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Falcon Kick Guide


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
Alright, I wanted to a info section on one of my Favorite damage dealing moves with Falcon, his Falcon Kick!
I'll try to get the most reliable data I can about this move, from all the different ways of using it and even a small guide to get your opponent with it, now lets see what comes out of this.

Falcon Kick:
The main description of Brawl Falcon's Falcon Kick attack is that it is performed basically by pressing B-Down, either in the air, or on the ground. It sends Falcon flying across a lot of ground, and has many different properties depending how it is used. The way I'll cut this down is to have the different lengths of damage/effectiveness and when I hit the opponent, though I will not provide KO information until later (is handy in Sudden Death, but I don't recommend missing, oops). It has a great chance of going past most projectiles, I will have a section up on that after I get enough combos and basic usage of the move.
The Falcon Kick unfortunately has a sort of ending lag, having most important following moves after it either be fast or some sort of retreat until the enemy has enough damage to be thrown far enough that the lag doesn't matter. Some usage of the move however does not have this problem.

Ground to Ground Falcon Kick:
Falcon Kick on the ground against the Ground basic guide, as follows.
Long Range:
At the longest range possible, with a slight forward knockback we have a 7% damage everytime. The knockback increases slightly each time, hard to combo and is punishable if they see it coming, which most will, or you use it when they have little damage on them, because knock back is terribly low at first.
Medium Range:
This attack does 11% damage, and is in front of the 7% attack frame. This is a very useful range for a hop combo once you get that damage in the opponent as they are sent straight up without directional influence to help them (helps for short hopping an aerial aimed toward them). To compensate for that try and follow them and hit them with a combination of Uair and if you can make it work, Dair, as it Kos better than Uair (in both directions unless they hit a platform) and spikes. This slowly builds up so try comboing it after at least 65% on some of the heavier characters.
Close Range:
This will do the most out of all Falcon Kick ground attacks at any range, 13% damage, and has a knockback able to throw an opponent behind the attack. This requires a close enough proximity and an enemy with low enough damage (some effects change as damage gets higher), so I'd bet my money I'd use it with a roll if I could. Later on this attack loses its chance of knocking the opponent behind the attack, but still can rack up damage and sends them further than long range attack forward. Follow up with a dash move, grabbing, short hopped aerial, or dash attack.

Overall his ground attacks do damage and have basic knock back, but some qualities of moves change when the enemy is in the air landing or beginning a jump:
Long Range Loses some of its knockback.
Medium Range has slightly less affect.
Close range actually has more chance of knocking the opponent backwards longer.

Falcon Kick On Air:
Simply listing the different affects at the different ranges in the air. All of them have a landing lag, either you wish to take it early on. You should have at least a better idea of the knockback that it supplies when the enemy has more damage. Know the chance to give them more damage than they can give you.
Higher Range:
Higher Range Falcon Kicks in the air are usually a good jump and most of a second jump over the opponent, and is the entire Falcon Kick in the air, for easy clarification. Damage hit from the front is 13%, 7% or 11%, varies. It can reach 14% using the hit box in the back of a character, and at some damage levels will just give out 7%. 13% and 11% are good aimed for the middle with fair knockback. There is a spot in the back later on that doesn't even touch the opponent that happens on landing, which can do 9% damage, and knockback here sends them straight up.
At low damages in the back of the opponent it can hit the opponent twice, reaching up to 22%. The reason that this happens is because the Falcon Kick will hit their head, and throw the opponent into the landing frame hitting them again. Ivysaur and DDD are imune to Double hits period because of how their bodies are tossed, nowhere near the landing frame.
Medium Range:
This has the general information of the Higher Range air Falcon Kick, but can have a sweet 22% or 24%, double that is harder to miss with some characters, and more chance of having 9% damage with knockback, and most of the higher 13% to 15% damage as well. Medium Range is so far the only range capable of giving out 24% damage because of the double. It is performed with a simple jump, following the dB (down B) motions. (Reg Samus cannot be hit by the double at Medium Range, while Ganondorf be doubled at Medium range but its very rare)
Low Range:
A simple short hop or jumping and immediately hitting dB. At the right height, will do 15% or 14% damage easily, and has incredible knockback and used right can get an opponent off the stage for use of Falcon's Aerials approaching the 93% damage level on a fairly sized stage like FD. You can use it to send an opponent flying straight up with 9% or 10% damage if you dont' make contact with the opponent. Note that taller characters receive Low Range damage easier because of how close they can be to the Falcon Kick.

