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Fei Fong Wong makes contact!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2015
You may have supported or still support Elma, KOS-MOS, Rex, Shulk, but there still one unsung Xeno hero who needs your mutual support. The one who was there at the beginning.
His name is Fei Fong Wong.

Fei Fong Wong is the pony-tailed protagonist of the very first Xeno game, Xenogears.

He and his friends and Gears (the name of the mechs they pilot) like Weltall appears in Figureheads as a playable characters. He is also getting a Bring Arts figure. There will also be Structure Arts Plastic Models releasing in March.

His other mech, the titular and one of the most important vehicles next to the Eldridge in the entire game of Xenogears, Xenogears appears in World of Final Fantasy.
He begins the game as a nescient villager of Lahan Village, unaware of the truth of the world he lives in, as well as very confused by it.

Fei becomes "one who bares fangs at God" (i.e. Deus, not the Wave Existence) and is meant to "stand tall and shake the heavens". He is also called the "slayer of God" by Nikolai Balthasar.

Fei is referred to as the Contact, and ends up being the continuous reincarnations of Abel, the sole survivor of the Eldridge crash who was the first human to make contact with the Wave Existence through the Zohar in T.C. 4767.

Abel's reincarnations.

Abel was reincarnated by the Wave Existence as the nanotechnology scientist Kim Kasim in 6055, the painter Lacan in 9475, and Fei in 9981. Fei would be the final incarnation of Abel; once the Wave Existence was freed, he was freed from the cycle of reincarnation.

Fei realizes that in order for humanity and sentient life to be freed from the machinations of Deus, as well as Elly and himself from the cycle of reincarnation, he must embrace his duty as the Contact, defeat Deus, and free the Wave Existence.

In the beginning of the game in Lahan, Fei seems to be an ordinary young man who cannot recall his past. Having no memory of his life before his arrival at Lahan, he is also naive, nescient, and unaware of the world he lives in.

Fei enjoys teaching martial arts to the children and is adored by the villagers. His hobby is painting, an ability he seems to have inherited from a master artist. Most of his paintings seem to be abstract or of nature. It is noted in Perfect Works that Fei loves animals.

One notable aspect of Fei is that he has a strong sense of justice. While at first he attempts to avoid violence, afraid of his powers destroying those he cares for, it's ultimately his growing bonds with others that draws him back, putting his life on the line in battle.

He befriends other characters that would become party members such as Elehayym "Elly" Van Houten, Bartholomew "Bart" Fatima, Billy Lee Black, Ricardo "Rico" Banderas, Emeralda Kasim, Maria Balthasar, and Chu-Chu.

Talking about the game's story and Fei will take a while. Perfect Works which can be viewed here covers a lot of things so it'll take a few hours to take it all in.

First gameplay:
Fei is a balanced fighter with his specialty being martial arts, although his ETH-DEF and ATP are low. Fei has the most powerful combos in the game and decent ATP-up and DFP-up "Chi" spells, along with a few offensive spells.

Fei's bare fist fighting style is based on Bajiquan, where he can utilize powerful punches, elbowing, and some kicks, such as a Double Foot Stomp move and a slow version of somersault kick when using his deathblows. He can use a headbutt to his opponent when using both Ryujin and Koho.

Fei has the most elemental deathblows to his arsenal and can be seen using multiple guided shots as wind damage, a single punch to ground to make a earth damage, drill kicks that are embedded with fire after charging himself with flames, punching blows creating ice as the final blow comes with deadly ice damage, kicking moves that contain light damage to make a deadly heel explosion, and lastly, his final deathblow, Yamikei, which is his most powerful and damaging move. When performing Yamikei, Fei switches his fighting style to that of a Zui Quan-style drunken stance, where he summons dark spirits to surround his opponents to make a massive heavy damage.

