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Falco's main kill moves, Char %s


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
I was playing my friend MK today and I remembered that Falco's Usmash kills MK at 110% undiminished on most stages so I would do my best to stop using Usmash to punish when he got to about 70% so that it would be fresh for the kill. I felt this knowledge gave me a giant advantage in the matchup, So I propose making a list of what Chars get killed at what %s by each of Falco's kill moves. If anybody else wants to set up a thread for this that would be great, but if not I'll just fix this one up when i have time, probably on tuesday and I likely won't be able to do any testing until Friday, so if anybody wants to get a jumpstart on this that would be awesome.

I think we should judge at logical positions ie Usmash on the ground of FD not the top platform of BF, Fsmash center of FD (hit with the strong part), Bair when standing a little away from the edge on FD, etc. Just places where the moves are mostly(ish) used.

EDIT- and of course it should go without saying that you need to take DI into account meaning your testing partner needs to be human.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 29, 2008
Im amazed this hasn't already been done. I'd do it for sure, but I don't have anyone to do it with, so lvl 9s would be my best possibility. If you think that isn't too inaccurate ill start now :S


Smash Journeyman
Mar 29, 2008
I thought I saw some info around the boards. Well as Blad01 used lvl 9 cpus Im going to start now.
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