While an opponent is jumping depending how far your Falcon Kick falls in the air will determine its damage, having similar affects to all of the attacks in the air. Hitting them right in front of the attack gives them most likely 15%, farther down it varies. You can use a full Falcon Kick in the Air going off the stage, but I warn you,have enough jump to get back up

These different ranges will be referenced for combo information, using the gist of their names. AL kick, Air Low kick, CR kick, Close Range kick, and so forth.

Platform Jumped Falcon Kick:
When jumping from a Platform the kick goes through a different cycle when you have enough height. The full kick goes through, and if there is ground right under the end of the kick Falcon immedietely lands on it like he would if the animation worked correctly. This does 9% damage only, no mater how you do it, and has a good knock back. I don't reccoment this because of how long it takes to use.

Basic Use:
1. Roll behind, or away so that you are still facing the opponent, and Falcon Kick! This works best rolling behind, perfect for hitting the opponent a couple of times and then retreating with a roll and using the kick
2. Jump over them and intentionally Falcon Kick the area behind them either touching or not to send them flying, may result in double hit, works great with a AM (air medium) Falcon Kick so they don't roll away too soon, or sometimes go for the AL kick so they don't get too familiar
3. In the air try and surprise them by getting them hit by a Falcon Kick, sends them away at high precentages easily but try to make it after or during the enemies aerials so they can't dodge, but watch out for Uair that outprioritizes it
4. If the Opponent lands near you use the AL (air low) Falcon Kick, this has a high chance of hitting a landing opponent
5. Submitted by Ayaz18: Use to edgeguard opponents coming back on the stage, even if they use a third jump they can be easily punished, recommended at a height, don't use it too quickly and get up in the air with your jump(s)
6. Good use of this move is to run up to a landing opponent and use Falcon Kick, make sure you have enough room to get you out of range if it fails, like going off stage or hitting them at least mid range with the attack
7. Jumping from the ledge (where you grab the edge and then jump) back onto the stage against a close opponent
8. Moving around the stage against a player with invicibility frames, don't try to leave yourself open, try to use it to get of the stage then grab the ledge
9. Attack an enemy that has to turn to attack, the chance of them dodging when they aren't able to attack are slim, and the opponent can only get away by jumping or running away(I've not seen a lot of opponents go at me by jumping backwards for a Backward aerial lately), can hit from long distances easily
1. Dtilt and follow up with a Falcon Kick, works great, I haven't seen them spot or air dodge it (not recommended at high precentages) but it can be defended by a shield, watch out for that
2. Submitted by Ayaz18: Use a forward grab attack/down throw and follow up with a Falcon Kick, or Raptor Boost, Falcon kick can work this at high damage precentages even if you throw them off the stage, beautiful combo! Note that some people will fall faster than others, making this harder to use with, and the down throw is useful for hitting them with Falcon Kick upon landing when the damage gets higher.
3. After hitting an opponent with the Falcon Kick try either going for a forward tilt attack, or a shield grab if they are close enough because the opponent may try to hit you as soon as they recover trying to take advantage of the Falcon Kick's lag, or try hitting them first with forward tilt and then Falcon Kick, will work for some time
4. Fast fall Nair then use Falcon Kick to follow it up

Other Information:
Projectiles and other Specials:
This is a small information stockpile of specials and projectiles the Falcon Kick will go through, or be stopped by. Guide is marked by letters- P is for Pierce, and S is for Stopped and not damaged, other information will be added after the letters.
Mario: Neutral B: S

