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Falcon Pikmin FTW!!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2005
But srsly, I have a few videos up and I am going to be adding more and more. Take a look at my picture on youtube though...I drew that tonight.....



Crit would be nice. I might not have a lot of new ones up this week (am in a play) but when I have more free time I will be uploading tons of vids. Thanks.


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia

Nice video (glad you won :D). A few suggestions:
Maybe get a little bit of height before tossing Pikmin?

Maybe use D-Smashes a bit more?: It's a great move after rolling behind the enemy (or you can roll the dice by trying to grab. I did see you use it more often around the last minute of the match, and the match fared better for you, eh? :D)

U-Smash? You used it quite a lot, which is good, but why not abuse it a bit more? After all, this is Olimar's coup de grace (His knockout move)

Shield+Grab? Great move when your opponent is dash attacking you. Similiar to comments above: Olimar's grab is one of the best in the game (If not the best). Personally I like D-Throw (follow up with F-Air) because you can follow it up well. U-Throw KOs at 150%, but B-Throws are the bestm especially with Blue Pikmin. Try to use that a bit more, and you'll be fine.

(P.S. I saw a Corneria match between you and Kirby. What luck! I believe this is Olimar's best stage! Camp at the Dorsal Fin (the hill) and you are virtually impregnable! Toss Pikmin while opponent is approaching and when he comes close, grab and throw him away. Remember, you can also Pikmin Chain to the tip of the Dorsal Fin if you are in trouble).

Keep up the good work, my Falcon Pikmin friend!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2005
Ooo good advice about the Fin. Thanks a lot I will keep all of this in mind. I was mainly playing a defensive game with the Kirby, he was really good but I decided that if I stopped flat out going after him I would fair much better, which is the complete opposite of what I did for the Wario matches. I try to keep my game changing fluidly from offensive to defensive, I have since I played Melee. There are quite a few purely offensive Olimars and I don't understand how they do it.

Thanks again for the advice.


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
Ooo good advice about the Fin. Thanks a lot I will keep all of this in mind. I was mainly playing a defensive game with the Kirby, he was really good but I decided that if I stopped flat out going after him I would fair much better, which is the complete opposite of what I did for the Wario matches. I try to keep my game changing fluidly from offensive to defensive, I have since I played Melee. There are quite a few purely offensive Olimars and I don't understand how they do it.

Thanks again for the advice.
My absolute pleasure.
Unfortunately I won't get Brawl till around December, and to make matters worse schoolwork and assignments have taken a heavy toll, reducing nearly all my free time to naught.

I may not be the best Olimar player, but I do know my stuff :D

Glad to help out again.
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