In Gear battles, Fei's Gear Weltall (and later on, his Omnigear Weltall-2), similarly fights unarmed using punches and kicks to damage to his opponent. He gains System Id from his Omnigear, which puts him into System Id mode to take three of his powerful abilities in every turn until this mode wears off. The first move is to make a deadly wave of multiple punches and kicks, while the second move goes for a round of multiple kicks, knocking his opponent with a heel drop, and lastly the Kishin, in which Weltall charges to hit his opponent with five powerful blows.

Near the end of the game, after Fei and Id merge into one personality, Xenogears-Id becomes Xenogears. Most of Fei's final gear's moves are used in two or three blows to inflict deadly damage to his opponent. Xenogears's unlimited moves are permanently based on System Id and two of its moves can do two or three powerful blows. This gear's final ability is to charge itself to make multiple punches on its opponent, then to create an aura ball on its hand to make a devastating blow on its downed opponent.

His fighting style is a mixture between Bajiquan, Jeet Kune Do and Chinese Kempo. In his Yamikei deathblow move, his fighting style changes to Zui Quan when using this ability.

His deathblows in Xenogears are
  • Raijin: - 4 AP
  • Senretsu: - 5 AP
  • Hagan: - 5 AP
  • Hoten: - 6 AP
  • Tenbu: - 6 AP
  • Ryujin: - 6 AP
  • Koho: - 6 AP
  • Fukei: - Wind Elemental, 7 AP
  • Chikei: - Earth Elemental, 7 AP
  • Kakei: - Fire Elemental, 7 AP
  • Suikei: - Water Elemental, 7 AP
  • Kokei: - Light Elemental, 7 AP
  • Yamikei: - Darkness Elemental, 7 AP
A: punch,punch highkick

Forward Smash: Spirit would come out and hit open palm style, followed by him hitting with a highkick, causes knockback

Down Smash: Does the splits and hits two people at once open palm style

Up Smash: Spinning uppercut [Jump A also will do a jump uppercut]

Grab:hands, punches and throws

Neutral B: guided shot (like robs)

Side B: Dash Kick (shows a trail of him moving)

Up B: spin jump (kind of like Samus)

Down B: Counter Force, counters move with two punches and a knockback

Final Smash: "Id" Fei Fong Wong jumps in the air and yells then a red glow comes from him and he turns into Id. Like Wario Man he is invincible for a short time, difference is that all his attacks are equal to C-stick smash power and he can move as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog for at least five seconds, after that he jumps into the air and 3 beams shoot out in 3 random directions. Afterwards he returns to normal and is in a daze ( like with the deku seed or Ganondorf's final smash) for one second.

Fei would be the same as how he is portrayed in Xenogears, a kung fu fighter who wields great power as demonstrated in Id, as the true nature of the Contact. He would accompany the aforementioned Xeno Heroes should they appear.

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Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
I mean didn't Sakurai state they had to have appeared on a Nintendo console so Fei can't happen? Screw it Xenogears is awesome I support 100%.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
United States of America
I support Fei as well.

I mean didn't Sakurai state they had to have appeared on a Nintendo console so Fei can't happen? Screw it Xenogears is awesome I support 100%.
He didn't say it was a requirement. It didn't matter to him anyways when he considered adding Roy and Sonic the Hedgehog in Super Smash Bros Melee and show off "Final Fantasy VII" in Cloud's reveal trailer. Not to mention Sakurai is a third-party himself.
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Smash Rookie
Jul 4, 2018
I support him. Also, Fei's gear is not an omnigear. Weltall, Weltall Id, Weltall II, and Xenogears are special gears, but they are not Omnigears.


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
I'd like to give out my support for Fei too if this thread is still alive. I'm having a blast with Xenogears, and Fei is one of my favorite characters alongside Elly and Citan.

A character with excellent character development, one of the best romantic relationship writing and super cool and badass deathblows, he'd easily be a pick up if he ever drops. Fei Fong Wong is definitely one of the best protagonists I ever witnessed in video gaming.