I will continue this section when I can get someone to help me with moves that I cannot perform on my own
I will continue this guide to the best of my abilites and update it on the internet directly. Good Feedback will be appreciated.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
in my experience I use Falcon kick for edge guarding if the opponent crosses my horizontal axis, and if it connects it's usually death (unless their name is Meta Knight). For combo's involving the Falcon kick Fgrab->Falcon kick is pure sex and is a combo (Raptor boost works better at lower %'s because of it's combo-ability) and falcon kick if used in air can sweetspot giving a massive 22 %!! but it's pretty risky. Somthing I like to do (just for the hell of being sexy) is to falcon kick in air on a opponent who's staying on a ledge, it usually stagespikes about 90% of the time for some reason and is survivable. for Practical use I think a lot of players forget about the amount of mobility this move has to offer, I like to use it like Snakes mortar slide because of it's quick range, but it can be shieldgrabbed


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
Rename the title, since it suggests that Falcon Kick is an approach, which is not true.
I don't understand how 13% is the most damage out of ground attacks, as Smashes and Falcon Punch easily do more.
And for the aerial version I've never had it hit twice, it just happens to have a hitbox when you land on the ground, which will land if the initial hit doesn't knock them away from it.
Your whole paragraph for the close range one doesn't make sense to me.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
Rename the title, since it suggests that Falcon Kick is an approach, which is not true.
I don't understand how 13% is the most damage out of ground attacks, as Smashes and Falcon Punch easily do more.
And for the aerial version I've never had it hit twice, it just happens to have a hitbox when you land on the ground, which will land if the initial hit doesn't knock them away from it.
Your whole paragraph for the close range one doesn't make sense to me.
I'll have to touch it up as it goes along, I'll change that part with the most damage, but its the most I've found that the Falcon kick does on the ground

The aerial has the ability to hit twice but its not very likely, and works against most characters as long as you hit them early on in their back, as if they were facing you (seems to do more damage on larger characters with the double hit, and I think the double hit happens because you hit them on the top of an enemy and they fall into the landing frame)
Renamed the Title too, thanks for your support gentlemen, I need to get a little further in it and I'll add Ayaz's combo information


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
this is probably Falcon's most important move, and people don't contibute to this useful thread, and rather spend their posts on how epic Falcon is compared to chuck norris



Smash Rookie
Jun 30, 2008
this is probably Falcon's most important move, and people don't contibute to this useful thread, and rather spend their posts on how epic Falcon is compared to chuck norris

FINALLY, someone says it. If I wanted to be reminded of Falcon's manliness, I'd go to YouTube and fire up the Falcon Punch video.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
this is probably Falcon's most important move, and people don't contibute to this useful thread, and rather spend their posts on how epic Falcon is compared to chuck norris

Falcon's most important move is.... Falcon Kick? I would think Jab, DSmash, UAir, Knee, or even Falcon Punch are more important. Falcon Kick sets the opponent up too often even when it hits, so I hardly use it. I havn't read the air stuff yet though so maybe I'll learn something.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
Falcon's most important move is.... Falcon Kick? I would think Jab, DSmash, UAir, Knee, or even Falcon Punch are more important. Falcon Kick sets the opponent up too often even when it hits, so I hardly use it. I havn't read the air stuff yet though so maybe I'll learn something.
Agreed. Falcon Kick isn't his most important move. Uair, U-tilt, etc.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
For me, I use Falcon Kick to usually just punish a move, a roll, or an early shield. You can punish an early shield because when someone expects an attack and they shield but you don't attack, they will usually realize right away that they're wasting their shield, at which point they will drop their shield to attack, spot dodge, or roll. Only like 1/10 of the time people hold their shield a bit longer and actually block the Falcon Kick.

epic of DE

Smash Journeyman
Feb 27, 2008
Newark, DE (only a mile from University of Delawar
The Falcon kick while isn't the best in terms of a grand finisher or efficient damage dealer it does offer a much needed mind game for falcon.

I'm a heavy N-air user with falcon as I both do the complete N-air or the short hop first part of the N-air (is there an actual term for that?) While the second usage doesn't have much hitstun (laughs) it tends to work against most opponents as it can "pop" them off the ground barely so they don't get to either air dodge or powershield in time to punish you for it. I like to "pop" em and then either go for a grab (that they normally expected) or point blank falcon kick them which offers some good damage as well as helps lessen the damage reduction of constantly using the U-air.

