Country: USA
State or Region: Colorado
City: Littleton
Street: W Coalmine Ave
Adress number: 9670
Name of Arcade Center(or building): Fat City
Version of F-Zero AX and how many of them: 1 Deluxe
Price: 85 Cents, I think
Hours of Operation: 7 days/wk, 11am - midnight
Location: Kind of by the NE doors
State or Region: Colorado
City: Littleton
Street: W Coalmine Ave
Adress number: 9670
Name of Arcade Center(or building): Fat City
Version of F-Zero AX and how many of them: 1 Deluxe
Price: 85 Cents, I think
Hours of Operation: 7 days/wk, 11am - midnight
Location: Kind of by the NE doors