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
I like Xenogears but it really has nothing to do with Nintendo. It's only been on PlayStation consoles, so Fei really doesn't make sense. There are far better choices out there than him, such as Erdrick and Crono. Heck, KOS-MOS is probably a better choice.

If anything, Fei should be in a PlayStation All-Stars game. Now that would be the perfect game for him.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I like Xenogears but it really has nothing to do with Nintendo. It's only been on PlayStation consoles, so Fei really doesn't make sense. There are far better choices out there than him, such as Erdrick and Crono. Heck, KOS-MOS is probably a better choice.

If anything, Fei should be in a PlayStation All-Stars game. Now that would be the perfect game for him.
"Fei really doesn't make sense."

And yet we have Snake, Cloud, and Joker.

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
"Fei really doesn't make sense."

And yet we have Snake, Cloud, and Joker.
And yet, I don't like their appearances either. But shoot, at least they actually appeared on Nintendo consoles, which can't be said about Fei.
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Stormy Rain

Smash Rookie
Nov 6, 2014
I support Fei. It feels like he's a black sheep among Smash discussion as it's comments like this that gets me:

In my ideal dreamworld, heh... we'd polish off this fighters pass and then a second one would be announced that would just be the "xenoseries fighters pass", lol. Sounds wonderful and unrealistic, huh? Just go full FE with Xenoseries representation. Get Rex/Aegis, Elma, and KOS-MOS in there. And if there's two more slots to play with for a total of five... maybe Fiora and Nia... (tho i think I'd prefer Tora and Nia, lol) Can you imagine? I know it's just a dream really.. a wildly unrealistic one.. but I like to dream. Just like, don't get on my case for making you think about something we'll likely never get please, haha... phew. I could dive even deeper down this delusional rabbit hole.. but I'll leave bringing up stuff like AT-like "core crystal items" again for another day.
Xenogears is up for sale digitally on PS3+Vita, Perfect Works sells out every time they do another print of it, the concert sold out, etc. They also made the aforementioned the superboss of World of Final Fantasy, Fei and his friends show up in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, recently started making figures for Fei, Elly, Weltal, etc. So Fei is still relevant. Tetsuya Takashi still cares about Xenogears. Xenogears wasn't outsold till Xenoblade 2 but it's still ignored in terms of Smash discussion. I don't understand why. Is this how Ninten fans feels?

And yet, I don't like their appearances either. But shoot, at least they actually appeared on Nintendo consoles, which can't be said about Fei.
Sakurai doesn't care about console wars. I doubt Sakurai wanted to add Cloud for showing up in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories or Joker for showing up in Persona Q2 which was only released a week before Joker's reveal or wanted to add Sonic in Melee but could not due to not having enough time.

Sakurai plays Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). I doubt he did it on a Nintendo Wii.
I do this with all characters, but I decided I needed to first immerse myself in the original games and absorb the creator’s intention. Even though Sonic has a lot of games, I decided to base the core of Sonic on the ones I played. Of course I played the older titles, but I also completed the newest installment at the time—Sonic the Hedgehog for the Playstation 3. Naturally, I also played Sonic the Fighters, Shadow the Hedgehog and other supplementary games to the series.


Smash Cadet
Nov 27, 2019
How come there is a Fei support thread and I didn't know? Why is this not listed in the Newcomer Support Directory? I was about to make a thread myself (with the exact same title funnily enough) until I used the search function just to make really sure.

Anyway, of course I support Fei. He's the OG Xeno guy, how could I not?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
United States of America
Xenogears and by extent the Xeno series as a whole turns 23 years today, February 11, 2021. People are posting fanart to celebrate it. Here are some of them:
There was a problem fetching the tweet
There was a problem fetching the tweet
There was a problem fetching the tweet


Smash Rookie
Dec 4, 2014

Looks like you can no longer purchase Xenogears' legally anymore. Square Enix has no choice but to remake the game now.
They did announce the Saga Frontier Remaster, Secret of Mana remake, Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139... so it's a possibility. Also you can still purchase Xenogears legally.
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