It might not be very efficient in comparison to other people's tactics but it works out pretty well for me since I actually can fight snakes with rather good results.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
why I say Falcon kick is the most important move for Falcon is because Falcon kick is the only reliable move against the majority of the cast, usually including MK, snake, and G&W who seem to be the most popular tournament characters. The only move that comes close to the Falcon kick is probably Uair, but there's no way to approach with it, thus making it fall short of Falcon kick which can be used on ground and air effectively.

and btw why would te knee be more important that falcon kick? 1/30 times it'll hit


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
So, anyone else contributing to this thread anytime soon?
Falcon Kick is an important move, and knowledge in Brawl is rather important, so getting combinations, approaching, and basic use is very necessary
And any mistakes I make that you find I made or things that I need to clear up better

I'll be doing more experimenting and get the full list of projectile moves that the Falcon Kick will go through, as most regular attacks can either break it or cancel it out...

If anyone wants to help online with the data please don't hesitate to tell me


Fox mains get all the girlz
Jul 13, 2008
falcon kick is one of, if not falcon's best approach
so it is an important move. but it has to be used well.

My (small) contribution to the topic: I sometimes use the airial falcon kick as an off stage interceptor. If you jump (not sh) and then kick them in the face, it's quite a good edgeguard and it can be quite the surprise for your opponent.
after the hit, just use your second jump and (if needed) up+b to get back to the stage :)


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
why I say Falcon kick is the most important move for Falcon is because Falcon kick is the only reliable move against the majority of the cast, usually including MK, snake, and G&W who seem to be the most popular tournament characters. The only move that comes close to the Falcon kick is probably Uair, but there's no way to approach with it, thus making it fall short of Falcon kick which can be used on ground and air effectively.

and btw why would te knee be more important that falcon kick? 1/30 times it'll hit
With good timing the Knee will hit a lot more often than 1/30, it punishes very hard, and opponents fear it's legendary status from Melee, allowing you mindgame them into desparately trying to avoid it and hit them with something else or to cause them to suicide.

UAir approaches just like NAir does, I just personally hardly use it because of the awkwardness of using UAir while falling... my brain just doesn't like the idea I guess.

Why am I not seeing anything about the ridiculous landing lag on aerial Kick?


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
With good timing the Knee will hit a lot more often than 1/30, it punishes very hard, and opponents fear it's legendary status from Melee, allowing you mindgame them into desparately trying to avoid it and hit them with something else or to cause them to suicide.

UAir approaches just like NAir does, I just personally hardly use it because of the awkwardness of using UAir while falling... my brain just doesn't like the idea I guess.

Why am I not seeing anything about the ridiculous landing lag on aerial Kick?
o.k, your point is that the knee's timing if timed correctly can be devestating, i agree but opponents know that falcon's knee is ridiculous, and will avoid it or outprioritize it. Also the knee actually sweetspots in like the first 4 frames (don't actually know but it's somthing close to it) so you need to be very close to your opponent, thus making the knee only a punishing move in opponents landing lag. Uair is totally unapproachable because it has a realistic hitbox like Nair, the only way to approach with it is using it backwards (very useful and unexpected, in fact i believe it has a lock, which i was testing). as for Falcon kicks (in air) landing lag I ask you a question, when pikachu does a Dair against an opponent while the opponent is shielding why does attack still hit the opponent after the attack hits the shield? it's because it causes a "shockwave effect" because as Pikachu lands the electricity goes on the ground in a small area the penatrates shields (like toon links Dair's gust of wind) the same is with Falcon kick if placed correctly, which is why it is safe if used correctly


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
why I say Falcon kick is the most important move for Falcon is because Falcon kick is the only reliable move against the majority of the cast, usually including MK, snake, and G&W who seem to be the most popular tournament characters. The only move that comes close to the Falcon kick is probably Uair, but there's no way to approach with it, thus making it fall short of Falcon kick which can be used on ground and air effectively.

