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Falco's lazer lock infinite on Diddy!


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
the set ups are incredibly rare if there are any reliable ones at all

i can only see the single naner lock getting popular if it wasnt so frame dependent and difficult to pull off on a human opponent
I've used it quite a few times to punish laggy attacks in friendlies, but in match I don't feel like I should even attempt it, as I'm not 100% with it yet. The day will come soon though, when short characters will fear for their lives at the hands of the amazing single naner lock ended with a spike :D


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
Okay, can someone explain how the Falco's are doing the infinite?
I've been going off the assumption that they were just doing a boosted pivot grab, but apparently they're canceling their lasers?
Also, what's stopping them from doing this when they are not on a platform? From the video it seemed like they don't need the platform?


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Okay, can someone explain how the Falco's are doing the infinite?
I've been going off the assumption that they were just doing a boosted pivot grab, but apparently they're canceling their lasers?
Also, what's stopping them from doing this when they are not on a platform? From the video it seemed like they don't need the platform?
The BPG CG on the platform is just a way to set the infinite up because for some unknown reason the character gets stage smacked or 'splat' by what the Falco boards are calling it. This sets the character up for a laser lock, but they can't do the laser lock for long if they stay on the platform which is why they have to drop through the platform firing a laser and then start SH double lasering them so they're still laser locked. By following the opponents knockback and DI they can keep the infinite going because the SH double laser has 0 landing lag and they can immediately run across to the other side of you from under the platform and keep the laser lock going


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I don't think I've ever actually landed on a platform with Diddy. Usually I just grab my bananas. You'll never pull that off on me lol


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
You can SDI the laser's to go farther left or right. So yes, this does not work if you do that because Falco will try to turn around and laser to keep you in place and he will miss.

Also, if they force you to "skid" on the platform, I would assume you can tech it? If not, Diddy should be able to DI it to where he flies off the platform.

This is kinda like Peach's Bair lock on Wario. They both take forever, they both are escapable, and they both involve specific conditions to be met to do it.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
I'm almost 100% consistent with the single banana lock if I'm going to the left. For whatever reason, I suck at doing it to the right.

More than anything I'm looking at what happens when I throw a banana from above and try to set up for it. I play Wi-Fi a lot, which screws up timing, so I've only been really able to test that. More often than not since it's hard to set up, you aren't going to get the actual lock, so I'm looking to see what I can do out of a sheilded banana when I'm above, or a spotdodge or roll or whatever, and what characters have the utilts or usmashes or whatever that are good enough to punish those straight on aerial approaches.
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