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Exactly how bad are the black "Ultimate" controllers for competitive play?

Bowser D.X

Brawl Player
Jul 22, 2010
ATM I only have one of the black, reissue GameCube controllers, that I got with my Switch years ago. I did have a JP white controller but can't remember what happened to it. From what I've heard the "Ultimate" controllers suffer from some issues and I was wondering how big of a drawback these are. I'm not looking to do frame perfect wavedashes level stuff, but I still want to play against humans without being stuck with a sideways wiimote level controller.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
The sticks can drift over time which you would have to open up the controller to fix by cleaning the sticks. The left stick specifically has a snapback issue where letting go of the stick after it's fully extended causes it to every so slightly hit the opposite direction from where it was held. In short, if you were trying dash towards your opponent and jump in, you could end up jumping towards them in the opposite direction, which ofc isn't ideal if you were trying to rush/punish with a forward air or neutral air. You can mod the controller to have the snapback manually removed, but it's a ton of work. I nearly paid about $30 bucks for a controller with a snapback capacitor because of how annoying it was to me. Snapback makes half of Bowser's kill confirms nigh impossible.

But if your current setup is just a sideways Wii-Mote? You can really only go up from there, the Ultimate GC feels great and the snapback is very situational and character dependent. I'd say go for it.

EDIT: Oh, is this for Brawl? In that case it would depend on how Brawl reads deadzones I guess. I don't know much about the game, sorry.
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Bowser D.X

Brawl Player
Jul 22, 2010
Luckily I'm not stuck with a wiimote, was just the best "bad controller" example I could think of. Meant Smash in general, probably Ultimate for now. My main controller I use when I play Ultimate is the wireless pro one, but that's mainly cause I haven't gotten one of those adapters yet. Brawl and Melee I always used cube controller.
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