and btw why would te knee be more important that falcon kick? 1/30 times it'll hit
I take it you have awful knee timing. Probably a side effect of your melee Falcon. And Falcon Kick in the air is usually awful, considering it's massive lag. Don't get me wrong, Falcon Kick has its uses, but I don't think it's nearly as good as you say.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
o.k, your point is that the knee's timing if timed correctly can be devestating, i agree but opponents know that falcon's knee is ridiculous, and will avoid it or outprioritize it. Also the knee actually sweetspots in like the first 4 frames (don't actually know but it's somthing close to it) so you need to be very close to your opponent, thus making the knee only a punishing move in opponents landing lag. Uair is totally unapproachable because it has a realistic hitbox like Nair, the only way to approach with it is using it backwards (very useful and unexpected, in fact i believe it has a lock, which i was testing). as for Falcon kicks (in air) landing lag I ask you a question, when pikachu does a Dair against an opponent while the opponent is shielding why does attack still hit the opponent after the attack hits the shield? it's because it causes a "shockwave effect" because as Pikachu lands the electricity goes on the ground in a small area the penatrates shields (like toon links Dair's gust of wind) the same is with Falcon kick if placed correctly, which is why it is safe if used correctly
The problem is: most times when that shockwave hits, it doesn't do enough knockback to allow Falcon to defend the punishment.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
I take it you have awful knee timing. Probably a side effect of your melee Falcon. And Falcon Kick in the air is usually awful, considering it's massive lag. Don't get me wrong, Falcon Kick has its uses, but I don't think it's nearly as good as you say.
Its a great move and we just need all of the information we can get about it, suprisingly its perfect for early doubling to 24% against characters that really hate Falcon... even Falcon!
The knockback on 15% Falcon Kick (just barely hopping) is enough distance to supply yourself that you don't get punished, and its quite brutal almost all the time unless it misses

I think I've been editing for quite a while trying to get in some points about the 'massive' landing lag of airborne Falcon Kicks, soon I'll work on it more, I've been overseeing the effects of doubling on characters and have updated the doubles on both air range lists


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
I take it you have awful knee timing. Probably a side effect of your melee Falcon. And Falcon Kick in the air is usually awful, considering it's massive lag. Don't get me wrong, Falcon Kick has its uses, but I don't think it's nearly as good as you say.
hahaha, I know the timing of the knee and it becomes less important the deeper you go into the competitive scene. If you actually think that the knee is good a good move all im going to do is laugh buddy because trying to hit a knee is destined for fail in a tournament match.

The problem is: most times when that shockwave hits, it doesn't do enough knockback to allow Falcon to defend the punishment.
actually at around 70%+ it does enough knockback for you to retreat or follow up with another attack, and besides your not supposed to use it in air, but it is effective in air is all im trying to point out rather than a knee that doesn't work worth crap............. actually let me rephrase that, the knee works fine it's just that falcon has a terrible short hop and is not a fast faller anymore


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
I know from personal experience that the ground hitbox from aerial Falcon Kick pokes under shields a lot, but rolls render it useless.

The following references are for my Epic Footage 3 video (in the video thread)

Non-sweetspotted Knee is still useful; see #22
Aerial Falcon Kick is extremely punishable and has a very noticable startup sound; see #23


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
I know from personal experience that the ground hitbox from aerial Falcon Kick pokes under shields a lot, but rolls render it useless.

The following references are for my Epic Footage 3 video (in the video thread)

