shot. Also, a small symbol of a sword travels slowly along it, either blue or red, depending if you or the enemy is attacking. I don't know if the symbol changes if you use an attack or magic, but I do know that when it reaches the other side you do the attack, so it's kinda like a time measurement. Maybe your speed stat will affect how fast it travels the arc.
General Battle
I knew that the battle system was free, but I didn't expect anything like this. The camera is completely movable and zoomable, everything pauses when you're in the menu to select your next attack, it's just so great.
Also, when you select an enemy, it has a Range bar, with WPN and MAG. Where I paused it, both said OK, but I'm guessing that each waepon or magic ability has a max range.
1. The new interface is translucent, so you can see the paused gameplay behind it.
2. Both your current HP/MP
and total HP/MP are shown, and there's some sort of bar under each character's name, probably a time bar.
3. Left of your character's name shows the selected action, such as Hi-Potion or Attacking.
4. Vaan uses a spear to attack.
5. Axes are in this game.
6. The interface looks very different, and includes:
- Switch [change your party members]
- Status [check your strength, exp, defense, etc.]
- Equipiment [equip weapons and armor]
- Map [overview of world map]
- Battle Log [no idea...]
- Quests [list of/info on quests completed]
- Handbook [help witht he battle system, Gambits, etc.]
- Config [audio options, video options, subtitles, etc.]
- Load Data [load a saved game, most likely]
- To Title [equivalent of Quit, I'm guessing]
Then, to the side of that menu it has:
- Large numbers, most likely their combat level, by the thumbnailed portrait of each character, and their name below the number.
- Current HP/Max HP
- Current MP/Max MP
- Above the HP are some icons, though I can't tell what they are
In the Equpiment Menu it has:
- Weapons
- Ammo [hmm, maybe change the type of arrow you shoot, etc.]
- Armor
- Items
- Gambits
7. Small bars with each character's HP hover above their heads
8. For some reason, sometimes black bars appear and cover the status bar and Help, but I have no idea why.
9. The characters move very realistically and their emotions are better portrayed even than FFX. Vaan and Ashe's faces are made of over 1450 polygons each. Hopefully, their mouths will be re-sync with the English release.
EDIT II: New character:
Basch is a Dalmascan knight that joins Ashe and Vaan in the resistance. Looks rougher and more medieval, which is really good for this game.
EDIT III: New Info
Ashe, Vaan, and Basch are tied together by a non-playable character in the storyline named Rex, Vaan's big brother, Ashe's
husband, and Basch's collegue.. In the opening scene of the game, it is shown that Basch kills Rex, as well as the king of Dalmasca, because they have betrayed the Kingdom.
Huge news. Ashe is Vaan's sister-in-law. Maybe the King sold the Kingdom out for his own skin. Maybe Rex is the guy with the white hair that is handed the sword in one of the first CG trailers released. How will Ashe and Vaan stand for Basch. Amazing storyline in the works.
Also, the sky is the symbol of freedom. So, Bathier and Fran are fighting, but Vaan doesn't yet understand why, because he believes that they've already won their freedom with the airship. The focus of the story is how Vaan is going to grow and learn to understand various aspects of Ivalice.
Also, some sad news. The airship fighting was found to be too complex to pull off, and maybe even too graphic-intense, so airship vs. airship battles won't be appearing. However, they play a very important in the game, so expect some battles simular to FFX where you're on the airship fighting flying enemies, or even if enemies invade your airship.
More semi-sad news, the
only music that Square's long-time composer Nobuo Uematsuwill be making is the main theme song, and the rest will be by the composer of FF Tactics and Vagrant Story, which really isn't that bad, and actually kidna refreshing.
So, you can forget about an obvious love story between Ashe and Vaan, because Square has already said that it will be toned down by a lot int his one, and they're in-laws anyway. And this story will be by the same guy as FF Tactics, still believed to have the best storyline of all Square games, so it will be amazing. And no more random battles, woo.
The game is estimated to take someone 100-150 hours right now, but it might be even longer if some great mini-games are added. Phenominal.