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Featuring: The Z Fighters!


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
I'll make this look pretty in a bit. For now here's the general team with general descriptions.

Infernape @ Focus Sash
252 Atk/252 Spd/4 SAtk
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
Close Combat
Stealth Rock
The starter for the team: generally gets me off to a good start, thanks to U-Turn mostly. Otherwise we see a fully-powered Close Combat at our disposal(with the ability to 3HKO Swampert: meaning he has to choose between rocks or killing this[not that it matters honestly]). Azelf dies to this U-Turn+Scarfed Pursuit, so it has to choose between bringing this to 1 HP and no SR, or SR and having this at 87.5% next time to deal random damage. Metagross generally runs away, allowing me to blindly CC or Overheat. Heatran is a free CC. Machamp takes a CC/ Overheat, but on the BP I can switch to something else. Opposing Infernape don't have the power behind CC to beat me. Just Overheat+CC. Aero falls into the same category with Azelf, but I have to use SE or BP over Pursuit. Roserade doesn't usually stay in, but if it does I'll U-turn to my sleep absorber. Uxie is obnoxious, but I can live with wearing it down and dealing with it later. Jirachi could potentiall flinch through me, but not likely.

Lucario @ Life Orb
Inner Focus
252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
Close Combat
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
I really don't need to explain this but I guess I will. This guy comes in at any time in a match and sweeps at a moments notice. Originally I ran Crunch over Bullet Punch, but as time went on I found that Gengar was more important than Rotom-a. Especially for this time. Without the need to outspeed Rotom-a I'm running Adamant and I haven't regretted this decision since.

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
68 HP/56 Atk/252 Def/132 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
Seed Bomb
Leech Seed
This is the physical pivot for the team: the EV spread is still in-the-works, but that's why I posted a RMT. The Adamant nature puts Breloom at a point where 252 HP/ 40 Defense Jolly Gliscor can't stall me by continuously Roosting: meaning he has to run Aerial Ace to beat me. Max Defense is used to maximize physical attack taking capabilities, while the 132 Speed puts it at 209 Speed to beat things like no speed Suicune or Cresselia. Thunderpunch may seem strange but with the amount of Taunt Gyarados I'm seeing it truly has been a life-saver. Randomly paralyzing **** by accident like Heatran is also a sight to behold. ^^

Machamp @ Lum Berry
No Guard
248 HP/252 Atk/8 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
Stone Edge
Bullet Punch
This is a very stand-alone pokemon that comes in randomly and tears **** up. As most of you know by versing this as a lead, it doesn't often get OHKOed, meaning it can potentiall hax its way through teams. Gliscor hasn't been a problem with my Breloom here, so I've been trying BP as the last move. Any suggestions are welcome(don't say substitute unless you have some AMAZING spread I haven't heard of.)

Poliwrath @ Leftovers
Water Absorb
252 HP/4 Def/252 SDef
Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
Sleep Talk
Bulk Up
This might seem odd, but it has really been working as my primary Heatran check. It also does a good job at cleaning up teams after the rest of my team has done its general work. The set rounds out perfectly like CroCune(except I beat it since I have water absorb[unless it gets smart and PP stalls me, then I'm ****ed]).

Heracross @ Choice Scarf
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
Close Combat
Stone Edge
General revenge-killer. I haven't seen people use this since early DP and I'm incredibly surprised at how effective it is still. I don't have to explain the moveset: the amazing thing is how Machamp + this + Lucario completely eliminate stall teams as a threat, since stall has to rely on Rotom-a to stop Machamp, but can only barely come out on top with a defensive spread and WoW. But if this comes into the WoW with this as it trys to finally burn machamp: it's gone. Lucario then EASILY cleans the board with it's only true counter gone(he can potentially CH anything else lol).

Yeah so fighting mono. Has me at a 1414 record, but I need some help getting this higher. Main problems come from random Sub users that can set up on Breloom(Gengar, Magnezone), since I seem to use him as a crux often. Obviously Flying/ Psychic types are a pain: at the moment they don't use STAB enough, but if they ever start to I'll be in trouble. Weakest member is oddly enough Machamp: that is, until I realize he takes something crucial from the opposing core. Everyone seems so set I don't see how I can make this much better. Which is why I bring this to you guys: please help. =3


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
I will agree that your team looks solid bar Poliwrath. You could try Substitute / Focus Punch, that's basically the only other viable Poliwrath set. If you want a status absorber that can take Sleep and Paralysis, Rest Talk Hariyama can spread paralysis or phaze. Primape's Vital Spirit is nifty, but he's basically outclassed by Heracross and Machamp. So basically, Poliwrath is pretty good, there's not much you can improve.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i have to agree with wave, there really isn't much you can do to make this team better without venturing out of your mono-fighting concept

and like wave said, you could give subpunch poliwrath a go and see how that works but really outside of that, you have a solid team


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Oh yeah, forgot to mention before.

