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Falco Spammers


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
Recently I've had a lot of trouble with Falco spammers. Basically they down b on any approaches or side b whenever I get close in order to keep firing that laser. His fsmash with insane priority or other quick smashes finish me off.

I use Kirby and Diddy and have a hard time using either to stop him. Inhaling the laser ability doesn't help d/t reflector. Whenever I have a banana in hand with Diddy he can just keep on spamming that reflector, and I don't believe there are many frames in between each down b to take advantage of. Diddy's sideb approach also gets shut down by the reflector.

Any tips?


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Come at him from above. Smack him a few times from the air and he'll either 1) start jumping with his reflector or 2) stop using it altogether. If he starts jumping with his reflector, get underneath and punish.

I guess it's about getting at him from a level that isn't even with his reflector, but I'll let the more experienced players help you.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2007
Crouch with Kirby and wait for him to approach. He's impossible to hit with lasers. >_> Don't know much about Diddy Kong, so I can't help you there.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
Spamming reflector should never be a problem, just use mindgames
if you have a banana i can think of 2 easy things that wont get you hurt:
1. Jump and throw from a distance since the reflector only works 1 dimensionally for the most part
2. Get just out of reflector range and throw your banana down, punish if he uses reflector

to avoid side B spam:
if they arent good, they wont use the "Jump canceled" phantasm and will have quite a bit of ending lag, just side-step and punish

Laser spam is more difficult to punish if they are doing SHDL and I have no real strategy for you, except that kirby is small and requires well-practiced SHDL to hit so just stay on the ground, walk and crouch consistently perhaps
But if they are just standing and lasering, then get a projectile out, chances are they will stop lasering immediately, and if not then jump and throw it at them over the top of the lasers.
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