Non-sweetspotted Knee is still useful; see #22
Aerial Falcon Kick is extremely punishable and has a very noticable startup sound; see #23
yeah, but im trying to say that an aerial Falcon kick isn't bad at all, im not saying it's amazing but not crap either, cause if sweetspoted it does mad damage.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
yeah, but im trying to say that an aerial Falcon kick isn't bad at all, im not saying it's amazing but not crap either, cause if sweetspoted it does mad damage.
One thing I will say for it is the startup lag is a good thing if you look like you're going in for a Knee and use it (I used to do this with Bowser, Yoshi and Kirby too a long time ago). When you get just outside of your opponent's USmash (or UTilt, whichever you expect) range, use the Falcon Kick and the startup lag will delay your fall temporarily, allowing you to come in after their USmash/Utilt. This is a bit character-specific though, as certain characters have moves that this will fail on, usually due to hitbox duration. The ground hitbox will poke under their shield most of the time if they do that, and if they spotdodge it will probably be too early because of the startup lag so the ground hitbox will hit if not the whole thing. The one thing that will screw you is rolls, since the landing lag is ridiculous. The only other decent use I've had with aerial Kick is to punish early/missed UAirs. Since nearly if not every UAir outprioritizes it, it should almost never be used to get back down to the stage; fastfall and airdodge instead. It's not totally bad, but most of the times where you think "ooh he's at the perfect angle for aerial Kick" it's a bad idea.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
Not that it does any of you good unless you've tried, I feel well placed playing these moves against actual players more and more often
I feel the guide has a good ring of rules, if you slip you'll fall... and if you don't know which character needs a certain amount of kick... for lag delay, force it into your strategy
I've found some of the combos useful when you get around to it
The low Falcon Kick is still my favorite, gawd I love it, and I have really incorporated it into my strategy

Oh, and I always love to surprise the opponent and get a good double off my higher Falcon Kick, it surprises them...

You guys are having quite the discussion, hope you find that being a little ignorant with the Falcon Kick in air does hurt, but it easily is surpassed using the right combinations, and air dodging, of course I should add in my guide it isn't too practical to use the Falcon Kick to get your feet back on the ground and warn players about the outprioritizing Uairs...
Got to love a good move though, its decent if you can hit them with the close Air Kick in their proximity, good to follow up if one of their moves misses you and it isn't super fast


Smash Apprentice
May 9, 2008
New York
Idk if this is the smartest way to use the kick but I sometimes full hop and aim a falcon kick off the edge at someone recovering at the stage if they have a poor recovery like ikes or the spacies
My justification is that the knee has poor knock back, the stomp is kinda tricky to land all the time which only leaves falcon's b-air to knock opponents back.
The aerial falcon kick has enough knock back to be a mix up to the b-air i usually use to knock people even further from the stage and as long as (in my experience) you don't shorthop by accident you will most likely reach the edge just in time before characters like the spacies can, which usually means you can edge hog them quite easily


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
Yeah, you can do that, but you have to hope they don't airdodge while being high enough so you don't suicide (look up in the skies! wtf is Falcon so high for!) and you most likely won't be able to do it twice, and if you miss you might not get the ledge, but depending how high you are can change how you will recover


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
Idk if this is the smartest way to use the kick but I sometimes full hop and aim a falcon kick off the edge at someone recovering at the stage if they have a poor recovery like ikes or the spacies
My justification is that the knee has poor knock back, the stomp is kinda tricky to land all the time which only leaves falcon's b-air to knock opponents back.
The aerial falcon kick has enough knock back to be a mix up to the b-air i usually use to knock people even further from the stage and as long as (in my experience) you don't shorthop by accident you will most likely reach the edge just in time before characters like the spacies can, which usually means you can edge hog them quite easily
hmmmm, i guess it would work but the spacies have really bad recoveries, i usually stomp them right in their recoveries.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
The Kick puts you low enough that when it misses I've never gotten back up onto the stage, so if it misses it should be an almost guaranteed edgehog for your opponent.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
The Kick puts you low enough that when it misses I've never gotten back up onto the stage, so if it misses it should be an almost guaranteed edgehog for your opponent.
Helps to complete your jumps on stage or be high enough off the stage, you should be able to use your Up B to get back on the stage but it is guaranteed if you do it offstage because you won't be getting the edge if you miss

I'm updating to projectiles and other moves, I need some help with some of them, I can do projectiles by myself but can't do moves that require me to have lightning fast reflexes with two controllers, so if you know how a move goes up against Falcon Kick (like Mario's Cape, Tornado, and his recovery jump (for edgeguarding purposes :) ) I'll be able to continue along with the guide much more smoothly
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