Thunderpunch on Breloom is really weird.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
yea...why aren't you using focus punch, you already have spore which can and will force a switch

it already does a **** load to gyarados EVEN with -1 (it does like 60% to gyarados, almost acheiving the OHKO with SR in play), you may also want to run sub over leech seed

lastly, your team lacks a special sweeper, which is also a problem, you could always make lucario into a special variant of some sort since your team already gives blissey a new *******, a special pokemon would be greatly welcomed to your team and since there are only 2 fighting pokemon capable of being special sweepers and 1 of them being your lead, lucario seems like the best bet to cover that spot up, if it doesn't work, you can always go back to SDluke

machamp and heracross are fine as they are

i know it keeps him standard but with sub up, breloom *****


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
alright, 60% is an exaggeration, but it still does like 40% or something to gyarados, which is still quite a bit when factoring in a -1 resisted attack


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
lastly, your team lacks a special sweeper, which is also a problem, you could always make lucario into a special variant of some sort since your team already gives blissey a new *******, a special pokemon would be greatly welcomed to your team and since there are only 2 fighting pokemon capable of being special sweepers and 1 of them being your lead, lucario seems like the best bet to cover that spot up, if it doesn't work, you can always go back to SDluke
Mixed or Specs Lucario could work, I guess, but why would you use it? The only special move worth running is Flamethrower. Lucario doesn't get Flamethrower, so you'd have to take HP Fire, which leaves you walled by Flying-types.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i mean, if it seemed a problem for him, it would be his best shot
if it's not a problem at all, dont' change anything


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
alright, 60% is an exaggeration, but it still does like 40% or something to gyarados, which is still quite a bit when factoring in a -1 resisted attack
38.7% maximum, to a Gyarados with no defensive EVs. A bulky Gyarados will take 30.7% at most, and the relevant one, RestTalk with Roar, will eat a whopping 22.7% maximum from Focus Punch.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
You really should try out Agililuke over SDLuke. It really helps with the fact that fighting types have such a low Speed Tier.

Also Seed Bomb does quite a bit to Gyarados already, even at -1 and it cant really do anything to you without Ice Fang or Bounce(and if it has bounce you have so many other things to worry about lol) That said there's not alot you can really replace Thunderpunch with(Shallow movepool -_-) but you could at least run something like Stone Edge to hit OTHER flying things. Or maybe something silly like Stun Spore to further cripple your opponents team after a spore and once again help with the low speed problem you have.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Hariyama seems like an interesting choice. I forgot that it had a Ice/ Fire resistance through Thick Fat. It probably has more natural defenses than Poliwrath, and not having the Grass/ Electric weaknesses would be nice. Not sure how the lack of Water immunity will work out, but I'll try it over Poliwrath regardless. Force Palm/ Rest/ Sleep Talk/ Whirlwind.

I might try Sub on Breloom: though if I did it would be over Leech Seed. But before I go there I'll take PR's advice and attempt to use SE over Thunderpunch. The day I miss a Gyarados is going to be sad indeed... T-T

I've tried most other Lucarios, but I need the power behind the physical one to deal enough damage. Though my Choice Specs one with Aura Sphere/ Focus Blast/ Shadow Ball/ Vaccuum Wave was fun. ^^

Speaking of Lucario, I tried Agility and I honestly just need the priority for revenge-killing purposes. SD is more of a win-condition late-game than anything.

Bounce Gyarados will cream my team.... instantly. My only chance would be Scarfed Heracross, and if they run Jolly I can't win anyway. Of course I can run Jolly... but until that happens, Adamant is my man.

Thanks for all the quick responses! I'll try some of these and come back to ya'll.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
I have Rest Talk Poliwrath. And yes it does work very well.

Testing ParaDancing Gallade, because I feel that the paralysis would be nice. Also testing RestTalk Hariyama over RestTalk Poliwrath: dual paralysis isn't cutting it, though.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
I can't believe I suggested something that was already on the team, I must be out of touch or something.

I should give this a more serious rate later when I'm feeling better.
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