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Faclon Waveland. Vid inside.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2008
Omg, nice thats what we need to see, do you remember what you pressed? At least we know it's possible now.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
*Long explanation, then a short one... then a disclaimer...*
Cool business. Judging by the sound, I THINK Falcon autocanceled a uair, and simultaneously landed on that little lip, which is really a tiny slope. Brawl's moveset, for a lot of people, has bits of momentum shifting going on. Kirby uses that to help his recovery (fair, i think) Now, hilldashing (that's what its called, no? side-b into slope for a slide? whatever its called) is based on hitting the ground such that the attack is canceled, but momentum is not. Apparently, ACing aerials lets momentum carry through the landing, while keeping the AC lag(lessness). Ike's Aether does something similar, but since he can't autocancel it, he slides while in lag. But I'm pretty sure that Falcon fastfalled it, and the autocancel kept that momentum, like aether.

I'm guessing that the FF uair ACed on the slope, allowing for Falcon to (probably shouldnt call it this... but) Waveland, which he used to grab MK, and was undeniably awesome. (a little ways into that sentence, i realized just how much smash lingo there is... ff uair ac...)

(There's so many places i could be wrong, so it's probably not a good idea to take this as an explanation yet...)


Smash Champion
Aug 18, 2008
Snowponit City
I put it out here to the Public to get more people messing with it.

I added in the first post what Buttons I was hitting.


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
Long Island, New York
wow i've seen lots of weird stuff in this level. . .

i remember back in april some posted a video of ike doing that; at that exact spot!
i was also playing o nthat level as snake and i slid like that too; again in that very spot.
do u think it might have something to do with that part of the ground? it's a little bit higher than the other side

EDIT:nvm just saw the info on the video and read Roager's post
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